Recommended to watch/ listen! Interesting questions, (rightfully questioning the existence of the 'Covid 19 virus' where he explains similarities with the exosome particles etc.), research, analysis and findings. (Translated in Dutch)
Andrew Kaufman credentials: https://www.andrewkaufmanmd.com/bio-credentials/
In the beginning of April , this video with Andrew Kaufman was uploaded on Youtube. In this video he questions already the covid-19 virus, the 'spread' by contagion with the 'virus', mentions the Spanish Flu ( 13.00 min) with 50 million deaths; the theory of the causal relation with the changes in the infrastructure of the electric grid at the time; the influences of frequencies, etc.etc. He refers to the book of Arthur Firstenberg: The Invisible Rainbow and much more.
( It seems that there are Youtube videos as well with this title, in several parts)
maandag 31 augustus 2020
woensdag 26 augustus 2020
Space Weather and the Effect on Physical/mental Health and Behavior.
Tonight I just want to share two articles/ some links, in which influences of 'Space weather'' , a.o. cosmic rays, geomagnetic storms, solar flames etc. on the physical and mental health ; behavior of biological ( human) organisms is explained to some extent.
Especially electro hypersensitive persons/organisms can be notable affected by the influences of 'space weather'.
Space Weather: Its Effect on Human Health & Behavior

Schumann Resonance 12-24-2017 – 12-27-2017
New Dawn Magazine January 21, 2017
This article first appeared in New Dawn 146 (Sept-Oct 2014)
Solar energy and cosmic radiation have electrical influences over a multitude of human activities including human health. Mainstream science has begun to accept these effects, and to investigate the topic in a serious way, but the science itself is by no means ‘new’.
At the December 1926 annual meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Russian Professor Alexander Tchijevsky (also spelt Chizhevsky) presented the paper “Physical Factors of the Historical Process.” The paper examined the cyclical variations in the sunspot number of the Solar Cycle in order to create a mass index of human excitability throughout history. He found that revolutions and periods of intense fighting seemed to occur during Solar Maxima – the period of greatest activity in the 11-year solar cycle of the Sun – while cultural flourishing and social cohesion tended to occur during Solar Minima.
It was in this paper that Tchijevsky wrote:
The Sun is an enormous generator of electric energy and emits it in the form of radiation and induction. The Sun is surrounded by an electromagnetic field, the limits of which reach beyond the farthermost planet Neptune, and therefore the Earth with its electromagnetic field is in the Sun’s field of tremendous power.1
Tchijevsky and other observers at this time noticed that during the period of maximum solar activity, all of the Sun’s phenomena would acquire tremendous size and strength, and that, “The Sun ejects streams of anode and cathode rays which ionize the Earth’s atmosphere (Birke, Arrhenius, Nordmann, Paulsen, Villards) and create certain effects.”
Based on previous research, Tchijevsky postulated that:
The influence of the Sun on the human organism results in chemical changes in the pigment of the skin, in the chaining of the heart-beat, in the alterations in the chemical composition of the blood and the latter results in changes in the general condition of the organism and its nervous tonicity (Lenkei, Behring, Hasselback, Nogler, Aimes, Rollier, Revillet, Marques, d’Oelsnitz, Robin, Moleshott, Loeb, I. Newton, Professor Bechtereff, Lombroso).
Given that the varying amount of the Sun’s energy received by the different climatic zones has such a great influence on humanity, Tchijevsky posed the question: do the periodical changes of the Sun’s activity resulting in the amount of the emitted innumerable streams of electrical particles and electromagnetic waves also have an influence upon humanity?
It wasn’t until 1942 that Soviet leader Joseph Stalin became aware of this paper and Tchijevsky’s research. Tchijevsky was subsequently asked to retract his ideas and writings on the influence of Solar Cycles on human behaviour, “which contradicted Soviet theories of the reasons for the Russian revolutions of 1905 and 1917. He refused, was arrested and spent eight years in a forced labour gulag in the Ural mountains.”2
Nonetheless, his ideas were central to the budding field of Space Weather research. In a paper from 2007, “Solar Activity, revolutions and cultural prime in the history of mankind,” Prof. Miroslav Mikulecký’s research is in agreement with Tchijevsky’s hypothesis that “revolutions culminated near to solar maxima while cultural flourishing usually distinctly near to solar minima. This conclusion is based on the level of statistical significance alpha=0.05” (Mikulecký, 2007).3
Space Weather
When we talk about ‘Space Weather’ we’re discussing the conditions on the Sun and in the solar wind, which contains charged plasma that is emanating away from the Solar surface and stretching all the way out past Pluto.
In this space, charged ions are all flowing along electromagnetic currents, tethers that are connecting each planet to the Sun. Known as the Interplanetary Magnetic Field, this dynamo of sphere magnets (planets) revolving around one central, powerful sphere magnet (the Sun) makes up the protective shell of our Solar System known as the Heliosphere.
The Earth has its own protective interface from the various effects of Space Weather, called the Magnetosphere. According to the European Space Agency, there are concerns the “force that protects our planet is weakening and may even be on the verge of reversing polarity. Over the last 150 years, the magnetic field has lost about 15% of its strength.”4
But that’s not all. This decline in Magnetospheric strength on Earth has also been accompanied by a weakening in Solar Magnetics,5 as a Sunspot Grand Minima is quite possibly knocking at our door. Recent research into the modes of Solar Activity have revealed there is, on average, a 400 year Sunspot Grand Minima Cycle,6 with the last one occurring about 400 years ago during what’s commonly referred to as the Maunder Minimum:
During the Maunder Minimum (MM) period extremely few auroras were recorded (Chapman, 1967) suggesting that atmospheric/magnetospheric processes were significantly affected. Reduced solar irradiance such as during the MM and Dalton Minimum, is correlated with the negative shift of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index leading to enhance north easterly wind which results into cooling of Europe, whereas enhanced solar irradiance is correlated with positive NAO index (Singh et al. 2011).7
Whether or not a Global Warming or a Global Cooling scenario will play-out is still very much ‘up in the air’ (see our article ‘Global Warming or Global Cooling?’ in New Dawn 144), and the proposed, often exaggerated claims of warming proponents attempt to ignore the natural factors and cyclical variations that are taking place, untamed by any of the anthropogenic ‘climate forcing’ factors. The 11-year Solar Cycle and 22-year Magnetic Cycle will continue to unfold, unhindered, into the foreseeable future; this periodicity was first discovered by H. von Schwabe in 1851.
