This afternoon I came across this intriguing and informative blog;
The Kabbalah Judaism and the Free Masons, (pdf) by The truthers Journal.
It seems that the 'scripts', the 'agenda', which is being carried out; is, a.o. based on kabbalistic Freemason belief; convictions and prophecies.
In this blog the author tells he or she got information from: The Olivet Journal.
I tried to find more information on Google and Duckduckgo, but found this:
The Kabbalah Judaism and the Free Masons
The Kabbalah Judaism and the Free Masons
For those who have little or no knowledge of the subjects covered in this report, I pray the RUACH HA’QODESH (Holy Spirit) will confirm to your ruach (spirit) the truths being brought forth. I am sharing much information that I have gleamed from the research of the “Olivet Journal” on the subjects of “Kabbalah” and the “Free Masons.” I find this information to be very credible, reliable and most importantly “confirming” much of what I have received from YAHUAH through the years concerning what is covered in this Watchman Report.
There are many resources available on this information, but much of it is very involved and at times very confusing. The Olivet Journal has done an excellent job of presenting this material in a very easy to follow format, which is scripturally sound and verifiable. There is much additional information from many good sources on these subjects, but this report is for the purpose giving the reader an understandable and Christian perspective on these confusing occult organizations.
It is important to have a basic understanding of the workings of Kabbalah and the Free Masons because Satan has been able to use these things to confuse and thus deceive many professing Christians. These cults have invaded Christianity in very subtle ways, and have managed to change and challenge the very foundation of Christianity in ways that most Christians are not even aware of.
Those who expose these kinds of major occult secrets are truly on the front lines of the battle against evil, and many times it has cost them their lives, jobs and families, because secret organizations do not like exposure, therefore, we need to keep these watchmen and their ministries covered in our prayers.
I pray what is put forth in this report, will begin to open the eyes of YAHUAH’s people who may have become entangled with those operating in what is being exposed in this report. If at any time the RUACH HA’QODESH (Holy Spirit) does reveal to you the reader, any involvement with these things, there must be sincere repentance and confession of these as sin—so YAHUAH can set you free from this web of deception.
Many Christians are caught in this web of deception and have not even realized what they have fallen into. I was once there myself, and that is why I want to clearly sound the alarm! YAHUAH is great in mercy and is willing to forgive and cleanse any who will truly turn to Him in honesty and true repentance.
There are many hidden and dishonest things of darkness that are associated with the Free Masons and the Kabbalah, and these must be exposed and RENOUNCED, so the truth can set people free! These things are used by Satan’s Illuminati powers, which are in control of this present darkness.
… as we have received mercy, we faint not… But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty (darkness), not walking in craftiness, or handling the word of YAHUAH deceitfully… (2 Corinthians 4:1-2)
This report reveals an aspect of the mystery of lawlessness, which is clearly revealed through the religion, signs and symbolism of KABBALAH—which is alive and well TODAY and all around us.
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work… (2 Thessalonians 2:7)
This is the same mysticism that false teachers and false prophets are involved with and base their false teachings upon. We must be alert and diligent in recognizing and identifying Satan’s SIGNS of Kabbalah in everything.
Even him (anti-messiah), whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and SIGNS and lying wonders… And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.(2 Thessalonians 2:9-10)
Most of the corporate logos, TV commercials, ministry logos, art designs, and even government related logos feature some kind of Kabbalah symbolism, revealing to us of their affiliation with and their allegiance to the Illuminati and Lucifer.
I know, it is difficult to wrap our mind around all of this, and I understand that it might take a little bit of time for a paradigm shift to occur. Often, when this truth is revealed to the uniformed, they can become angry and hostile towards the messengers of truth. This is because it exposes the falseness of their idols, which they have made of their false ministers or denominations and movements; it also threatens their false belief systems that they have come to depend on. YAHUAH’s watchmen however, are messengers of the truth and the bearers of reality, which is truly an expression of love for our Father and His people. It is sad to say … but in reality the whole world lies in deception and is influenced and controlled by this satanic cabal.
“…and the whole world lies in wickedness… And we know that the Son of YAHUAH is come, and has given us understanding … Little children, guard yourselves from idols. (1 John 5:19-21)
Attacking the messengers, or even killing them, will not change anything, rather we have to change our attitude, swallow our pride and receive the truth humbly from our Father and repent. What is revealed in this report may shock and anger many readers—when they find out that not only are the Messianic and Hebrew Roots Movements driven by kabbalists, but also the universal Church, which is comprised of hundreds of denominations and movements that have existed throughout the history of Christianity. All of these have been largely run by Kabbalistic Freemasonry organizations. As you will see, their church and ministry symbolism and signs speaks loud and clear, revealing to us the truth of their involvement.
My brothers and sisters, please be aware that WE HAVE BEEN DECEIVED BY THESE TARES for hundreds of years. It is not a new threat, but we have been deceived from the very beginning when YAHUAH first planted His Assembly upon this earth.
“The kingdom from heaven (His Assembly) is like a man who sowed good seed in his field… but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way…So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field?
The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ …But he said, ‘No …Let both grow together until the harvest… (Matthew 13:24-30)
YAHUAH’s people have been deceived, and must come out NOW from this Babylonian Illuminati infected, apostate Christianity …
Your favorite teacher on TV or on YouTube may be, and IS highly likely to be, a false teacher. Become informed and stay alert and do not be complacent.
Repent and come out of her now. The Last Days are HERE.
So, what is Kabbalah? And why is it So Bad?
If you as a Christian, do not want to be deceived, you need to know about Kabbalah, yes … it is not pleasant to talk about and it would be nice if we didn’t have to even think about it. But, the reality is that in order to not be deceived, we must understand it. One of the last commands our ADONI YAHUSHA HA’MASHICH gave us just two days before His impalment—was: “Let no one deceive you …” (Matt 24:4), thus we must understand Kabbalah, for it is Satan’s most widely used deception among YAHUAH’s people. It is essential to have a working knowledge of some basic things concerning Kabbalah, because the whole world is centered around this occult religion.
(1 John 5:19) …the whole world lies in wickedness.
Satan’s control of the dark side is done mainly through Kabbalah, and it is even more active now as we approach the end of the age. Satan, the subtle serpent, has sown his many seeds of Kabbalah, through many “shops” and with many “flavors” that are appealing to humanity’s needs and preferences. These seeds come in a variety of disguised “packages”—making it difficult to identify what Kabbalah really is.
Kabbalah is like sugar, which comes in many different colors, forms, shapes, flavors, and textures. It is found in many processed and junk foods, such as candies, snacks, ice cream, soft drinks, cakes, and it is even hidden in things that are labeled as “health foods.” Sugar is made to be so appealing and attractive and is cleverly merchandized by those who are well- known, trusted and popular within our culture. But, at the core … sugar is a toxin that harms our organs and disrupts the body’s usual hormonal cycles according to many researchers, and it has the ability to destroy our health. It does not matter how healthy and appealing products containing sugar look … it is still sugar. Keep in mind that with sugar, come other poisons—all kinds of toxins that are blissfully eaten and enjoyed—even to the point of creating addiction. We don’t want to hear about the fact that these “sweet things” being ingested are harmful to our body—and that they lead to inevitable bad consequences, because they don’t look evil and they taste so good! So it is with Kabballah!
Satanism is like the sugar, and Kabbalah is a special flavor, that is especially concocted to be addictive. A large focus of this report is on Judaism, because it is the main distributer and vehicle of Kabbalah, and also Freemasonry being another form of Kabbalah worship. Messianic Judaism is a relatively new designed and attractive package made up just for Christians. This report will trace Kabbalah back to its origin, and reveal how it is manifesting.
Kabbalah came from Babylon, and it is the religion of the “sons of the serpent” and it is the vehicle for delivering Satanism today. So we can recognize it and those who practice it. We do not need to be experts on how Kabbalah is practiced, but it is imperative that we recognize how it manifests.
We also need to know who the kabbalists are among us—especially those who profess to be Christians or Hebrew Roots. There are key points and essential knowledge on Kabbalah that will be first explained. A summary will then be given of the origin and history of Kabbalah—in chronological order, along with some of Kabbalah’s characteristics in order to have a foundational understanding of this very confusing satanic practice. Hopefully this will also make it easier for the reader to share with others.
Kabbalah and Freemasonry
I decided to present this discussion first, because many have difficulties differentiating the difference between Kabbalah and Freemasonry. It took me some time until I was able to grasp it, and to be honest with you, I am still learning. However, there are some basic things that will be explained concerning these things.
. They worship the same gods. Free Masonry is a secret society system used to control its participants through Kabbalah. You may think of Kabbalah as the software, and Freemasonry as the hardware needed to use and deliver it.
Freemasonry uses distorted and twisted Scriptural terms, and reveres Solomon and his craftsman, Hiram-Abiff. They also have their own Bible version called the Masonic Bible, which is “open” on their altar.
In this article, the term, “Jew” is often used. Although care has been taken to make it clear within the context, it is to be understood that not all “Jewish people” practice Kabbalah or that they are all Satanists. When the terms “the Jews” and “Kabbalah” are mentioned in the same context, this means that “the Jews” being mentioned are “Kabbalah practicing Jews” who are willing participants in Satanism and secret societies of the New World Order.
Kabbalah is mysticism that Freemasonry is based on, and they are inseparable. The kabbalists completely have taken over the secret society several hundreds of years ago, and are using it to control the world now.
This “open” Bible on the altar is one of the popular symbolism in logos. Because it is a Bible, it is easily concealed in the logos of churches and ministries.
There is much proof that the building of the First Temple was the start of Freemasonry, which has become one of the major vehicles for transmitting and preserving the “secret” and “occult” (hidden) things of a Babylonian serpent religion.
2 Chronicles 2:12-
(12) Hiram also said:
Blessed be YAHUAH ELOHIYM of Yahsar’el (Israel), who made heaven and earth, for He has given King David a wise son, endowed with prudence and understanding, who will build a temple for YAHUAH and a royal house for himself! (13) And now I have sent a skillful man, endowed with understanding, Hiram my master craftsman (14) (the son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father was a man of Tyre), skilled to work in gold and silver, bronze and iron, stone and wood, purple and blue, fine linen and crimson, and to make any engraving and to accomplish ay plan which may be given to him, with your skillful men and with the skillful men of my master David your father.
A few important points to note regarding this passage:
First, “Tyre,” is often mentioned with Sidon as a Mediterranean coastal area along with Philistia (Joe 3:4), which was one of the cities of “serpent people,” (see ‘Addendum A’ for more information on the “Serpent People”) whom YAHUAH forbid the Yisraleites (Israelites) to mingled with. Eventually, YAHUAH’s people fell into their idolatrous worship. These “Serpent People” were often mentioned in association with known hybrid peoples, such as the Canaanites, Moabites, Ammonites, Amalekites, etc. (Jer 27:2; Ps 87:7; et al.), and the “King of Tyre” who is a type for Lucifer in Ezekiel 28:12-19, the famous passage where Lucifer is described.
Second, the mother of Hiram, the master craftsman, was from the tribe of Dan. His mother was also a hybrid.