The Heliosphere and Magnetosphere both protect the Earth from the harsh effects of Galactic Cosmic Rays, which are high-speed energetic particles capable of stripping away the Earth’s Ozone and atmosphere. Cosmic Rays are thought to induce cloud formation in the lower atmosphere8 and charge-up lightning strikes, thereby impacting regional temperatures.
Both the Heliosphere and Earth’s Magnetosphere are stronger during Solar Maximum (offering more protection from Galactic Cosmic Rays) and weaker during Solar Minimum (offering less protection from the harmful effects of Cosmic Rays).
This inverse relationship between Solar Activity (SA) and Cosmic Ray Activity (CRA) has been well-established in scientific literature. What this means is that whenever SA is high, CRA will be low, and vice versa, whenever SA is low, CRA will be high.
A coronal mass ejection (CME) is a massive burst of solar wind and magnetic fields rising above the Sun’s corona or being released into space. A danger arises when these are directed towards Earth, and the term geoeffectiveness is used when determining a CME’s ability to generate geomagnetic storms on Earth.
An important aspect of geoeffective CMEs is how large of a Forbush decrease (drop in galactic cosmic radiation) they produce. In the 2005 NASA article ‘Who’s Afraid of a Solar Flare?’, Dr. Tony Phillips wrote that
Magnetic fields deflect charged particles, so when a CME sweeps past Earth, it also sweeps away many of the electrically-charged cosmic rays that would otherwise strike our planet. This is the ‘Forbush decrease’.9
Large CMEs that become geoeffective often spark geomagnetic storms, which are marked by the appearance of the Aurora Borealis throughout the Auroral Ovals, which circle both of Earth’s polar regions and expand towards the equator during intense magnetic storms.
A geomagnetic storm induced blackout was the case in 1989, after a large Earth-directed solar flare occurred on Friday, 10 March, which reached the Earth on Monday, 13 March 1989. The most significant damage occurred to Canada’s Hydro-Québec power utility grid, which crashed “when safety systems sensed a power overload caused by the currents pulsing through the ground.”10
These ‘ground induced currents’ knocked out electricity for nine hours to as many as six million people in northeastern Canada. We know for a fact that extreme geomagnetic storms can induce ground currents that will affect all of sorts of sensitive electronics.
Effects on the Human Body
There are a wide variety of effects that Space Weather exerts on the electricity of the brain, heart and central nervous system inside of our own bodies.
Recent research suggests the solar wind actually modulates lightning intensity here on Earth, and that an, “increase in Galactic Cosmic Ray flux may directly trigger lightning through ‘runaway breakdown’ of electrons, leading to breakdown (Roussel-Dupré et al 2008)” (Scott et al. 2014).11
This is important given that, according to NASA, at any moment “2,000 thunderstorms roll over Earth, producing some 50 flashes of lightning every second. Each lightning burst creates electromagnetic waves that begin to circle around Earth captured between Earth’s surface and a boundary about 60 miles up…”12and lightning is associated with local emission of photons.
The Schumann Resonances (SR) are a set of frequencies ranging from 3 Hz to 60 Hz, increasing in 6.5 Hz intervals, with the ‘fundamental’ frequency of the Schumann Resonance standing at 7.83 Hz. The Schumann Resonances are easily detectable on any planet on which lightning takes place, and so far the SR signals have been detected on Venus, Mars, Titan, Jupiter and Saturn.
In the paper “Schumann Resonance Frequencies Found Within Quantitative Electroencephalographic Activity: Implications for Earth-Brain Interactions,” Dr. Michael Persinger discusses the “bulk velocity of action potentials within the cerebral cortices, the approximate standing wave or resonance for a 60 cm circumference skull would be ~7.5 Hz. This bulk velocity would require ~20 to 25 milliseconds to traverse the cerebral length and is equivalent to about 40 to 45 Hz” (Persinger 2014).13 This 40 to 45 Hz band is the classic frequency associated with ‘consciousness’, as well as other complex biological functions.
It is apparent that disruptions in the Schumann Resonances via external factors, such as natural variations in Space Weather intensity, can have a profound impact on the physiological and psychological health of an organism.
The brain is a “massive source of extremely-low-frequency (ELF) signals that get transmitted throughout the body via the nervous system, which is sensitive to magnetic fields. Brainwaves and natural biorhythms can be affected by external factors” (Babayev & Allahverdiyeva 2007).14
The late Dr. Neil Cherry wrote:
The first five Schumann Resonances coincide with the frequency range of the first four EEG bands. The primary EEG bands are: Delta 0.5 to 4 Hz, Theta 4-8 Hz, Alpha 8-13 Hz and Beta 13 to 30 Hz (Malmivuo & Plonsey 1995). Hence resonant absorption and reaction is biophysically plausible…” (Cherry 2001).15
Dr. Cherry had collected and conducted research showing that the effects to human health via solar and geomagnetic activity (S-GMA) are biophysically possible through changes in Schumann Resonance intensity. The effects include,
altered blood pressure and melatonin, increased cancer, reproductive, cardiac and neurological disease and death. Many occupational studies have found that exposure to ELF fields between 16.7 Hz and 50/60 Hz significantly reduces melatonin levels (Cherry 2001).
Melatonin is a potent anti-oxidant with receptors in every major organ, and it is released from the pineal gland when the natural boundary of light is missing.16 Melatonin production peaks at night, around 4 am when the temperature is at its lowest and the melatonin level is at its highest.
The variable changes in Space Weather and solar wind parameters lead to perturbations in the environmental electromagnetic fields, certain frequencies of which can “significantly alter the cellular calcium ion fluxes and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) waves in brain tissue” (Cherry 2001).17
The collected evidence reveals that the effects can go from environmental ULF/ELF signals to directly altering our cellular calcium ion homeostasis, which is capable of altering primate and human EEG waves, thereby affecting cell-to-cell communication and impacting reaction times.
There is evidence that “at days with high neutron activity (CRA) there were more medical emergencies and more deaths… A strong trend of Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) (mostly of fatal cardiac arrhythmia, fibrillation) occurred more often on days of high CRA (neutron activity)” (Stoupel et al. 2014). During periods of low Solar Activity and ‘zero’ geomagnetic activity, data showed that those at risk were more likely to die of SCD; this illustrates the inverse correlation between Solar Activity and Cosmic Ray Activity.
On the other hand, in the scientific paper “Geomagnetic Storms Can Trigger Stroke,” the authors purpose was to present evidence for the impact of geomagnetic activity on stroke occurrence, which has been “limited and controversial.” They conclude that, “Geomagnetic storms are associated with increased risk of stroke and should be considered along with other established risk factors” (Feigin et al. 2014).18 Perhaps it is the balance, the middle ground, which is most prevalent compared to high Solar Activity and CRA, which are short-term events and less prevalent than active conditions.
Previous research shows that geomagnetic variations of a solar origin have been correlated with enhanced anxiety, sleep disturbances, altered moods, and greater incidences of psychiatric admissions (Persinger, 1987).19 Babayev and Allahverdiyeva’s findings indicate, “there were an indisposition, weakness and presence of indistinct localised headaches during the days with severe Geomagnetic Storms in experiment participants.” They concluded that “geomagnetic disturbances affect mainly the emotional and vegetative sphere of human beings… changes in geomagnetic conditions mostly affect the activity of the regulating systems of the right hemisphere and the ability to adapt to changes in a physical environment.”
There have been numerous papers that explore even more connections between human health and energy from space. Infant mortality, suicide, traffic accidents, crime rates, and numerous other significant events and human conditions have been statistically matched with fluxes in solar and cosmic energy. Although this field of study is by no means new, it is just now becoming accepted, understood, and investigated in a serious manner.
For more information on the work of Ben Davidson and David Hyde, go to www.Suspicious0bservers.org & www.youtube.com/user/Suspicious0bservers
- A.L. Tchijevsky, ‘Physical Factors of the Historical Process’, Translated edition published January 1971, www.cyclesresearchinstitute.org/
cycles-history/chizhevsky1.pdf - Alexander Chizhevsky, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Alexander_Chizhevsky - M. Mikulecky, ‘Solar Activity, revolutions and cultural prime in the history of mankind’, Neuro Endocrinology Letters [2007, 28(6):749-756], http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/18063926
- ESA, ‘The Force That Protects Our Planet’, European Space Agency.
- Tony Phillips, ‘Cosmic Rays Hit Space Age High’, NASA Science News, 29 September 2009, http://science1.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2009/29sep_cosmicrays/
- Arnab Rai Choudhuri, ‘The irregularities of the sunspot cycle and their theoretical modelling’, arXiv.org, Solar and Stellar Astrophysics, 12 December 2013, http://arxiv.org/abs/1312.3408
- A.K. Singh, Devendraa Siingh, R.P. Singh, ‘Impact of galactic cosmic rays on Earth’s atmosphere and human health’, Atmospheric Environment (2011) 3806-3818, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231011004055
- Ibid
- Tony Phillips, ‘Who’s Afraid of a Solar Flare?’, NASA Science News, 7 October 2005, http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2005/07oct_afraid/
- Adam Hadhazy, ‘A Scary 13th: 20 Years Ago, Earth Was Blasted with a Massive Plume of Solar Plasma’, Scientific American, 13 March 2009, www.scientificamerican.com/article/geomagnetic-storm-march-13-1989-extreme-space-weather/
- C.J. Scott, R.G. Harrison, M.J. Owens, M. Lockwood & L. Barnard, ‘Evidence for solar wind modulation of lightning’, Environmental Research Letters, Vol. 9, No. 5, 15 May 2014, http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/9/5/055004
- Jim Wilson, ‘Schumann Resonance’, NASA, www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sunearth/news/gallery/schumann-resonance.html
- Michael A. Persinger, ‘Schumann Resonance Frequencies Found Within Quantitative Electroencephalographic Activity: Implications for Earth-Brain Interactions’, International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy (2014), www.ilcpa.pl/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/
ILCPA-111-2014-24-32.pdf - Elchin S. Babayev & Aysel A. Allahverdiyeva, ‘Effects of geomagnetic activity variations on the physiological and psychological state of functionally healthy humans: Some results of Azerbaijani studies’, Advances in Space Research 40 (2007), 1941-1951, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0273117707009404
- Neil Cherry, ‘Schumann Resonances, a plausible biophysical mechanism for the human health effects of Solar/Geomagnetic Activity’, 8 September 2001, www.salzburg.gv.at/cherry_schumann_resonances.pdf
- www.sleepdex.org/melatonin.htm
- Op. cit., Neil Cherry
- V. L. Feigin, et al. ‘Geomagnetic Storms Can Trigger Stroke’, Stroke – American Heart Association, published online 22 April 2014, http://stroke.ahajournals.org/content/early/2014/04/22/STROKEAHA.113.004577.short
- M.A. Persinger, ‘Geopsychology and geopsychopatology: mental processes and disorders associated with geochemical and geophysical factors’, Experientia 43 (1), 92–104, 1987, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3792507
BEN DAVIDSON is main researcher behind Suspicious0bservers, an Internet website with its own channel on YouTube, a channel that rocketed in only 2 years to over 28 million views with 2 million added a month. Ben was classically trained in law and legal research, before taking up independent research in diverse sciences. His focus is on the daily solar environment and the electromagnetic interactions between the Sun, Earth, and the galaxy. He also examines the connection between space weather, the natural environment and human condition. DAVID HYDE is the creator of the Suspicious0bservers Collective and Suspicious0bserversCollective.org – the official blog page for Suspicious0bservers. He has been doing research and literature reviews on the topic of Space Weather & human health and behaviour for years. He joined KAHB LLC in 2013 and has been an integral part of research efforts.