This was prophesied by Jacob (Gen 49:17 The Tribe of Dan) to became a serpent people, and Dan worshiped the carved image until the day of exile (Jdg 18:30-31), and is not even mentioned as among the tribes where the 144,000 will come from in the Book of Revelation Rev 7:4-8
Third, Freemasons call themselves, “craftsmen,” just as Hiram is called a “master craftsman” in 2 Chronicles 2:13. This is an unmistakable Masonic term. And all the significant historical cathedrals and church buildings are made of stones, and have been built by these “craftsmen,” and they are full of Masonic symbols and esoteric designs. As a matter of fact, the Masonic altar (image above) is designed after the Solomon’s Temple, prominently with the two pillars, Boaz and Jachin. These are three pieces of evidence that show the relation between Solomon’s Temple and the origin of Freemasonry as a secret society. Following is confirmation by a famous Mason….Albert Pike, probably “the” most famous Mason from the mid – late 1800s, who wrote the book “Morals and Dogma” on Freemasonry that is still axiomatic to the secret society and education of its followers. In it he said the following:
“The true philosophy, known and practiced by Solomon, is the basis on which Masonry is founded.” — (Albert Pike, Freemason of the 33rd and last Degree, “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry”, 1871, L.H. Jenkins Inc., p. 785.)
Remember that Solomon, who had taken the Egyptian pharaohs daughter as a wife, was involved in occult worship and that Pike himself, and other occultists, testify to the fact that Freemasonry is based on Kabbalah, which was the mysticism the apostate Israelites learned to practice in Egypt and in the land of Canaan. I listed some of their quotes in the Footnote [1]. (Note: “Kabbalah” is spelled in various ways in different references)
The Origin of Kabbalah
So, we have learned that Solomon worshiped the pagan gods of the surrounding nations, and they were also the origin of the mysticism and the esoteric knowledge of Freemasonry. And those famous occultists are testifying to the fact that Freemasonry is based on Kabbalah. These facts, then, bring us to the following conclusion:
Kabbalah, paganism, and Freemasonry are based upon the same mysticism, and worshipping the same gods, which are Lucifer and the fallen angels. They are the religions of Ammonites, Amalekites, and other Canaanites, and the Egyptians, all known as the serpent people. And, the origins of those pagan religions goes back to Babylon. Here is what the Scriptures reveal:
1 Kings 11:1-5
(1) But King Solomon loved many foreign women, as well as the daughter of Pharaoh: women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians, and Hittites– (2) from the nations of whom YAHUAH had said to the children of Yisrael (Israel), “You shall not intermarry with them, nor they with you. Surely they will turn away your hearts after their elohiyms (gods).” Solomon clung to these in love. (3) And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines; and his wives turned away his heart. (4) For it was so, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned his heart after other elohiyms (gods); and his heart was not loyal to YAHUAH his ELOHIYM, as was the heart of his father David. (5) For Solomon went after *the elohiyms (goddess) of the Sidonians, and after ** the abomination of the Ammonites.
The pair of elohiyms (gods) mentioned in verse 5 is the “First Couple” of the Pagan Deities” Ashtoreth and Milcom, of Kabbalah and Freemasonry.
*Ashtoreth: a female deity, also spelled “Ashtaroth,” is also known as “Ashtarte” in Sidon and Phoenicia, and is the same goddess called “Ishtar” in Babylon, and called “Isis” in Egypt, and also “Semiramis” in Greece, and “Sammu-ramat” in Assyria. The Romans called her “Diana,” the Greeks “Artemis,” and her symbol is Venus. There are many more AKAs for this goddess, including the shiny goddess, called “Shakinah” in Judaism, which is also related to the “Eastern Star” and the “Blazing Star” and the goddess symbolized by the star Sirius. When this goddess becomes angry, she can be a bad goddess. This goddess is also related to, “Lilith” the extremely sexual goddess, who kills infants, which are not protected by an amulet with the names of three fallen angels, or by circumcision according Ashtoreth Milcom to the book (Lilith, Malkah ha-Shadim by Jeffery Smith).
It is said that this deity is also the demon “Succubus” (Zohar, Patai81:462ff), and is also known as “Babylon” the Harlot. In the U.S.A, the Statue of Liberty represents this deity. (In the Scriptures, NKJV, ‘Ashtoreth’ is mentioned in 1Ki 11:5; 11:33; 2Ki 23:13, ‘Ashtaroth’ in Deut 1:4;Jos 9:10; 12:4; 13:12; 13:12, 31; 1 Chr 6:71, ‘Ashtoreths’ in Jdg 2:13; 10:6;1Sam 7:3-4; 12:10; 31:10, ‘Lilith’ in Is 34:14 in relation to the symbol of the owl)
**Milcom: a male deity, also called “Molech” or “Moloch,” whose name in its Hebrew root word ”,means “king.” AKA “Baal ”×›.ל.מ“ which means “lord” or “master.” Ashtoreth is this god’s consort, or a female counterpart, and merges with Ashtoreth in identity. This is the same god as “Nimrod” in Babylon, “Osiris” in Egypt, “Baal” in Sidon and Phoenicia. “Zeus” in Greece and “Jupiter” in the Roman culture and takes on characteristics of Milcom. This deity’s symbol is Saturn, and is connected to “Saturnalia,” which is the PAGAN deity of Christmas.1 Milcom is the god of fertility, but when angry, he ate human infants, so they voluntarily sacrificed their children to Molech for the forgiveness of sin (Jewish Encyclopedia: Moloch). (In the Scriptures, NKJV, ‘Molech’ is mentioned in Lev 18:21; 20:2- 35; 1Ki 11:7;2Ki 23:10; Jer 32:35, ‘Moloch’ in Act 7:43, ‘Milcom’ in 1Ki 11:5; 11:33;2Ki 23:13; Jer 49:1, 3; Zep 1:5)
1 The ancient Roman festival of Saturn in December, which was a period of general merrymaking and was the predecessor of Christmas, an occasion of wild revelry.
Molech is also symbolized by the bull. Israelites offered up their infant children to Molech burning them alive.
It must be realized that ALL false religions are worshiping Lucifer and fallen angels, especially when people worship themselves, by believing that they can become gods by obtaining certain esoteric knowledge and methods, through some works, especially by sacrificing their own children. Then we wonder by abortion has become so acceptable? The Illuminati elites seem to think they are gods.
Many New Agers and ancient astronaut believers, such as the occultist author Zecharia Sitchen, believe in “extraterrestrial beings” called “Annunaki,” which in reality are actually fallen angels. While in Sumeria, these fallen angels—created their version of creatures (human hybrids, giants and genetic Chimera)2 by mingling their own DNA with YAHUAH’s creation. Thus, Kabbalists believe there is secret knowledge to be passed down from these fallen beings that is able to make man immortal. This is nothing more than deceptive ideology that is deeply connected to the Kabbalistic idea of achieving human immortality by manipulating genetic material spiritually and alchemically, which such practices began in ancient Mesopotamia.
2 A genetic chimerism or chimera (also spelled chimaera) is a single organism composed of cells from different zygotes. This can result in male and female organs, two blood types, or subtle variations in form. Animal chimeras are produced by the merger of multiple fertilized eggs. In plant chimeras, however, the distinct types of tissue may originate from the same zygote, and the difference is often due to mutation during ordinary cell division. Normally, genetic chimerism is not visible on casual inspection; however, it has been detected in the course of proving parentage. Another way that chimerism can occur is by organ transplantation, giving one individual tissues that developed from two genomes. For example, a bone marrow transplant can change someone’s blood type (DNA).
Kabbalah and Judaism
The modern day Kabbalah, in the form that the kabbalists practice today, seems to have started taking its form after the first century AD (please refer to Footnote [2]-a-1.), and after the Khazarians (or Khazars) converted to Mystic Judaism, in 740 AD and spread out into the world after the disintegration of the Khazarian Empire in and around 1016 AD.
One of the famous Khazarian descendants in the mid 1600’s was Sabbatai Tzvi. Tzvi, also spelled “Zevi.” He had a significant group of followers in his teaching of Kabbalah in what is now present-day Turkey and claimed to be the messiah of the Jews as well, until he was forced to convert to Islam and died shortly thereafter. More will be discussed about Tzvi (Zevi) and a few key people among the Sabbateans in the “The Khazarian Jews” section. These figures seem to have been the ones who greatly helped spread the current Kabbalah throughout Europe and the Middle East.Eventually the Sabbatean peoples spread throughout Europe, especially within Eastern Europe and also within Russia.
The Chabad-Lubavitch Sect (Founded in 1775, in Russia), originating from the Khazars also kept the Kabbalistic and mystic heritage of Khazarian Jews, and probably the Sabbatean heritage also.
There are some variations in the ways different sects of Kabbalah do things, such as making amulets and talismans, and doing more magical things, or others sects are more into gematria (numerology), etc. However, Orthodox Jews also practice Kabbalah to somewhat of a lesser degree based on Judaism in a more cultural and traditional form.
And, do not forget this: The Messianic Jews are Kabbalah practicing Jews, and they do it very seriously as their symbolism and teachings clearly indicate.
Hasidic Jews are not shy about their Kabbalah roots. The Chabadniks (or Lubavitchers) declare that “Kabbalah is the soul of Judaism” on their official Web site. This sect is famous for having produced numerous false messiahs since its establishment almost 240 years ago, called Chabad Messianism, last one being Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson who died at the age of 92 in 1994, in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York, where the highest population of the Chabadniks live next to Israel. The followers are still waiting for him to be resurrected.
And, interestingly, and actually have been seriously preparing for it for hundreds of years, and in recent times with the unconditional support from the Messianic Jewish sect, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati cabal. Also, Zionist Christians, such as John Hagee and the late Jerry Falwell, also unconditionally support the building of this 3rd temple, as well as many other dispensationalistic prophecy teachers, who teach that a 3rd temple must be built before the Second Coming of the Messiah. The Third Temple rebuilding is a Kabbalistic/Masonic belief, which is not Scriptural. Not to say one will not be built to receive their false messiah.
Just as the kabbalists have been vigorously marketing Kabbalah in many forms and in different packages, such as the New Age, witchcraft, theosophy, and other secret societies.
A more familiar sounding name, Hasidic Orthodox Judaism, is considered to be the same group as Chabad sect, and they are also called Ultra-Orthodox Jews as a group. Therefore, what the Ultra-Orthodox Jews practice is mystical Judaism, known as Kabbalah.
This is the same group of Jews who believe in building the Third Temple on the Temple Mount to usher in their messiah.
Even using celebrity spokespersons, such as Madonna, Beyonce and Jay-Z, Demi Moore, and many others. They are marketing Kabbalah to Christians in a package known as Messianic Judaism, calling themselves the House of Judah, and demanding Christians unconditionally bless the current State of Kabbalistic Israel. They use Jesus on the package to sell Kabbalah, in reality it is nothing short of blasphemy.
The Zionists’ long term planning were so effective that, even before the surge of Messianic Jews, whole Churches had already been deceived into believing that the Jews were the real tribe of Yahudah (Judah)
The Hebraic Roots Movement, is luring Christians who are tired of the current apostate Church and rampant heresies—into the snare of Kabbalah by teaching them that the Jews are the House of Judah, which they are not, and that they have to be reunited with the House of Israel, now called Christians descendants of the House of Judah and that they were the biblical heirs of the land of Israel. When traced back, one will find that this had been planned for at least 300 years, before 1948 when Israel became a sovereign state. The result was amazing. Now the whole world believes it. … Their plot worked like a “Kabbalah charm.”