Magnetic storms affect humans as well as telecommunication.
And this interesting Dutch website, written, researched and analysed by Manuela van der Knaap: she a.o. frequently shares updates about the actual 'space weather'.
( Sidenote: personally I don't share some perceptions considering trending spiritual terms as 'ascension', 'growth', self-awareness, etc).
Link: https://inzichten.com/elektromagnetische-update-dinsdag-25-8/
Elektromagnetische update dinsdag 25-8
Op deze dinsdag was er een enorme x-ray piek (ongeveer 200 p/cm3) die zichtbaar werd in de zonnewind dichtheid. Dit brengt zo’n enorme x-ray lichtfrequentie (Gamma) naar de Aarde, dat het lang kan duren om dit te kunnen verwerken, dus dat kan betekenen dat ascentiesymptomen dan later op de dag of zelfs pas de volgende dag voelbaar worden. Dat is trouwens voor iedereen anders en dat ligt er ook aan hoe je in je vel zit. Zit je lekker in je stroom, dan kun je dit soort pieken met een super hoge lichtfrequentie ook veel makkelijker ontvangen. Aan de achterkant van de Zon was er flink zonnevlam, wereldwijd was er op maandagavond en in de nacht seismische activiteit en dus meer aardbevingen en in de vroege ochtend opnieuw nog een kleine seismische activiteit op deze dinsdag. Dit kan onrust hebben gegeven in de nacht voor sommige mensen en bijna de hele dag was er een elektronencrash actief. Deze laatste duwt je in de lagere frequenties van jezelf en kan maken dat je jezelf emotioneel en in de psyche zwaar voelt en ook het onderlichaam kan pijnlijk zijn. De gaten in de corona van de Zon zijn er nog, net zoals afgelopen maandag en er vormen zich nieuwe gaten aan de oostzijde van de Zon die nog richting de Aarde gaan komen over een dag of 3. Verder is er eigenlijk weinig te melden voor het elektromagnetische veld. Lees meer in het artikel hieronder met uitleg van de symptomen erbij.
HULP GEVRAAGD!!! Overweeg eens om te doneren. Deze elektromagnetische updates kosten mij iedere dag tussen de 1,5 en 3 uur om te analyseren, te onderzoeken en om de informatie te delen. Ik doe dit allemaal gratis en in die tijd zijn er voor mij geen inkomsten. Als er geen donaties komen, dan zit er waarschijnlijk niets anders op dan de informatie achter gesloten deuren te gaan delen tegen betaling of ik moet helemaal stoppen met het delen van de informatie. Helaas kan ik niet meer anders, omdat er enorme kosten zijn gemaakt om de nieuwe website draaiende te krijgen. Ik hoop dat er misschien nog andere oplossingen mogelijk zijn. Misschien heb jij nog een creatief idee? Het liefst blijf ik het voor iedereen gratis aanbieden, want deze informatie moet toch gewoon goed toegankelijk zijn, anders schiet het zijn doel voorbij is mijn eigen visie. Dus ik hoop dat als deze updates jouw helpen en je kan het missen, dan je dan overweegt om iets bij te dragen voor mijn werk hiervoor. Geef als dat zo voel vanuit je hart en anders is het ook goed. Op de homepage van mijn website www.inzichten.com staat de donatieknop. Dank je wel voor jouw Hartdonatie…
Ik wil ook graag weten of er bereidheid is om een kleine bijdrage te leveren voor de uitgebreide berichten die op mijn website staan.

X-ray pieken
n de nacht rond 4:30 Europese tijd was er een enorme x-ray piek die zichtbaar werd in de zonnewind dichtheid. Ik schat in dat het een piek was van ongeveer 200 p/cm3 en dat is enorm en kan mogelijk veel ascentiesymptomen geven. Al een aantal dagen is er steeds een gat in de data bij de ACE satelliet (het gat wordt wel steeds kleiner), daardoor kan het zijn dat we informatie missen.
Symptomen x-ray pieken
Deze x-ray piek op deze dinsdag was extreem hoog, dus lees de onderstaande uitleg ook in die context. Normaal is de zonnewind dichtheid altijd tussen 0,1 en 10 p/cm3. X-rays ioniseren in de zonnewind en laten meestal vooral in de zonnewind dichtheid een plotselinge hoge en korte piek zien. Dus dan snap je wel dat verhogingen rond de 75 p/cm3 en hoger, extreem zijn en ook extreme reacties kunnen geven in je lichaam en energielichaam met ascentiesymptomen. Verhogingen die lager zijn van 75 p/cm3 zijn beter te verwerken. Dit soort pieken kunnen soms zeer intens binnenkomen, waardoor van alles als het ware vastslaat, als in een soort van shock. De uren en dagen erna kan je lichaam en energielichaam dan geleidelijk het extreem hoge Gammalicht verwerken en dan pas komen geleidelijk de ascentiesymptomen. Maar bij iedereen werkt dit anders. Bij sommige dus heel direct en bij andere pas later. Ze geven mogelijk een gevoel van kwetsbaarheid en naaktheid. Ze brengen diep in ons zeer hoogfrequent Gammalicht. Dat Gammalicht geeft een reactie in onze laagfrequente, vastzittende gewoonte en lichamelijk ongemakken. Het brengt even heel direct licht in je waar het niet licht is en dat mogen wij dan vervolgens weer verwerken en in een nieuw evenwicht brengen.