It becomes quite evident that there is an undeniable connection between Kabbalah- Freemasonry-Judaism-Zionism-Messianic Movements. Kabbalah is spreading like wildfire as seen by the symbolism and signs that can be found everywhere. This is the Mystery Religion of Mystery Babylon.
Here is the dictionary definition for the word RELIGION.
The definition from Marriam-Webster Dictionary:
“religion” noun \ri-ˈli-jÉ™n\
- the belief in a god or in a group of gods
- an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a
god or a group of gods - an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group
Paganism as “polytheistic religions,” and Kabbalah are inseparable. They are connected on a deep level. Judaism, although claiming to be monotheistic, worships Lucifer and other fallen angels at its core, using monotheism as a cover.
When ,יהוה , they use the Tetragrammaton it has nothing to do with the only one true ELOHIYM, YAHUAH, instead the Tetragrammaton is a symbol of mystical power to Kabbalists, and is translated into the Tree of Life. But, if one pays enough attention to this, it is overwhelmingly clear that they worship many idols and symbols, such as the Eternal Flame, which decorates their Torah (which they do not study), their obelisk (male organ) and mandorla (female vulva)3, hexagram, and more. They also observe many rituals and strictly adhere to customs and traditions of elders, wearing kippah (skull cap), tallit (prayer shawl), tefillin (phylacteries), using symbolized Hebrew letters, amulets and talismans, chantings and prescribed prayers, and infinitely many more occult practices. They are all idols and man-made customs.
Judaism and Kabbalah are also greatly into worshipping “self” as a little god. To them, the ultimate goal of their religious exercises is to become a perfect man, or a god. All false religions are based on the same gods: Lucifer and fallen angels. Those of us who belong to our Father YAHUAH, do not consider belonging to Him, serving Him, and loving Him, as a “religion.” True Netseriym is not, and should not be, a man-made system of trying to appease or reach YAHUAH through religious works or obligations, nor is it striving to become like elohiyms (gods) through control, manipulation and lies. Denominational Christianity is a worldly system that operates under many of these things. It is not true Belivers, but is a religion steeped in paganism and Kabbalah—which is unknown to most.
Even if it is not denominational, most “organizational” churches and ministries are false as well, because they have fallen into the same patterns, rather than the New Testament pattern for Belivers. To the dismay of many who have been awakened to the truth, “Christianity” is a “counterfeit” right from the beginning as we shall continue to see.
Freemasonry, and Kabbalah Signs Symbolism
There are signs and symbolisms found among most, if not all, major denoinations, and so called, “Christian” minsters and their ministry logos and web page designs—containing forms of pagan, Freemasonry, and Illuminati-Kabbalah symbolism. Becoming familiar with this secret “sign language” is crucial for Christians, in order to be able to avoid Satan’s “tares”—which he has “planted” within the body of Messiah. Beware! These Illuminati “plants” are Satan’s ministers who have transformed themselves into looking like “ministers of righteousness”: (2 Cor 11:15) … his (Satan’s) ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness…
I cannot speak for anyone else except for myself, but I do not worship my ELOHIYM in an organized or systematized way with a certain set of beliefs. His existence is not my belief anymore because I know Him, and I belong to Him, therefore His existence is my experience. He is my Father. I am living in His presence every day. Man- made religion has no place in my relationship with Him. I do not have to do anything to belong to any group, although I cherish the fellowship I do have with other like-minded brothers and sisters, in which we learn from and edify each other. By this, together we get to know Him and His plans more and more as we study the Scriptures and pray according to what He reveals to us. He is more than faithful in letting me know that He loves me. So, I live for Him, and obey Him, because I love Him …. For what I have is not a religion of any kind.
Luke 17:20-21
(20) Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of YAHUAH would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of YAHUAH does not come with observation; (21) “nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of YAHUAH is within you. “
It is time for us to realize the falseness of Christianity today. It has mainly been a system of deception to keep us in the darkness and from knowing YAHUAH as our Heavenly Father. Here is a quote from the Website,, concerning the relation between Kabbalah and the false and gnostic Christianity. The article addresses what Gnosticism is. Just as Kabbalah and Paganism are inseparable, Kabbalah and Gnosticism are inseparable as well; Kabbalah runs though all false religions:
Gnosticism goes hand in hand with Cabala (Kabbalah or Qabbala), is the esoteric or mystic religion of Rabbinic Judaism. These occult teachings deal with magic, hypnotism, sorcery and all sorts of pagan practices collected by the Jews throughout centuries of spiritual borrowing from different cultures. The mixing of all these pagan traditions with the teachings of the Gospel of Christ gave birth to a whole new kind ofGnostic religioncalledJewish-Christianity, which is nothing else than a third religion between Judaism and Christianity. As a result, modern “Christianity” was turned into a gamma of Gnostic teachings with all sorts of perverted doctrines introduced throughout the centuries in most of the “Christian” denominations around the world.
“The result of Gnosticism was thus not to Christianize the Cabala, but to cabalaize Christianity by mingling its pure and simple teaching with theosophy and magic.” (Nesta H. Webster(1876 – 1960), Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, p.29, 1924)
This is so very true today. Notice that Webster, wrote this in her book in 1924! It gives us a clue as to what has been going on for quite some time even before she wrote about it.
Worship of Man and Self
There is another aspect of Kabbalah we need to know about. Manly P. Hall, a 33rd Degree Mason, an infamous occultist said this:
“Man is a god in the making, and as in the mystic myths of Egypt, on the potter’s wheel he is being molded. ….. He [The Master Mason], in truth has become the spokesman of the Most High. He stands between the glowing fire light and the world. Through him passes Hydra, the great snake, and from its mouth there pours to man the light of God.” (The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall, pages 92, 54-55, Macoy Publishing and Supply Co., Richmond, Va, 1976)
During the ceremony to receive the Royal Arch Mason degree a candidate is asked: “Brother Inspector, “What are you?” The candidate must say: “I AM THAT I AM.” This is exactly what our YAHUAH ELOHIYM revealed as His holy name to Moses in (Exodus 3:14), “I AM THAT I AM.” Many have heard the late Paul Crouch, Benny Hinn, and Kenneth Copeland say “We are little gods” and repeat “I AM THAT I AM” on separate occasions.
TBN’s Masonic Christian Heritage and Heresy
The biggest and most evil force of unholy false Christianity.
TBN is the most unholy so called ‘Christian’ group on the earth today. It is currently the world’s largest Christian television network. TBN has aired the most evil of teachings and supports apostate, Christ hating false prophets. Read below what TBN has broadcast globally-as Masonic Christian Heresy.
Men are gods
Paul Crouch, speaking to Kenneth Copeland, said: “Somebody said–I don’t know who said it–but they claim that you Faith teachers declare that we are gods. You’re a god. I’m a god. Small ‘g’ now, but we are the gods of this world. . . . Well, are you a god–small ‘g’?” To this, Jan Crouch, referring to Copeland, enthusiastically exclaimed: “He’s gonna say, ‘Yes.’ I love it.”[“Praise the Lord” program on TBN [5 February 1986]
Paul Crouch: “He [God] doesn’t even draw a distinction between Himself and us. . . You know what else that’s settled, then, tonight? This hue and cry and controversy that has been spawned by the Devil to try and bring dissension within the body of Christ that we are gods. I am a little god! I have His name. I’m one with Him. I’m in covenant relation. I am a little god! Critics, be gone!” [“Praise the Lord” program on TBN [7 July 1986]
Benny Hinn: “When you say, ‘I am a Christian, you are saying, ‘I am mashiach’ in the Hebrew. I am a little messiah walking on earth, in other words That is a shocking revelation…. May I say it like this? You are a little god on earth running around.” [“Praise- a-Thon” program on TBN [6 November 1990]
Just read some of their outrageous quotes in the following article from:
God is the biggest failure in the bible Kenneth Copeland: “I was shocked when I found out who the biggest failure in the Bible actually is….The biggest one is God….I mean, He lost His top-ranking, most anointed angel; the first man He ever created; the first woman He ever created; the whole earth and all the Fullness therein; a third of the angels, at least–that’s a big loss, man. . . . Now, the reason you don’t think of God as a failure is He never said He’s a failure. And you’re not a failure till you say you’re one.” [“Praise-a-Thon” program on TBN [April 1988] God is kicked out of the earth and needs an invitation Frederick K.C. Price: “God can’t do anything in this earth realm except what we, the body of Christ, allow Him to do. Now that statement is so–that’s so–that’s so foreign and |
so contrary to tradition that, like I said, if they could get their hands on me right now most evangelicals would burn me at the stake and dismember me and feed me to the crocodiles, because they’ll consider that statement to be just heresy.” [“Ever Increasing Faith” program on TBN [1 May 1992], audiotape #PR1 Frederick K.C. Price: “Adam, as I said, gave it [the earth] away to the serpent, to the Devil. As a result of it, he got his behind kicked out of the garden. He went out of Eden, out of the garden. He began to wander around, and he has troubles from day one. Now God was out of the business. God was out of the earth realm. God had no more stock in this earth realm. No more. None at all. Nothing He could do. Not a thing in the world He could do. . . .The only way God could get back into this earth realm, He had to have an invitation. Ha-hah! He had to have an invitation. And so, God looked around–saw different men, saw Noah, saw different ones. He gave them a few instructions. They did what He said. So and so and so and so. But, finally, He got to a point where He had His plan ready for operation. And He saw a man named Abraham.” [“Ever Increasing Faith” program on TBN [1 May 1992], audiotape #PR11 The Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ was not enough to atone for sin Paul E. Billheimer: “It was not sufficient for Christ to offer up only his physical life on the cross. His pure human spirit had to descend into hell …His spirit must not only descend into hell, but into the lowest hell….The Father turned Him over, not only to the agony and death of Calvary, but to the satanic torturers of His pure spirit as part of the just dessert of the sin of all the race. As long as Christ was ‘the essence of sin’ he was at |
Satan’s mercy in that place of torment. . . .While Christ identified with sin, Satan and the hosts of hell ruled over Him as over any lost sinner. During that seemingly endless age in the nether abyss of death, Satan did with Him as he would, and all hell was ‘in carnival.” [“Destined for the Throne”, special edition for TBN [Fort Washington, PA: Christian Literature Crusade, 1988 (orig. 1975)]. page 83-84 quoted by Jan Crouch during “Praise the Lord” program on TBN (20 August 1987). SONS |
Jesus became one in nature with Satan Benny Hinn: “Jesus Christ knew the only way He would stop Satan is by becoming one in nature with him…He became one with the nature of Satan, so all those who had the nature of Satan can partake of the nature of God.” “Benny Hinn” program on TBN [15 December 1990, emphasis in original]. This message, titled “The Person of Jesus” [delivered during Orlando Christian Center’s Sunday morning service on 2 December 1991], comprises Part Four of Hinn’s six-part series on “The Revelation of Jesus” [Orlando Christian Center, 1991], videotape #TV-292 Jesus was a very wealthy man with a big mansion and designer clothes John Avanzini: “Jesus had a nice house, a big house–big enough to have company stay the night with Him at the house. Let me show you His house. Go over to John the first |
chapter and I’II show you His house. . . . Now, child of God, that’s a house big enough to have company stay the night in. There’s His house.” [“Believer’s Voice of Victory” program on TBN [20 January 1991] John Avanzini: “Jesus was handling big money because that treasurer He had was a thief. Now you can’t tell me that a ministry with a treasurer that’s a thief can operate on a few pennies. It took big money to operate that ministry because Judas was stealing out of that bag.” [“Praise the Lord” program on TBN [15 September 1988] John Avanzini: “John 19 tells us that Jesus wore designer clothes. Well, what else you gonna call it? Designer clothes–that’s blasphemy. No, that’s what we call them today. I mean, you didn’t get the stuff He wore off the rack. It wasn’t a one-size-fits-all deal. No, this was custom stuff. It was the kind of a garment that kings and rich merchants wore. Kings and rich merchants wore that garment.” [“Believer’s Voice of Victory” program on TBN [20 January 1991] Frederick K.C. Price: “The whole point is I’m trying to get you to see–to get you out of this malaise of thinking that Jesus and the disciples were poor and then relating that to you- thinking that you, as a child of God, have to follow Jesus. The Bible says that He has left us an example that we should follow His steps. That’s the reason why I drive a Rolls Royce. I’m following Jesus’ steps.”[“Ever Increasing Faith” program on TBN (9 December 1990] Frederick K C. Price: “The Bible says that He [Jesus] had a treasurer–a treasury (they called it “the bag”); that they had one man who was the treasurer, named Judas Iscariot; |
and the rascal was stealing out of the bag for three-and-a-half years and nobody knew that he was stealing. You know why? Because there was so much in it, He couldn’t tell. Nobody could tell that anything was missing. If He had three oranges in the bottom of the bag and he stole two of them, don’t tell me He wouldn’t know that some was missing. Besides that, if Jesus didn’t have anything, what do you need a treasury for? A treasury is for surplus. It’s not for that which you’re spending. It’s only for surplus–to hold it until you need to spend it. Therefore, He must have had a whole lot that needed to be held in advance that He wasn’t spending. So He must have had more than He was living on.” [“Ever Increasing Faith” program on TBN [23 November 1990] |
Adam was a superman and the first man on the moon Benny Hinn: “Adam was a super-being when God created him. I don’t know whether people know this, but he was the first superman that really ever lived. First of all, the Scriptures declare clearly that he had dominion over the fowls of the air, the fish of the sea–which means he used to fly. Of course, how can he have dominion over the birds and not be able to do what they do? The word ‘dominion’ in the Hebrew clearly declares that if you have dominion over a subject that you do everything that subject does. In other words, that subject, if it does something you cannot do, you don’t have dominion over it. 1’11 prove it further. Adam not only flew, he flew to space. He was–with one thought he would be on the moon.” “Praise the Lord” program on TBN [26 December 1991] |
Never, ever pray as the Bible says “Thy will be done” never Frederick K.C. Price: “When 1 first got saved they didn’t tell me 1 could do anything. What they told me to do was that whenever I prayed I should always say, ‘The will of the Lord be done.’ Now, doesn’t that sound humble? It does. Sounds like humility, it’s really stupidity. 1 mean, you know, really, we insult God. 1 mean, we really do insult our Heavenly Father. We do; we really insult Him without even realizing it. If you have to say, ‘If it be thy will’ or ‘Thy will be done’–if you have to say that, then you’re calling God a fool because He’s the One that told us to ask. . . . If God’s gonna give me what He wants me to have, then it doesn’t matter what 1 ask. I’m only gonna get what God wants me to have. So that’s an insult to God’s intelligence.” “Ever Increasing Faith” program on TBN [16 November 1990] Jesus had no existence prior to being in the flesh Benny Hinn: “The Bible says the prophets spoke the Word not knowing what they were saying. But 4000 years passed when the Word became a human being and walked and talked and moved. The spoken Word became a human being. The spoken Word became flesh. The spoken Word got legs on, arms, eyes, hair, a body. And He was no longer saying, ‘Thus sayeth the Lord.’ He was saying, ‘I say unto you.’ The Word that was spoken through the lip [sic] of prophets was now walking on the seashore of Galilee “Benny Hinn” program on TBN [15 December 1990, emphasis in original]. This message, titled “The Person of Jesus” [delivered during Orlando Christian Center’s Sunday morning service on 2 December 1991], comprises Part Four of Hinn’s six-part series on “The Revelation of Jesus” [Orlando Christian Center, 1991], videotape #TV-292 |
You can also watch this video at ( to see and hear for yourself. TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) is a Judeo-Masonic-Illuminati front and ALL preachers and musicians the network promote are their friends.
This may be a little bit of a digression, but I would like to show some evidence of TBN’s true colors. It is a good example showing the connection of Kabbalah-Freemason-Zionism
They have always been pro-Israel, but recently their Zionistic tendency has been vamped up greatly, and they are much bolder, in comparison to a few years ago. And, even back then, they were already blatantly promoting Glenn Beck who is a Mormon Zionist! Now, TBN’s promoting Beck also seems to have continued despite many voices of disapproval (Ref 1, Ref 2). Well … it does not matter, it seems, what other Christians say, because TBN and Glenn Beck are of the same family—the seed of serpent—and are connected by Kabbalah-Freemasonry-Judaism-Zionism-Illuminati—they are also united in the purpose of deceiving Christians. All Christian TV networks are owned by the Illuminati family.
The core nature of Kabbalistic Judaism is the same as that of Freemasonry, exactly the same. They worship themselves first, and then Lucifer, to fulfill their desire to become gods, because that is how Lucifer draws and controls them. The esoteric knowledge one needs to become enlightened (or ‘illuminated’) or deified is the carrot in front of the horse’s nose, which one can never get, even in exchange for his soul. They want everlasting life in this present world with all its amenities of: wealth, control, and worldly pleasures.
All of the successful politicians and celebrities, and many professional athletes, are controlled by the Illuminati through Freemasonry and Kabbalah. Unless you belong to them, meaning the “Powers That Be” (PTB), you cannot be elected as a politician, or be promoted as a singer or an actor. This is clearly evidenced by their behavior, hand signs, and who they working for. Many were just born into Illuminati families and ultimately must choose become willing participants. When you worship yourself and worldly success, Kabbalah becomes is an irresistible religion for those choose these as idols and are they are inevitably drawn into to Illuminati participation.
However, Satan’s rewards are temporary and transient, things like worldly wealth and fame, are not a lasting guarantee. If they do not obey the PTB, they will removed from the wealth and fame, and have their lives destroyed or terminated. Those who are out there “acting”
Their roles are simply the tools of the top cabal to control the masses. Kabbalah and Freemasonry are religions that control their slaves. And, the intensity and the depth of the evil they use to control them are utterly unimaginable. This modus operandi of enticing man to become gods was obvious from the Garden of Eden.
Genesis 3:1-5
(1) Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which YAHUAH ELOHIYM had made. And he said to the woman, “Has ELOHIYM indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” (2) And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; (3) “but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, ELOHIYM has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’ ”
(4) Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. (5) “For ELOHIYM knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like elohiym, knowing good and evil.” Satan has not changed.
Kabbalah, Babylon the Harlot
The world of Kabbalah is enormous, and is undefinable in a just one paragraph, because it branches out into dozens of minor religions and cults. It reminds me of an octopus, a gigantic one … one with more than eight tentacles, even hundreds of them. And its tentacles are everywhere in the world we live in.
As discussed earlier, the group of people that have been the main carrier of Kabbalah are the Khazarian Jews, through the practice of Judaism. This “core group” of Jews are running the world right now, and leading it into the New World Order. This now is unequivocal and undeniable, and so much so that their controlled oppositions do not even hide the facts, but give away these facts to gain the trust of the truth seeking people, but not letting them go any further or deeper than a certain level.
Stereo typical Jews, such as the Ultra-Orthodox Jews, and some famous figures of the Illuminati are their scape goats as well as their baits. They make out the Ultra-Orthodox Jews to be bad and professed Messianic Jews to look more believable and genuine—while both practices aspects of Judaism. It is one of many ways to trap the truth-oriented population.
They are experts at feeding us only what they want, in order to make us feel as if we know something. Without seeing the whole picture or knowing what is really happening people are being charmed by these shills from hell. We must stop listening to those who are loud and visible, which include TV preachers and popular YouTube ministries and false prophets. If you are not sure which minister or ministry is false, just stop watching TV and YouTube altogether and concentrate on studying your Scriptures—most are false anyway. By doing this, you will get detoxed and gain much truth. Without a solid foundation in the Word of YAHUAH, researching these things can be confusing and lead one into grave deception.
Our Messiah did warn us about the Khazarian Jews.
Revelation 2:9
“I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Yahudiym (Jews) and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan.
In a nutshell, a group of sons of the “serpent sons of Cain,” who were sons of Japheth, and not Shem (the father of the Semites-Abraham’s descendants), these “sons of Cain (Japhethites) were from Khazar (652 – 1016 AD), have took on the identity of the House of Yahudah (Judah) around the mid-1500s, or earlier. Until then, the word “Jew” was not part of the world’s vocabulary creating a totally new cult of Kabalah.
Therefore I pray you will seriously consider the following:
The same group of people, the “Khazarian Jews” and their agents such as Freemasonry, have been controlling the Church, and that is why we have been brainwashed to unconditionally support the “state of Israel,” within the Church. We have been told that the modern Jews are from the House of Yahudah (Judah), thus they have the right to the land of ancient Yisrael (Israel) (the Hebrew decedents of Abraham). But, the truth is that Israel as it exists now is not the “Yisrael (Israel)” of YAHUAH, and this modern Zionist State is committing all kinds of atrocities. It is part of the Father’s plan for them to have it for now, just as the Canaanites occupied the land of Canaan before the true Yisraelites (Israelites) conquered them. It is also going to be destroyed in the end, and if you know your Scriptures a New Jerusalem from heaven will be established on earth to rule the world eternally. But, for us to now support the existence and purpose of the current State of Israel is the same as supporting the New World Order and Satan! This Zionist State of Israel is a Judaism deception, and has “duped” many and is part of the “Great Deception” that is still to come. Make no mistake, the current State of Israel is being run by the Illuminati’s Kabbalists!
This is a Test!
Those receiving this truth for the first time are having their faith, knowledge of the Scriptures, and their zeal for the truth TESTED. We are to be discerning and not to be deceived.
When the Zionists call their country, “Israel,” please be aware that it is not the Scriptural Yisrael (Israel) we tend to assume. It is a “political” and “secular” nationalism that they are based on, and absolutely not the Scriptural “Yisrael” “(Israel).”
These sons of Cain from Khazar inherited the religion of the apostate Israelites, known as paganized “Judaism.
We must remain on the side of the Truth, no matter how painful the truth may be. Please pray and receive the truth.
As mentioned, those running the State of Israel now are part of Mystery Babylon that will fall by the hands of the Anti-Messiah. If the driving force and the method of control of the Judeo-Christian Masonic-Illuminati cabal is the religion of Kabbalah then, this is Babylon the Mother of Harlots described in the Book of Revelation.
Revelation 17:4-5
(4) The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. (5) And on her forehead a name was written:MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.