Heliospheric Currentsheet Crossing (HCC) en symptomen
De Zon en de Aarde zijn al een paar dagen (vanaf de 15de augustus) in een magnetische dans verwikkeld. De Aarde was op donderdag de hele dag niet magnetische verbonden met de Zon. Rond 23:30 op donderdagavond 20-8 kwam de magnetische verbinding weer tot stand, maar opnieuw met de noordpool van de Zon. Deze pool van de Zon blijft dominant, nadat de eerste helft van het jaar vooral de zuidpool zo dominant was dat we bijna alleen maar de magnetisch negatief geladen zuidpool veerbinding hadden. We blijven zoals het er nu uitziet voorlopig verbonden met de dominante magnetisch positief geladen noordpool van de Zon. Mogelijke symptomen die je kunt ervaren met deze verbinding, zijn opgezette en verdoofde handen en voeten. Deze overgang van magnetisch verbinding met de Zon wordt de Heliospheric Currentsheet Crossing (HCC) genoemd en iedere overgang geeft verstoring in de beschermende magnetosfeer van de Aarde en daardoor zien we ook deze vroege ochtend weer wereldwijde seismische activiteit.
Onze normale magnetische verbinding van de Aarde is die met de negatief geladen zuidpool van de Zon (rode stralen op de afbeelding). Dit noemen we de Heliospheric Currentsheet Crossing (HCC). Meestal switchen we een keer per 3 weken voor een paar dagen naar een verbinding met de positief geladen noordpool van de Zon. Meestal duurt deze switch een dag 5 tot een week. In deze periode lijkt de Aarde een intern conflict te hebben met de stroom zonnewind en kosmische deeltjes die door haar heen stroomt via de polen. Maar dat is slechts mijn persoonlijke ervaring en waarneming en dit is dus niet gebaseerd op wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Het magnetisch veld van de Aarde is in deze periode erg onrustig en reageert veel heftiger op verstoringen. Maar dat is dus slechts mijn eigen observatie. Ons geheugen is verbonden met het magnetisch veld van de Aarde en kan in deze periode ook mogelijk wat minder stabiel zijn. Het is ook moeizaam om zelf energetisch te verbinden met de Aarde.
De Heliospheric Currentsheet Crossing met de positief geladen noordpool kan mogelijk voelen als een verandering in de manier waarop je verbinding maakt met Aarde. Mensen ervaren vaak een slapend en doof gevoel in de benen en voeten en aarding is dus anders en soms wat moeizamer. En het voelt voor veel mensen vreemd aan. Gelukkig stopt dit nu zeer waarschijnlijk. Ik hou je op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen.

Wereldwijde seismische activiteit
Tijdens een Heliospheric Currentsheet Crossing (HCC) is het magnetische veld altijd wat onrustiger (eigen waarneming en ervaring). We zien vanaf 23:00 tot 3:00 wereldwijde lichte seismische activiteit op Aarde en opnieuw rond 8:00 uur een kleine seismische beweging ook wereldwijd. Dit kan mogelijk ook een verhoging van de hoeveelheid aardbevingen gegeven hebben. Voor ons mensen kan dit onrust geven rond deze periode en dus een onrustige of woelige nacht.
Magnetisch veld Aarde tijdens een HCC
Het magnetisch veld is tijdens een Heliospheric Currentsheet Crossing altijd extra verstoord, is mijn persoonlijke ervaring. Het lijkt dan wel alsof er een soort van conflict is de interne magnetische stroming van de Aarde. De Aarde maakt in deze periode anders dan normaal een magnetische verbinding met de positief geladen noordpool van de Zon of de verbinding is dan verstoord. Het magnetisch veld is verbonden met ons geheugen, dus dat kan zo zijn dat het geheugen soms plotseling heel goed is of zelfs wegvalt tijdens gesprekken in het moment. Ook zorgt het magnetisch veld dat je goed geaarde bent en verbonden met de Aarde. Dus dat wordt met verstoringen veel ingewikkelder en daardoor ook het aanwezig zijn in het NU.

Elektronencrash en symptomen
Ik ga alleen nog maar de diepere elektronen crashes benoemen en die waren er weer op deze dinsdag en begon rond 6:30 uur en duurde tot ongeveer 16:30 Europese tijd. En het lijkt erop dat het weer opnieuw begon rond 19:00 uur. De kleine dipjes worden als minder zwaar ervaren met de symptomen zoals zwaarte in je humeur en psyche. Tijdens een elektronen crash zijn de elektronen rond de Aarde in de ionensfeer sterk verminderd in aantal. Dit noem ik een elektronencrash. Daarom is dan de magnetische kant van het elektromagnetische spectrum op Aarde extra sterk voelbaar. De elektronen crash kan druk geven in het onderlichaam, alsof je de Aarde in gedrukt wordt, met pijn in de benen, heupen, voeten enz. In de psyche is er confrontatie met minder leuke eigenschappen van jezelf. De zware en laag trillende eigenschappen melden zich. Dit is tijdens een crash versterkt aanwezig. Ook zijn veel mensen knorrig en zitten slecht in hun vel met als gevolg overal opstootjes en mogelijk zelfs ruzies. Er wordt tijdens een elektronencrash licht, helderheid en beweging gebracht in de vastzittende diepte van je psyche in alles wat is weggestopt om te kunnen functioneren volgens de eisen van de dualiteit. Dus best een confronterende periode van confrontatie, opruimen, inzicht en grote groei.

Overige elektromagnetische nieuws
Alleen aan de noordzijde van de Zon zijn er nog gaten in de corona zichtbaar. Dus de symptomen van fluittonen/ruis in de oren en het hoofd die je mogelijk ervaart zijn nog aanwezig. De gaten zijn niet direct op de Aarde gericht, dus deze symptomen zijn redelijk mild. er vormen zich nieuwe gaten aan de oostzijde van de Zon die nog richting de Aarde gaan komen over een dag of 3. Op deze dinsdag hadden we geen zonnevlammen die gericht waren op de Aarde en ook geen officiële actieve regio’s op de Zon. En we zien net een nieuwe actieve regio opkomen aan de oostkant van de Zon. Deze zal misschien wel de komende week weer zonnevlammen gaan produceren. We zullen het zien. De x-ray lichtfrequentie is nu nog steeds continu zeer licht verhoogt (lage A-klasse). Er is nog een klein beetje meer licht dan normaal om te verwerken en dat wat niet meer kan of wil stromen in ons los getrild wordt om zichtbaar en voelbaar te worden en zo weer in de ware kwaliteit te komen. Er was een flinke zonnevlam aan de achterkant van de Zon rond 10:00 uur. De lichtfrequentie is daarvoor en vaak nog de hele dag verhoogd aan de andere kant van het zonnestelsel. Voor hooggevoelige mensen kan deze toch voelbaar zijn als een verhoging van licht in het energielichaam. Dat komt volgens mij omdat deze mensen energetische direct verbonden zijn met de Zon en de planeten en daardoor werken situaties in het zonnestelsel dan door in het eigen energieveld. Verder zijn er geen bijzonderheden voor het elektromagnetische spectrum.
Ik wil je uitnodigen om jouw ervaringen onder dit bericht te delen als dat goed voelt voor jou…
Heb het goed… 

© Manuela van www.inzichten.com
WAAROM DEZE UPDATES? (en over ascentiesymptomen)
Deze updates worden geplaatst om je te informeren als er onrust is in het elektromagnetische spectrum op Aarde en wanneer er iets onderweg is naar de Aarde vanaf de Zon of space. Ons lichaam is opgebouwd uit elektromagnetische pulsen en daardoor kunnen lichaam en psyche enorm reageren op deze veranderingen en verstoringen in het elektromagnetische spectrum. Deze verstoringen versterken wat er al uit balans is bij jou.
Ze versterken wat er in je leeft en op dat moment aanwezig is. Dus als je ontspannen bent en in de flow zit, dan wordt dat versterkt. En naar mate je steeds meer in je eigen autonome soevereine energieveld komt kun je ook steeds beter in verbinding blijven met de grotere krachten van de Bron en de Aarde en kosmisch Hart en blijf je met meer gemak in je eigen flow en heb je dus minder ‘last’ van de elektromagnetische verstoringen. (Ik schrijf over het soevereine autonome energieveld in mijn astrologische artikelen en we bouwen dat veld van binnenuit op tijdens mijn webinars.)
Dus iedereen ervaart andere symptomen. Symptomen zijn bijvoorbeeld: hoofdpijn, duizeligheid, hartfladderen, stijfheid, plotseling intens moe zijn, misselijkheid, plotseling wazig of scherp zien, maar ook diepe angst en onmacht/macht ervaren, enz. Je kunt deze onbalans weer in evenwicht brengen door met je bewustzijn aanwezig te zijn zonder oordeel of zonder te willen dat het weg moet. Dus gewoon ZIJN met de grote Z. Dit kun je doen met mineralen (edelstenen/kristallen), door te ademen met wat er IS of het toepassen van yoga, chi-kung, cranio sacraal, Holistic pulsing, helende massage, meditatie, wandelen in de natuur of in de tuin/grond werken en nog meer… Ik verkoop in mijn praktijk en webshop grote ruwe kosmisch geopende Hematiet (wakker multi-dimensionaal Wezen). Deze zijn ook geweldig om mee te zitten, omdat ze je helpen om alles wat niet Wezenlijk bij je hoort los te laten. (deze kosmisch geopende Hematiet werkt anders als ‘gewone’ Hematiet. Ze werken in het hele energielichaam tegelijk en openen het kosmisch Hart (bolletje op het middenrif.) en de opbouw van de basis van het nieuwe energielichaam. Ze kunnen worden opgestuurd en worden ervaren in een telefonisch mini consult.) Mijn webinars zijn ook een manier om dit evenwicht te herstellen. (onderaan dit bericht staat een link.

donderdag 20 augustus 2020
Secret Projects in the past on Aliens and Ufo's.
Continuing with some articles about the 'secret projects' on Ufo's and the different species of Aliens; encounters; abductions; their roles on earth: interactions, interferences, obstruction and/or coöperation with secret agencies and government.
( Personally I consider some information in these articles very relevant- and thrilling- it wouldn't surprise me if the disappearing objects; 'mindhacking': telepathy; technopathy, electrokinesis: electrical interferences, experiences with some animals; not familiar persons etc. have a connection with 'aliens'/ 'half-aliens' etc., :not 'entirely benevolent'...)
Copied and pasted:
( Personally I consider some information in these articles very relevant- and thrilling- it wouldn't surprise me if the disappearing objects; 'mindhacking': telepathy; technopathy, electrokinesis: electrical interferences, experiences with some animals; not familiar persons etc. have a connection with 'aliens'/ 'half-aliens' etc., :not 'entirely benevolent'...)
Copied and pasted:
Top Secret Government Programs That Your Not Supposed To Know About
The following is the alleged result of the actions of one or more scientists creating a covert, unauthorized notebook documenting their involvement with an Above Top Secret government program. Government publications and information obtained by the use of public tax monies cannot be subject to copyright. This document is released into the public domain for all citizens of the United States of America.
- SIGMA is the project which first established communications with the Aliens and is still responsible for communications.
- PLATO is the project responsible for Diplomatic Relations with the Aliens. This project secured a formal treaty (illegal under the U.S. Constitution) with the Aliens.
- The terms were that the Aliens would give us “our Government” technology and would not interfere in our History. In return we “our Government” agreed to keep their presence on Earth a secret, not to interfere in any way with their actions, and to allow them to abduct humans and animals.