What else is controlling the masses and running the whole earth but the Illuminati? Who else could be the “daughter of Babylon” (but the USA) that the Scriptures speaks of? Kabbalah originated in Babylon, and will meet its end at the destruction of America:
Psalms 137:8
O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he (Satan and his cabal) be, that rewarded you as you have served us.
Christians must not support the current State of Israel, and if they do, they are being controlled by the Zionists. It is not the Yisrael (Israel) YAHUAH is yet going to redeem. This will not happen until our Messiah returns! Many have been falsely taught that the formation of the “State of Israel” was resurrection of the dry bones vision of (Ezekiel 37), but they fail to understand that the bones represent the WHOLE (both) HOUSES (families) of YISRAEL (ISRAEL) (Abraham’s “Seed”). Because they are fooled into thinking the current “State of Israel” is the “HOLY NATION” of YAHUAH of YAHUAH’s chosen people—they also believe as Christians we are to “bless” this current state of Israel if we want YAHUAH’s blessing upon our life because of what YAHUAH said to Abraham.
Aren’t We Suppose to Bless Yisrael (Israel)?
SOURCE: April 2015 TRUMPET SOUNDS Newsletter, entitled: WARNING! Deceptive Doctrines and Traditions of Man Exposed Including Jewish Practices and Beliefs; By Karen Connell
I want to make it clear that I am not anti-Semitic in the sense in that I hate the “Jewish people”—NOTE: (by “Jewish” I mean Abraham’s physical descendants the “Hebrew” people). Nor do I embrace the replacement theology that says—YAHUAH has done away with the Jewish people and has replaced them with Christians or are now His “Israel”—which is also erroneously being taught by many. Without going into an in depth study at this time, I simply will state that the Scriptures is very clear about the fact that YAHUAH’s Holy Nation is comprised of both Jewish people and gentiles who are born again and chosen by YAHUAH to rule and reign with Messiah in His eternal Kingdom—that YAHUSHA HA’MASHICH will set up upon this earth at His second coming. The Scriptures says, YAHUAH called Abraham and his physical descendants known as the Hebrews—to be chosen as His covenant people. The first covenant was YAHUAH’s covenant with Abraham, in which he promised Abraham would be a blessing to all families on earth.
The Hebrew people that were part of the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom—called the kingdom of Yisrael (Israel)—when that nation was split into two kingdoms (Yisrael’s/Israel and Yahudah/Judah).
Yisrael/Israel (the Northern Kingdom) were conquered by the Assyrians and assimilated into the nations that came into that area. These ten tribes eventually became known as the Samaritans. It was after the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. that the remaining two tribes of the Southern Kingdom known as Yahudah/Judah (eventually called Jews)—were scattered throughout the earth. Because of this, Hebrew DNA has been mixed among every family upon this earth. The ten tribes have completely lost their Hebrew identity and are often referred to as the lost ten tribes—because they have been mixed with and have been assimilated into every culture, race and religion—throughout the world by means of such things as conquering nations, intermarriages, illegitimate offspring and even through adoptions. Thus, it only takes one Hebrew ancestor in our lineage to impart to us Abraham’s Hebrew DNA.—because of the dispersion of the Hebrew people among all the nations of the world.
Many Jewish people—of the Southern Kingdom from the Tribes of Yahudha/Judah and Benjamin— kept their Hebrew Yahudim/Jewish identity—and it was from this Yahudim/Jewish Hebrew lineage of Yahudah/Judah that YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH was born. This means every person who is born again through faith in YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH, has been “blessed” by Abraham through receiving the blood of YAHUSHA HA’MASIACH. How incredible to think that every family on earth in our present world has some Hebrew DNA— due to the dispersion of the ten tribes…
Now YAHUAH had said unto Abram, Get out of your country, and from your kindred, and from your father’s house, unto a land that I will show you… And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing… And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you: and through you shall all families of the earth be blessed. (Gen 12:1-3)
Abraham was seen as righteous by YAHUAH because of His faith… (Rom 4:9)For we say that faith was accounted to Abraham for righteousness. Therefore, because we have been blessed by Abraham’s DNA we have all been given a measure of his faith. The word faith as defined in the New Testament comes from the Greek root word (Strong’s 3982) peitho (pi’-tho). The meanings to this word gives us the three essential aspects or measures that constitutes whole or complete faith. This word is defined as being convinced, to agree and to obey. Thus, because of Abraham’s blessing within us we all have been given at least the first measure or element of faith—which is we can all be convinced (which literally means convicted) by the truth when we hear it. (Rom 12:3) YAHUAH hath dealt to every man a measure (an aspect) of faith.
. When the Scriptures talks about a person being convicted by the truth—this literally Our human spirit (conscience) is created to respond to the truth when it is revealed.
Which means their human conscience (spirit) has been convinced that what they heard was the truth. If a person does not respond by agreement to the conviction of the truth, then their heart becomes hardened and they not only disagree with and disobey the truth—the ability to become convicted diminishes.
. Those who activate their measure of faith by agreeing with and obeying the truth, after it has convicted them—are a blessing (honoring) Abraham by walking in the faith of Abraham.
…that he (Abraham) might be the father (source) for all them that believe (use their inherited measure of faith)…who also walk in the steps of the faith of our father Abraham… (Rom 4:11-12)
The CWSD defines the word father (Strong’s 3962) in the Greek as “genitor” and is related to the Greek word “genos” (1085), which is where we get our word “genes” from. Therefore, we are all truly Abraham’s seed either by having his physical Hebrew gene (as previously explained) or by faith in his spiritual seed—YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH.
Another important fact I find fascinating is — because of the intermarriages within His lineage with all of the other nations of the earth. As a result, YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH carried within Him the entire seed of all humanity!
I make this point because many Christians have been falsely taught (as I was) that to “bless Abraham” simply means to bless the current modern State of Israel and the “Jewish people”—who are an anti-Messiah godless nation.
The false Kabbalah teachers have convinced Christians that if we do this we will be blessed and those who refuse to support the current nation of Israel will be cursed.
However, as shown this is not what (Gen 12:1-3) says, those who add this idea to the context of that text— to make it say what they want it to say—are creating a pretext for idolizing the Jewish people Judaism and their culture. Again, this text is not talking about the “nation of Israel” or the Jewish people as a whole—it was also said to ABRAM personally, while trying to enter the land of Canaan. When YAHUAH said every nation of the world would be blessed through Him, he was referring to His SEED YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH. This false idea that we should bless an ungodly people group or a nation that hates YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH—and one that totally blasphemes Him in their evil anti-biblical Talmud teachings—is absurd. By blessing them—only causes us to become a partaker of their evil deeds—and this is very dangerous! The Scriptures says this…
Whoever (including Jews) transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Messiah does not have YAHUAH… He who abides in the doctrine of Messiah has both the Father and the Son… If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor bid him YAHUAH speed (do not bless him)… for he who bids him YAHUAH speed shares in his evil deeds. (2 John 8-11)
Thus, whoever refuses the conviction of YAHUAH’s truth is cursed –because they dishonor the measure of Abraham’s faith that they have been given—by refusing to receive the truth, if you do a complete study on the genealogy of YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH that is given in (Matt 1:1-16)—you will find that his physical genetic seed comes from every ethnic group on the planet.
As mentioned, it is through Abraham’s Hebraic DNA within us that we will either bless or curse our Father Abraham—according to our faith response.
One can be anti-Semitic in the sense that they love the Jewish person—but hate their ungodly culture and religion. It was through Jacob and his twelve sons that the “Hebrew nation” of Yisrael (Israel) came into being. This was the “great nation” that was promised to Abraham and was chosen to represent YAHUAH’s will and ways to all of the other nations upon the earth. However, failure to follow YAHUAH and His commandments clearly meant expulsion from YAHUAH’s land that they had inherited from Him. That is what happened in 70 A.D. Thus, YAHUAH’s Word says they have no right at this time to be on the land until YAHUAH restores it to them during the millennial reign of YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH upon the earth. This leads me to see there is going to be a time in the possible very near future when Yisrael’s (Israel’s) enemies are going to be used by YAHUAH to remove them from His land once again. YAHUAH says:.… for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me (Lev 25:23). Notice in this verse that YAHUAH is saying the territorial land of Yisrael (Israel) belongs to Him.
“Son of man, the people living in those ruins in the land of Yisrael (Israel) are saying, ‘Abraham was only one man, yet he possessed the land. But we are many; surely the land has been given to us as our possession.’ Therefore say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign YAHUAH says: Since you eat meat with the blood still in it and look to your idols and shed blood, should you then possess the land? You rely on your sword (military strength), you do detestable things… Should you then possess the land?’ … I will make the land a desolate waste, and her proud strength will come to an end.’ (Ezekiel 33:24-26,28-29)
YAHUAH made it clear that if the Yisralites (Israelites) did not follow His commandments and if they turned to other elohiyms (gods) they could not stay on the land.
But if you turn away, and forsake my statutes and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other elohiyms (gods), and worship them… Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them; and this house, which I have sanctified for my name, will I cast out of my sight, and will make it to be a proverb and a by word among all nations. (2 Chron 7:19-20)
Thus saith YAHUAH against all mine evil neighbors, that touch the inheritance (cause violence in YAHUAH’s land) which I have caused my people Yisrael (Israel) to inherit; Behold, I will pluck them (those who touch YAHUAH’s land) out of their land, and pluck out (uproot i.e. bring destruction upon) (Jews) from among them… And it shall come to pass, return, (i.e. second coming and millennial reign) and have compassion on them (the repentant remnant), and will bring them again, every man to his heritage, and every man to his land… And it shall come to pass, if they (evil neighbors) will diligently learn the ways of my It was only promised as an inheritance to the descendants of Jacob if they continued to worship Him as their one and only true ELOHIYM the house of Yahudah (Judah) after that I have plucked them out I will people, to swear by my name, YAHUAH lives; as they taught my people to swear by Baal; then shall they be built in the midst of my people… But if they will not obey, I will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation, saith YAHUAH. (Jer 12:14-17)
Notice the above text is alluding to the separation of goat and sheep nations during the millennium—and shows the only way YAHUAH permits the Yahudim (Jews) to be on His land is through faith and obedience to His Word. Since they have not repented since 70 A.D. of rejecting the Messiah—our living Word of YAHUAH—they will again be removed from YAHUAH’s land by anti- Messiah when he goes after them to destroy them (Rev 12:17). Then, when YAHUSHA returns, those yahudim (Jews) who have repented will be restored as Jeremiah states.
I was taught many things contrary to what I am saying here, in my early years of being a Christian—but as I have spent time seeking YAHUAH’s Word through these past 40 years —this is what I find His Word to be saying. YAHUAH chose the Hebrew people as an ethnic group to keep His commandments and to obey His voice.
However, as we know they did not do this. In fact they became entangled with Satan’s anti-Messiah nations and ended up serving him & his demonic gods—which they still do so right to this day. As stated the “Jewish” people of the current nation of Israel do not recognize the true and living YAHUAH ELOHIYM—YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH or even believe the Torah they read so religiously. The average Rabbi will tell you the Old Testament is just a book of parables and allegories—things like the Garden of Eden, creation, the flood etc. are not literal events. Their religion is Talmud-based and because of their rejection of the Messiah their eyes are veiled to the truth of YAHAUH to this very day. They have been broken off of the true Vine of YAHUAH’s vineyard—and only faith in YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH the true Vine—can engraft them again into YAHUAH’s family…
Because of unbelief they were broken off, and you stand by faith. Do not be haughty, but fear… For if YAHUAH did not spare the natural branches, He may not spare you either. And they also, if they do not continue in unbelief, will be grafted in, for YAHUAH is able to graft them in again… For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Yisrael (Israel) until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. (Rom 11:20-25)
Again those who follow the “Jewish” religion and its Talmudic traditions are the most godless people on earth. They have become the chosen people of their elohiym (god) Lucifer! That is why YAHUSHA told the Jewish leaders of His day that their father was Satan. They have remained in this state since rejecting YAHUSHA their Messiah, and this is how YAHUAH deals with them when they are in rebellion and idolatry…
They forsook YAHUAH and served Baal and the Ashtoreths… And the anger of YAHUAH was hot against Yisrael (Israel). So He delivered them into the hands of plunderers who despoiled them; and He sold them into the hands of their enemies all around, so that they could no longer stand before their enemies. (Judg 2:13-14)
We must never forget that the Scripture tells us ant-Messiah’ is going to unite all religions of the world under the false prophet, which will include Christians in a F.O.G. (form of godliness), who have been deceived into thinking that the Jews are our “brothers” and that they are the special “children of YAHUAH” and that we need to bless them! It makes me very sad to say, that this however, is not the truth. We must wake up and listen to what the apostle Paul said, who was born a physical Jew:
I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart… For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Messiah for my brethren (Hebrew decedents), my countrymen according to the flesh… But it is not that the word of YAHUAH has taken no effect. For they are not all Yisrael (Israel) who are of Yisrael (Israel)… nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, “In Isaac (the promised heir i.e. YAHUSHA) your seed shall be called.” …That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of YAHUAH; but the children of the promise (born again ones) are counted as the seed. (Rom 9:2-3; 7-8)
The word Jew (Strong’s 3034) comes from the root yadah (yaw-daw), which is a picture of one who—extends the hand in worship., confession or warfare—as true worshippers of their YAHUAH—YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH.
For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly … but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit… (Rom 2:28-29)
We can rejoice that there is going to be an end time remnant of Hebrew people, who will finally recognize their Messiah and sit alongside every blood washed saint of YAHUAH in the Kingdom of YAHUAH that YAHUSHA will establish upon the earth at His second coming. Until then, both the Jews (Judah or converted Jews) on YAHUAH’s land and Christians worldwide (Israel i.e. Abraham’s seed)) are going to be hunted down and scattered by ant-Messiah during the worst time of trouble the world has ever known—a time the Scriptures refers to as the “time of Jacob’s trouble.”
Now these are the words that YAHUAH spoke concerning (Yisrael) Yahudah (Judah)… Alas! For that day is great, So that none is like it; And and it is the saved out of it…’For it shall come to pass in that day,’ Says YAHUAH of hosts, ‘That I will break his (anti-Messiah’s) yoke from your neck, And will burst your bonds; Foreigners shall no more enslave them… But they shall serve YAHUAH their ELOHIYM, And David their king, Whom I will raise up for them. (Jer 30:4, 7-9)
No, YAHUAH has not replaced all Jews with the Christians, because all blood bought and redeemed people from out of every nation and tongue—whether Jew and gentile—these are going to rule and reign with our King YAHUSHA as His Holy Nation—Yisrael (Israel)—the princes of YAHUAH!
… YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His ELOHIYM and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever…Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him (the Jews). And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen! (Rev 1:5-7)
Let us keep in mind that Jewish people represent the prodigal son described by YAHUSHA— whom the father in (Lk 15:11-32) loved but described as being dead—no longer living as a child within His family. The word death or dead—both in the Hebrew and Greek is defined as being separated or cut off—as with the Jews from YAHUAH. YAHUAH our Father is looking forward to the day when His prodigal son will return to Him. Until then we must pray for the Jews and do all we can to lead them to Messiah. We must not however, bless them and consider their current nation to be part of YAHUAH’s family—unless they are born-again.
Should you help the ungodly, and love them that hate YAHUAH? Therefore is wrath upon thee from before YAHUAH. (2 Chronicles 19:2)
Zionist preachers like John Hagee and other Evangelicals are leading Christians down the garden path of deception by preaching Zionism (embracing the current Jewish State). He and many other evangelical Zionists even teach that the Jews don’t need to be born again, they are already YAHUAH’s children—our brothers. Many misuse millennial prophetic Scriptures that promise YAHUAH’s reinstatement of Israel as His Holy Nation as their proof texts. We must understand that the anti- Messiah’s spirit is always trying to change times and laws (Dan 7:25). Satan knows the Scripture says YAHUAH will re-gather the Yahudim (Jews)—as do many Jews—so in order to deceive people he counterfeits the plans and acts of YAHUAH. Unless we can rightly divide the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15) we will be deceived by Satan’s lying signs and wonders. As mentioned in this article, Yisrael (Israel) is still an idolatrous godless nation that hates YAHUSHA.
Things that need to be considered:
· The nation of Israel will not allow a Christian to emigrate to their country unless they renounce Christianity and become converted to Judaism by an Orthodox rabbi (i.e. occultist). (That surly sounds like the anti-Messiah spirit to me).
· In Israel Christians cannot openly witness and pass out materials without being harassed or arrested. As Paul said they are the enemies of the Gospel (Rom 11:28).
· Fox News In June of 2014 reported the gay community voted Tel Aviv in Israel the #1 gay city in the world and gay pride rainbow flags can be see lining the streets on Gay Pride Day.
How can we bless and support an occultic perverted nation such as Israel that is trying to usurp authority over YAHUAH’s land that has been designated for YAHUAH’s Holy Nation. Christians must begin to listen to what YAHUAH’s Word is saying and stop listening to their favorite false teachings and teachers—who are ignorant of the Word and deceived by Satan. If we are born again we have YAHUAH’s RUACH HA’QODESH (Holy Spirit) to lead us into all truth. May we sincerely seek truth and have ears to hear and be awaken by it! –End of TRUMPET SOUNDS Newsletter Article—
The religion that is taking over the world is not Islam, as Kabbalists want us to think, but it is Kabbalah and Judaism. Islam and Arabic nations are just tools of theirs. The Arabs are part of the whole scheme being used by the kabbalist elites. Please, do not be deceived by their anti-Islam propaganda and campaigns.
Speaking again of the Harlot Babylon, the Vatican must be mentioned, because some people are adamant that the Vatican or the Pope is the Anti- Messiah. It is true that the Vatican is a part of the New World Order, of that there is no doubt. It is it not Scriptural to assume the Vatican or the Pope is the anti-Messiah, however, these things have been taught by false Kabbalists teachers for hundreds of years. Also, when you study the symbolism and the origin of Catholicism, it is the same as Kabbalah and the same paganism from which Kabbalah came from. It is just another package to sell Kabbalah in.
The Jesuit order was created by a crypto-Jew, named Ignatius of Loyola, in 1541, and it is actually a Kabbalistic Masonic order, to which the current Pope Francis belongs. There is a much bigger picture. The Vatican is merely a tentacle of the octopus or Illuminati front. The Illuminists are using the Vatican’s high visibility and obvious occult nature (against the awakened people), and at the same time, it is using it against the seemingly benign perception of the sleeping masses, in order to divert their attention, so that they can hide their true agenda and deceptions. It is not the Vatican that is running the show, but there is a humongous power behind it. Do not follow the pipe piper, but study the Scriptures for yourself, and you will see it.
As a matter of fact, the person who introduced the indulgence system, which is “forgiveness of sin for a fee,” to the Catholic Church was a financially powerful Khazarian Jewish banker in Germany, named Jakob Fugger (1459 – 1525), who financed, and controlled the Vatican after ca. 1503. After his death, other Khazarian Jews took over, and later in the mid 1700’s, the Illuminati established the Rothschild family as their front and face to the world and took over the Vatican. The Vatican is still “totally” controlled by the Illuminati-Freemasonry bankers.
Symbolism of Kabbalah
Kabbalah is everywhere, and in all kinds of forms. Literally, the whole world is deceived by the cabal that uses Kabbalah as a control method. It is extremely hard to grasp the whole concept of Kabbalah as a unit, or, as an organism.
I have learned that the best, and possibly the easiest, way to keep track of it and to identify the influence of Kabbalah behind this occult religion is through their symbolism. They communicate by symbols, signs and signals.
(Psalms 74:4) Your enemies roar in the midst of your congregations; they set up their ensigns for signs.
I encourage everyone to learn how to recognize the symbolism of Kabbalah.
We must be wise in discerning the lies and deceptions. And in doing so, the best way, I have learned is to identify signs of any presenter’s background. I check their:
- Logos
- Mannerisms
- Banners
- Website designs
- Hand gestures etc.
It is a mandate for the occult to exhibit their affiliation and pay homage to Satan. You will be able to discern occult activity if they exhibit any of the signs of associated with Kabbalah, Masonry or the Illuminati. It appears almost “obsessive and compulsive” for them to use their symbols and signs. They truly are deceived and in bondage to evil powers.
Their talk is very persuasive and “nice” sounding. And of course, they speak fluent “Christianese” with all the “God is good” and “Praise the Lord!” quips. They recite some very key scriptures, and even tell you some truth, yes. They even sound like they know the Scriptures forward and backward, although in reality they are twisting the Scripture around to their convenience. But, if I find any sign of darkness in those areas I mentioned. I do not believe a word of what they say. They mix a few faint lies with truth in the beginning, and end up telling you blatant lies using YAHUAH’s Word, and then, start indoctrinating you with Kabbalistic and mystical teachings, slowly and subtly, and before you know it, the lies eventually replace the truth all together.
We must stay away from any and all false teachers and ministries. Especially Judaism or Messianic Judaism. Everything is corrupted.
Galatians 5:9
A little leaven leavens the whole lump.
Yes, the Word of YAHUAH is infallible, but man’s belief’s concerning it are not. The fact is that the Church has been completely infiltrated and has been teaching heresy after heresy— generation after generation. We may be arguing against a heresy with another heresy … so be aware of that possibility.
Please remember, these committed occultists are not simply mistaken, but are out to intentionally “bewitch” you (Gal 3:1). It does not matter how much truth you tell them, they will simply deny, ignore, or spin it. And, they will attack you personally and mercilessly, even traumatizing you emotionally. Be careful to whom you are speaking the truth.
Matthew 7:6
“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.
Nevertheless, I strongly recommend that you try to find out “WHO” is teaching first, before you struggle to figure out if “WHAT” is being taught is true or lie. You can save a lot of time and energy and also avoid much agony, by simply Learning their signs and symbolism.
Researching Kabbalah
There are three important points to keep in mind when researching Kabbalah. You will do good to remember these:
1. Please be aware that, when you look up the word, “Kabbalah,” or in various versions of spelling such as “Kabala,” “Cabala,” “Cabbala,” “Qabala,” etc.,
I provide Wikipedia references, but only for the convenience and as a place to start. There is no “one-stop” resource for Kabbalah. Of course, great care has been taken to insure that the information sources used here are trustworthy when it comes to the “real” truth about Kabbalah. The known facts and historical information are fine to research, but stay away from esoteric information. Especially, when it comes to regarding the origin of Kabbalah, they say their religion, the Kabbalistic Judaism or Jewish Mysticism, originated in the Garden of Eden … this is something to avoid. Remember, the majority of the Kabbalah followers are also deceived.