- The Aliens agreed to furnish MJ-12 with a list of abductees on a periodic basis for Governmental control of their experiments with the abductees.
- AQUARIUS is the project which compiled the history of the Alien presence and interaction on Earth and the H0M0 SAPIENS.
- GARNET is the project responsible for control of all information and documents regarding the Alien subjects and accountability of their information and documents.
- PLUTO is a project responsible for evaluating all UFO and IAC information pertaining to Space technology.
- POUNCE project was formed to recover all downed and/or crashed craft and Aliens. This project provided cover stories and operations to mask the true endeavor, whenever necessary. Covers which have been used were crashed experimental Aircraft, Construction, Mining, etc. This project has been successful and is ongoing today.
- NRO is the National Recon Organization based at Fort Carson, Colorado. It’s responsible for security on all Alien or Alien Spacecraft connected to the projects.
- DELTA is the designation for the specific arm of NRO which is especially trained and tasked with security of all MAJIC projects. It’s a security team and task force from NRO especially trained to provide Alien tasked projects and LUNA security (also has the CODE NAME: “MEN IN BLACK”). This project is still ongoing.
- BLUE TEAM is the first project responsible for reaction and/or recovery of downed and/or crashed Alien craft and/or Aliens. This was a U.S. Air Force Material Command project.
- SIGN is the second project responsible for collection of Intelligence and determining whether Alien presence constituted a threat to the U.S. National Security. SIGN absorbed the BLUE TEAM project. This was a U.S. Air Force and CIA project
- REDLIGHT was the project to test fly recovered Alien craft. This project was postponed after every attempt resulted in the destruction of the craft and death of the pilots. This project was carried out at AREA 51, Groom Lake, (Dreamland) in Nevada. Project Redlight was resumed in 1972. This project has been partially successful. UFO sightings of craft accompanied by Black Helicopters are project Redlight assets. This project in now ongoing at Area 51 in Nevada
- SNOWBIRD was established as a cover for project Redlight A “Flying Saucer* type craft was built using conventional technology. It was unveiled to the PRESS and flown in public on several occasions. The purpose was to explain accidental sightings or disclosures of Redlight as having been the Snowbird crafts. This was a very successful disinformation operation. This project is only activated when needed. This deception has not been used for many years. This project is currently in mothballs, until it is needed again.
- BLUE BOOK was a U.S. Air Force, UFO, and Alien Intelligence collection and disinformation project. This project was terminated and its collected information and duties were absorbed by project Aquarius. A classified report named “Grudge/Blue Book, Report Number 13” is the only significant information derived from the project and is unavailable to the public, (from what I read before from other sources, this Report Number 13, talked about everything inside the Grudge history).
In 1949, MJ-12 evolved an initial plan of contingency called MJ-1949-04P/78 that was to make allowance for public disclosure of some data should the necessity present itself.
- General Doolittle made a prediction that one day we would have to reckon with the Aliens and the Grudge/Blue Book, Report Number 13 stated that it appeared that General Doolittle was correct.
- The Grudge/Blue Book Report Number 13 also mentioned that the document stated that many military government personnel and civilians have been Terminated, (murdered without Due Process of Law) when they had attempted to reveal the secret
This plan called for the use of MAJESTIC TWELVE as a disinformation ploy to delay and confuse the release of information should anyone get close to the truth. It was selected because the similarity of spelling and the similarity to MJ-12.
It was designed to confuse memory and to result in a fruitless search for material which did not exist (i.e. William Moore’s Documents?)
This plan called for a public announcement that a terrorist group had entered the United States with an Atomic weapon. It would be announced that the terrorists planned to detonate the weapon in a major city. Martial Law would be declared and all persons with implants would be activated by the Aliens.
That person, in this specific case, would be rounded up by MAJIC along with all dissidents and would be placed into concentration camps. The PRESS, the Radio and TV would be nationalized and controlled. Anyone attempting to resist would be arrested or killed.
NSA Security System
The National Security Agency, (NSA) was created to protect the secretly recovered flying disks, and eventually got compete control over all Communication Intelligence.
This control allows the NSA to monitor any individual through the mail, telephone, telex, faxes, telegrams, and now through on-line computer, monitoring private and personal communications as they choose.
In fact, the present day NSA is the current main expression of MJ-12 and PI-40 pertaining to the Flying Saucer Programs. Vast amounts of disinformation are spread throughout the UFO research field. Any witnesses to any aspect of the programs have their lives monitored in every detail, for each has signed a security catch.
For people who have worked in the program, including military members, breaking that oath could have anyone of the following direct consequences:
- A verbal warning accompanied by a review of the security oath.
- A stronger warning, sometimes accompanied by a brow-beating and intimidation.
- Psychologically working on an individual to bring on depression that will lead to suicide.
- Murder of the person, which is made to appear as suicide or an accident.
- Strange and sudden accidents, always fatal.
- Confinement in a special Detention Center.
- Confinement in an Insane Asylum, where they are treated by mind-control and deprogramming techniques. The individuals are later released with changed personalities, identities, and altered memories.
- Bringing the individual into the inside, where he or she is employed and works for them and where he or she can be watched. This is usually in closed facilities with little contact with the outside world. Underground facilities are the usual place for this.
Any individual who they perceive to be too close to the truth, will be treated in the same manner.
After all these years of research we have compiled these major facts about Aliens on Earth.
- Alien crafts from other worlds have crashed on Earth.
- Alien crafts are from both Ultra-Dimensional sources and sources within this Dimension.
- Early U.S. Government efforts at acquiring technologies were successful.
- The U.S. Government has had live Alien hostages at some point in time.
- The U.S. Government has conducted autopsies on Alien cadavers.
- U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Security Agencies are involved in the cover-up of facts pertaining to the situation.
- People have been and are currently being abducted, mutilated, murdered and kidnapped as a result of the UFO situation.
- There is a current Alien presence on this planet among us that controls different elements of our society.
- Alien forces maintain bases on Earth and on the Moon.
- The U.S. Government has had a working relationship with Alien Forces for some time, with the express purpose of gaining technology in gravitational propulsion, beam weaponry and mind control.
- Millions of cattle have been killed in the process of acquiring biological materials. Both Aliens and the U.S. Government are responsible for mutilations, but for different reasons.
- We live in a multi-dimensional world that is overlapped and visited by Aliens/Entities from other dimensions. Many of those entities are hostile, and many are not hostile.
- The basis for our genetic development and religions lies in intervention by non-terrestrial and terrestrial forces.
- The truth about our actual technology far exceeds that perceived by the Public.
- The United States Space program of today is a cover operation that exists for public relations purposes.
- People are being actively killed in order to suppress the facts about the situation. The CIA and the NSA are involved so deeply that exposure would cause collapse of their overt structure.
- Facts indicate Alien presence with in 5 to 10 thousand years.
- Our civilization is one of many that have existed in the last billion years, “Milky Way time period”
- Alien Psychology (see information in the following pages)
- The Metagene factor
GUESTS | Invited Aliens, with authorization of the U.S. Government to stay on Earth. |
VISITORS | Aliens who have come to earth for unknown missions. |
PRISONERS | Captured Aliens by the U.S. Government and/or other Governments. |
RESEARCHERS | Aliens who have come to Earth for Scientific Motives. |
INTRUDERS OR MALEVOLENTS | Aliens who are dangerous for our civilization because they don’t respect our society. |
NEUTRALS | Aliens who just observe our civilization and never interfere with us. |
COLONIZERS | Small groups of Aliens who have decided to live among us, (like us). |
INTERACTORS | Small groups of Aliens who have decided to interfere with our History, making changes when its possible. |
There are some one hundred sixty (160) or more known types of Aliens visiting our world (Earth) at the present time, these are the most commonly seen types:
- Greys, type one (1) – The Rigelians from the Rigel Star system and are approximately four (4) feet tall, with a large head containing large slanted eyes, who worship technology and DON’T CARE ABOUT US. The type popularized in the “Communion” book by Strieber. They need vital secretions for their survival, which they are getting from us (earthlings).
- Greys, type two (2) – Come from the Zeta Reticulae 1 & 2 solar systems. Same general appearance as a type one (1), although they have a different finger arrangement and a slightly different face. These Greys are more sophisticated then the type ones (1). They possess a degree of common sense and are somewhat passive. They don’t require the secretions that the type ones (1) due.
- Greys, type three (3) – Simple cloning form of types one and two above. Their lips are thinner (or no lips). They are subservient to the type one and two Greys above.
- Nordics, Blondes, Swedes – Known by any of these names. They are similar to us. Blonde hair, blue eyes (some have dark hair and brown eyes and they’re shorter in height). They will not break the law of non-interference to help us. They will only intervene if the Greys activity were to affect us directly.
- Nordic Clones – They appear similar to us but with a grey tinge to their skin. These Nordics are controlled drones, created by the Greys, type ones (1).
- Intra-Dimensional (Not Para-Terrestrial) – Entities that can assume a variety of shapes. Basically of a peaceful nature.
- Short Humanoids – One and a half to two and a half feet tall, with skin bluish in color. They are seen quite frequently in Mexico near Chihuahua
- Hairy Dwarfs (Orange) – They are four (4) feet tall and weigh about thirty five (35) pounds. Their hair is the color of red. They seem to be neutral and respect intelligent life forms.
- Very Tall Race – They look like us but are seven to eight feet tall. They are united with the Swedes.
- Men In Black (MIBs) – They are not from the Delta or NRO division of the government. They are oriental or olive-skinned, there eyes are sensitive to light and have vertical pupils. They have very pale skin on some types. They do not conform easily to our social patterns. Usually they wear black clothes (sometimes all white or grey clothes), wear sunglasses and drive black cars. In groups they all dress alike. Sometimes time-disoriented. They cannot handle a psychological “curve ball” or interruption to their plans. They very often intimidate UFO witnesses and impersonate government officials. Equivalent of our CIA from another Galaxy.
(Seven ancestral Alien races that started our civilization here)
Some of the unanswered questions about the human evolution, started centuries ago, when disaster struck a mission involving seven different Alien races to Earth.
This information was recovered from PROJECT GENESIS III (G-lll) – ADN6.2 – CR-7/26TSW-3 and CLR-25/M6-722 – CLAS.ATR26/AC #672/B25, as well as other crash sites.
- MISSION: Genetic Research and Colonization of the 3rd Planet (Terra) of the Star (Sol) “our sun” of the Milkyway Galaxy (N’erandha B’hai).
- Altaires
- Qizan Qal’Ats
- Tutakai Tikopais
- Kasimars
- K’ushui K’hotans
- Ahzdars
- Caspan Jassan Paegans
- Division of the area looks more like their original planets. Division of Terra, Mars, and Phaeton.
- Research with Earth Reptilians – caused a mutation now called the dinosaurs.
- Research with Mammalia mutations.
- Erased (Killed Off) Dinosaurs.
- Crisis at Star Sol, (our Sun).
- Destruction of the original mission.
- Survivors and their mental problems, left from destruction of mission.
- War between survivors.
- Destruction of Phaeton, creation of asteroid belt, (Van Allen asteroid belt).
- Survivors.
- Survivors separated and created the Ancient civilizations known as Lemuria, Mu, and Atlantis.
- H0m0 Sapiens, H0m0 Mermanus, and H0m0 Interior co-exist on Earth with survivors.
- New Aliens Landings by the Dominium Grey and Nordic races.
MISSION STAR MAP Code: UNA(Recovered from Crashed Alien Spaceship)
And the link of this article ( 2016) about some different alien species, their nature and the images.
( Could think of a number of 'people' corresponding :D )
And the link of the full pdf of project Blue Planet : about Alien life forms. ( which you can find as well in in the first article)
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