2. Therefore, we must have the firm and solid knowledge of the Scriptures, especially of the Old Testament to be not deceived by the confusing lies by the Kabbalistic teaching. Satan and his sons cannot create anything from scratch. It is the nature of the “counterfeit” religion, to take over, Hi-Jack, and subvert the original and the truth to create their lies. Also, it is the most efficient way to deceive the people of YAHUAH ELOHIYM, by making their lies sound good.
Are you absolutely sure everything you believe about the Word of YAHUAH is infallible?
After all, are literature online are written by the kabbalists or Jewish authors.
And that also includes “Wikipedia.”
Without the truth firmly planted in us, the same terminology that they use, such as “Tree of Life,” “Torah,” and even names, such as “Moses,” “Solomon,” etc. mean TOTALLY different things “esoterically,” and can easily confuse and fool you and lead you to believe that they are talking about the Scriptural matters …. and you can be sure, they are not.
3. It is also the nature of Kabbalah and Freemasonry that there are many levels of knowledge. Those who are lower in the degrees or advancement are taught different meanings of symbolism than the higher degreed individuals. That is the very “esoteric” nature of these secret societies. Therefore, the meanings of the terms and symbols we can find are usually purposefully “esoteric,” and we cannot really know their top secret meanings. The more esoteric it is, the more evil it gets.
4. It is a confusing mess to try and understand. It is not necessary for us to know their secrets, but rather that we stay away from the occult itself. The key point is, we need to know how to recognize them, by learning the basic historical facts and their manifestations in our surroundings. We need to know what it looks like, and to recognize their false teachers and prophets, so we can avoid being influenced by it and help others to do the same.
A Summary of What Kabbalah is
Disclaimer: This is a basic compilation of Kabbalah. It is intended to be simply the basic information with which the reader can use to start their own further research.
Origin and History of Pre-Kabbalah Era
Kabbalah Mysticism originated in the Babylonian mystery religions that Satan and the fallen angels began, by making themselves as elohiyms (gods) and becoming the objects of worship, therefore; Kabbalah is polytheistic in nature. The Greek mythology of multiple gods, a version of the Babylonian paganism, is the best example. As we read in the Book of Enoch, their supernatural power and abilities easily made them to be seen as “gods” to people who lived in Enoch’s day, which was before the Flood of Genesis Chapter 6. Research in symbolism, reveals that the fallen angels also used their knowledge in astronomy to impress and control mankind. Of course, their supernatural abilities were enough to make them appear as elohiyms (gods), as they can even now, in our time. But, it seems that their inter-planetary and inter- dimensional mobility and their knowledge of the relationship between the celestial movements and the seasonal changes on earth were the keys to their grip on humanity.
Though it began in ancient Babylon as paganism, Kabbalah (this ‘orally received’ or ‘secret knowledge’), as the Jews named it, is now the base and the vehicle for mainstream Satanism, and has been the religion of the “sons of the serpent,” or the “serpent people,”
See Addendum A on the “SERPENT PEOPLE” at the end of this report.
Occultists disagree with each other in many aspects of mysticism, and present their own interpretations of symbols and teachings.
Kabbalah has been changing shapes and forms according to the culture and peoples, as religions of many different names, and with different names for the same gods in these religions. But, one can observe its underlying symbolism as having been consistently the same throughout history and among the different religions. Due to its esoteric and occult nature, this “hidden” or “secret” symbolism plays a major role in their communication, and passing down their knowledge, and worship. It is their hidden language.
This Babylonian satanic worship, through the serpent people, spread all over the world, and Israelites were not exceptions. Rather, they were the main target of the deceptions because they were chosen to be the people of YAHUAH, therefore; Christians, are their main target today. Satan has been going after the people of YAHUAH since Genesis 3:15. After the sons of Jacob migrated to live in Egypt as we read in the account of Joseph (Gen 37-50), their descendants worshipped the Egyptian elohiyms (gods) there. They continued to worship them in the wilderness (Amo 5:26,Act 7:43).
The golden calf Moses destroyed was not the end of it. They worshiped the same elohiyms (gods) throughout the time of Judges. By the time Solomon built the First Temple, there was a strong influence of polytheistic worship by the surrounding nations as well, from which the king took hundreds of wives and concubines (1Ki 11:1-4). And, the rest is history as we read in the Scriptures from 1 Kings the way through the Prophets. YAHUAH’s people’s sin was that of idolatry, also called harlotry.
Ultimately, this idolatry caused Yisrael (Israel), the Northern Kingdom, to be exiled in 722 BC, and they disappeared into the Gentile world. Yahudah (Judah), the Southern Kingdom, did not learn the lesson and continued her harlotry, and was exiled to Babylon beginning in 597 BC, until a small group of Judeans and Levites came back and rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem 70 years later, as recorded in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah.
The Beginning of Kabbalah
It was during the Babylonian exile where the leaders of Yahudah (Judah) began calling themselves rabbis (‘my great one’), claiming to be the scholars of Torah (the law), but in actuality, mixing it up with Babylonian religions and satanic worship, eventually replacing the truth of Torah with the lies of Satanism. Then, they started asserting their authority on “teaching” Torah and compiling their oral teaching in various forms of writings. They did not have the Temple to do their rituals, so the priests and Levites were not really the authority, but the self-appointed “law scholars” (Pharisees and Sadducees) were the authority. They came up with superhumanly detailed rules, customs, and traditions. Having no Temple, they created the synagogue system as a place of assembly to pray and study. This was the beginning of the Pharisees sect. They were not called the Pharisees until later around 300 – 200 BC when a few sects were split up, such as the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes, but this group of Judeans who practiced Babylonian Satanism began to emerge while they were in Babylon. By the time our Messiah walked on the earth among them, their power in Judea was very significant so that they were called “the rulers” as we read in all four Gospels. And, the laws and customs they imposed on everyone were “the traditions of men” that YAHUSHA rebuked and condemned (Matt 15:1-11; Mk 7:1-16), and this was the basis for Judaism.
But, it may be valid if you consider the form of Christianity that was made up by Kabbalah- Freemasonry, then it would be “Judeo-Masonic Christian,” which has nothing to do with the true teaching of the Scriptures and the Words of our Messiah.
And, it seems that this was the beginning of Kabbalah also, although it may not have been called by that name yet. Nevertheless, it was the driving force of Judaism.
The secret knowledge was orally taught, written in codes, numerologies, and symbols. The Pharisees were pretending to be pious and faithful Torah keepers, imposing impossible to keep man-made law on the people of the land, but in the shadow of darkness, they were secretly practicing the Babylonian satanic religion. I will not get into it now, but the priests also practiced Kabbalah.
Judaism is not the origin or “roots” of Christianity, as you can see, but was the false religion out of which our Messiah delivered us. Please make no mistake.
The term “Judeo-Christian” is an oxymoron—created to deceive us.
I can say this Naturally, Talmud is also highly influenced by Kabbalah (The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling).
The Pharisee and leaders of the Judeans, called “the Jews” in the Scriptures, were the ones who conspired to kill YAHUSHA and had the Romans carry it out. The term, “the Jews,” does not refer to the entire people called the Yisraelites (Israelites), but to the particular Kabbalah practicing Judeans in authority called Pharisees and Sadducees.
Oral Transmission of Secrets and Traditions
The view that the Talmud is superior to the Torah, is held by Jews practicing Kabbalah and is based upon the Scriptural establishment of the first Covenant between YAHUAH ELOHIYM and the Yisraelites (Israelites). That is when the Law was given to the Hebrew Yisraelites (Israelites). A Kabbalist belief is that the 70 elders, mentioned in (Num 11:16-17) chosen from all of the Twelve Tribes and were later called the Sanhedrin. Kabbalist say these 70 elders were the mediators at Mount Sinai and heard YAHUAH speak and authored a “Hidden Torah” in addition to what Moses wrote down.
This idea alone should sound an alarm to any serious students of the Bible, and cause us to avoid believing anything Judaism teaches.
The account is recorded in Exodus 19, and “the seventy elders” are mentioned in 41
Kabbalah, in Hebrew, means “receive,” and also means to “orally receive” with a connotation of strict secrecy.
(Example), which is also a compilation of orally taught commentaries of Torah by sages of old from the days of YAHUSHA, called “Tannaim” (0 – 200 AD).
Therefore, In Judaism, they believe that there is a written Torah of Moses (“Torah Scroll”), the “Oral Torah (oral traditions and commandments),” also the Kabbalistic “Hidden Torah” and when combined, it is the full revelation of the Torah.
“secret” knowledge was orally given to the elders, and was not written down by Moses. These “oral” teachings are what the Talmud is, and has been orally transmitted through the generations, and is called “the tradition of the elders They say that all the important.”
Exodus 24:1, 9; Numbers 11:16, Numbers 11:24-25; Ezekiel 8:11. But, remember, (2 Peter 1:20; 3:16-17)
Know this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation….they that are unlearned and unstable twist, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction… seeing ye know these things before, beware lest you also, be led away with the error of the wicked, and fall from your own steadfastness.
Seventy Elders of the House of Yisrael (Israel)
Ezekiel shows the wickedness of the “Seventy Elders of the House of Israel.” The following scripture is one of the strongest Scriptural evidences of the Kabbalah practice of the Seventy Elders of the House of Israel.” Ezekiel was translated to Jerusalem from Babylon to witness this. “The image of jealousy” is that which provokes jealousy of YAHUAH ELOHIYM their ELOHIYM, and refers to the image of Ashtharoth, which was erected by Manasseh the wicked king (See commentary on Ezekiel 8:3, Pg. 1273, Ririe’s Study Bible NKJV, 1995).
Ezekiel 8:3-12
(3) He stretched out the form of a hand, and took me by a lock of my hair; and the Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven, and brought me in visions of YAHUAH to Jerusalem, to the door of the north gate of the inner court, where the seat of the image of jealousy was, which provokes to jealousy. (4) And behold, the glory of YAHUAH of Yisrael (Israel) was there, like the vision that I saw in the plain. (5) Then He said to me, “Son of man, lift your eyes now toward the north.” So I lifted my eyes toward the north, and there, north of the altar gate, was this image of jealousy in the entrance. (6) Furthermore He said to me, “Son of man, do you see what they are doing, the great abominations that the house of Yisrael (Israel) commits here, to make Me go far away from My sanctuary? Now turn again, you will see greater abominations.” (7) So He brought me to the door of the court; and when I looked, there was a hole in the wall. (8) Then He said to me, “Son of man, dig into the wall“; and when I dug into the wall, there was a door. (9) And He said to me, “Go in, and see the wicked abominations which they are doing there.” (10) So I went in and saw, and there–every sort of creeping thing, abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Yisrael (Israel), portrayed all around on the walls. (11) And there stood before them seventy men of the elders of the house of Yisrael (Israel), and in their midst stood Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan….
For they say, ‘YAHUAH does not see us, YAHUAH has forsaken the land.’ “
Ashtaroth worship—Kabbalah, continues today, having been carried on by the spiritual descendants of the Seventy Elders, the Kabbalistic Jews.
In order to that ensure the oral teaching and secret keeping continue, at Yeshiva Universities, where they educate future rabbis, they mainly teach Talmud and very little Torah even today.
The Tannaim and sages are god figures to them. They also teach many other types of orally passed down knowledge, including highly secretive Kabbalah knowledge. We probably will never know what else they teach, as Kabbalah teaching demands great secrecy.
The Book of Zohar
Also, in Kabbalah, Hebrew letters and words were highly symbolic and with esoteric meanings. They are also coded with gematria, which is numerology. Kabbalah Book of Zoharis said to be full of numerological codings hidden in Hebrew letters and geometrical symbols.
What Is the Zohar?
The Zohar is a collection of commentaries on the Torah, intended to guide people who have already achieved high spiritual degrees to the root (origin) of their souls. The Zohar was written for people who have already achieved spiritual perception. It contains the depictions of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai (Rashbi), who attained all 125 degrees of the spiritual ladder of degrees. Rashbi expressed the entire spiritual path and titled it “Zohar” (“radiance” in Hebrew). Discovering The Zohar means discovering your inner world and your unlimited potential.
The Zohar is built so that only those who achieve a certain spiritual level can benefit from what they read in it. Prior to studying The Zohar, one needs to study other texts that teach how to properly approach the text in The Zohar.
The Zohar contains all the spiritual states that people experience as their souls evolve. At the end of the process, the souls achieve what Kabbalah refers to as “the end of correction,” the highest level of spiritual wholeness.
Unfortunately Christians often think that learning Hebrew and gematria are the thing to do. If done correctly, studying Scriptural Hebrew (but definitely not gematria) will certainly help in understanding scripture. But, one must be very careful, when being taught by Messianic rabbis and Hebraic Roots teachers, for their teachings are heavily Kabbalistic. It means what they teach is rooted in esoteric knowledge that has nothing to do with the original truth from the Five Books of Moses. Many become impressed by their esoteric knowledge, and also out of respect for the Hebrew Scriptures, become easily deceived by what is taught. These false teachers have Hi-Jacked many aspects of our Christian heritage and replaced it with Kabbalah and Judaism culture and traditions. We need to be aware of the fact scholars report that the modern Khazarian Kabbalistic Jews have been controlling what is available to the public in terms of archaeological findings and scholastic materials.
Celestial Alphabet
The Celestial Alphabet is only one of the endless list of examples of how the kabbalists corrupted the Hebrew language. They have twisted and symbolized literally everything about the language using it as a magical tool for spell casting symbols, talismans, astrological charms, and more. This celestial alphabet is based on Hebrew letters, and modified with stars and are connected in certain ways, to depict constellations, which are used by witches and warlocks to cast spells on others in order to control them. The following example is also called “Angel Scripts” (of course, it means ‘fallen angels’) and “Witch Alphabets,” there are also many other kinds.
Our Heavenly Father has preserved His incorruptible Word through all this chaos, for He is the One who has had foreknowledge of all these things, and YAHUAH our Most High ELOHIYM, knows ALL of the enemies schemes and with His unsearchable wisdom, providence, and everlasting faithfulness has watched over His Word. We can tell by the “perfect” Word of YAHUAH, the Scripture we have received has been carefully watched over by YAHUAH Himself.
Jeremiah 1:12
Then said YAHUAH unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I watch over my word to perform it. ASV
Celestial Alphabet Image. This reveals Kabbalah is the undercurrent of many occult religions.
About the Jewish People as a Whole
Please clearly note this point, that not all Jewish people are practicing the core form of mystic Kabbalah. Their ethnic identity as Jewish people is not based on Kabbalah, but largely on the “cultural Judaism.” But, having said that, it is a reality that Judaism itself is still based on Kabbalah, so the influence is unavoidable.
Although the majority of “Jewish” people are not consciously aware of the Kabbalah influence, it is in every aspect of the lives of those who attend synagogue, for they are “blessed” by the rabbi’s Kabbalistic Aaronic blessing that uses a Kabbalistic mystical hand sign. If they are circumcised, it is done in the Talmudic way, which is Kabbalistic, and of course ALL of the holidays and feasts are carried out as taught in the Talmud.
The world’s core Jewish population in early 2014 was estimated at 14.2 million people (around 0.2% of the world’s population).
Many ordinary Jewish people are controlled by the Elites as well without knowing their true agenda. History tells us that the non-Elite Jews have been constantly persecuted while the Elite Jews were completely protected because of their cunning and total control of the money of all nations they lived in, often willingly sacrificing the poor and weak Jews, their own people, for their own benefit. The holocaust was the most famous example of this.
The Khazarian Jews
The Scriptures tells us that YAHUAH said He was going to scatter the Judeans (Jews) into the world just like He scattered the House of Israel. This occurred in at least 2 stages.
(Jeremiah 31:27) Behold, the days come, saith YAHUAH, that I will sow (scatter) the house of Israel and the house of Judah…
STAGE 1) After the destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple at the end of the first century, 70 AD.
STAGE 2) Happened after the Revolt of Bar Kokhba, in the beginning of the second, ca. 136 AD.
There were many Judeans who had stayed in Babylon after the exile and who continued to practice their Babylonian Satanism.
There is interesting twist to the history of Kabbalah. The modern form of Kabbalah has been mainly practiced by Khazarians (or Khazars). They were not Semite Hebrew dependents of Abraham, but mainly Turkish sons of Togarmah, who were decendents of Japheth (Gen 10:2-3), who had an empire located in between the Caspian and Black Seas, in the steppe of the northern Turkey and southern Russia. It is the same area as the ancient Gog and Magog. After ca. 1016, as the empire disintegrated, migrated mainly to Eastern Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Northern Africa, and later to Western Europe, including Germany. These Khazars are the group of Jews called “Ashkenazim.” Their spiritual and physical descendants include the Ultra-Orthodox sects of Judaism, such as Hasidic Jews AKA Chabad-Lubavitch sect, which is currently the largest sect of Judaism.
In addition, Many Messianic Jews, who are also Khazarian descent, practice Kabbalah. It is also a fact that many Messianic and Hebrew Roots ministries now openly mention Kabbalah. For example,, where I studied some Hebrew using their material several years ago.
Many Messianic Jews, who are also Khazarian descent, practice Kabbalah not so secretly. Many Messianic and Hebrew Roots ministries now openly mention Kabbalah. The Rothschilds, the first family of the Illuminati, and the main players of the PTB (Powers That Be) are of Khazarian descent. Also, various modified forms of Kabbalah, as occult practices, are wide spread among non- Jews as well, such as through Freemasonry and other secret societies, New Age, Mormonism, and many more. The Jewish kabbalists do claim, however, that Kabbalah without Judaism is incomprehensible (hebrew4christians as above), and that it would not be true Kabbalah without Judaism.
The most extreme form of Kabbalah involves orgies, other forms of extreme sexual depravities, animal and human sacrifices, etc., which has been reported by many who were formerly involved and now delivered from Kabbalah occults.
Key Kabbalist Figures
There is a special and highly satanic branch of kabbalists that needs to be covered. These are also of Khazarian descent and known as the Sabbateans. This sect was first considered to be anti-Talmud by main stream Jews, but was later rejected because of the Sabbateans focus on the Book of Zohar, the kabbalists’ code book, so to speak. The following key people mentioned seem to have originated and defined the Kabbalah as it is practiced today by the majority of Kabbalistic Jews, including Messianic Jews and Freemasons.
In the mid 1600’s, a devout Kabbalistic Jew, a student of the Book of Zohar, Nathan of Gaza (1643 – 1680), AKA Nathan Benjamin Levi, was born in Jerusalem to German Jewish parents (thus also called Nathan the Ashkenazi). He moved to Gaza later in his life, and had an “angelic visitation,” AKA fallen demonic angel, in which he received “a prophecy.” This prophecy said, “Sabbatai Tzvi (1626 – 1676) was the messiah for the Jews,” even before Nathan met Tzvi in person. The word spread and Tzvi gathered followers in Gaza, Cairo, and Jerusalem. It is reported that the mainstream Talmudic Jews did not like what they saw or the popularity of this self-proclaimed messiah, so upon the advice of his prophet Nathan of Gaza , Tzvi left Jerusalem and went to his birth place Smyrna, in the present day Turkey, where many Khazars had settled.
There he amassed followers, as news spread to all the Jewish communities throughout the Mediterranean and European regions. But, his popularity and eccentricity eventually caused him to be excommunicated from the Talmudic Jewish community and he was widely persecuted. The Sabbateans were also persecuted by the Ottoman Muslims then in power in the area. When Tzvi boldly proclaimed his “messiahship” to the Sultan, Sultan Mehmed IV gave Tzvi the ultimatum: Convert to Islam or die. So, he chose conversion in September 1666, along with many of his followers. However, after their conversion, he and his followers did not give up Kabbalah, and become crypto-Jews(secret Jews) known as Donmeh” who outwardly practice Islam, but in actuality are kabbalist Jews.
He died 10 years later in Constantinople, where he moved after the conversion, and that is also where many Donmehs still remain today.
A quick side note on the “crypto-Jews”: The first Jesuit we know of is, Kabbalists have very little problem doing this, and a multitude of the kabbalists during the time of the Ottoman Empire converted to Islam while continuing to practice Kabbalah. The kings and leaders of most of the nations in the Middle Eastern nations of the present days are crypto- Jews. I see them constantly exchanging masonic handshakes and throwing Masonic hand signs, which is a firm piece of evidence that they are kabbalists to the core.
Ignatius Loyola, who formed “Alumbrados” (‘illuminated’ ones) around the time of the Spanish Inquisition in Spain, ca. 1500. He was a crypto-Jew who was outwardly a Catholic priest but practiced Kabbalah mysticism.
Please also be aware that we are completely surrounded by crypto- Jews pretending to be Christians even “today,” and much more so than any other time in history. Many are pretending to be Christians but are de facto Masons or Jews and are leading many unsuspecting believers astray. Messianic Jews who profess to be believers in Jesus as their Messiah are also practicing kabbalists. YAHUSHA warned that we must “Be wise as (or concerning) serpents (deceivers)” (Matt 10:16).
Fast-forwarding about 100 years from the time of Sabbatai Tzvi, another false messiah figure appeared among the spiritual descendants of the Sabbateans, whose name was Jacob Frank (1726 – 1791), AKA Jacov ben Lieba (or Leibowits). The Sabbateans had spread throughout Eastern Europe and Russian and maintained many secret societies. Frank, a Polish Jew, proclaimed himself to be the reincarnation of Sabbatai Tzvi “AND” the patriarch Jacob of the Scripture, which created a virtually new religion with extremely unique, but extremely wicked and satanic, doctrines such as “purification through transgression” (‘sinning brings man closer to god’) that included an annual springtime “spouse swapping” ritual, and ultimate deifying of man. Claiming himself to be one of the trinity, he earned a special name for his new religion, known as “Frankism.” The Sabbateans’ beliefs are very similar to Gnosticism or Greek philosophy, but they were extremely depraved, purposefully committing all kinds of evil acts and claiming these acts brought their gods closer to them. One additional unique characteristic of the Frankist doctrine was that they mandated baptism with water, similar to the Catholic ritual of baptism, which requires the presence of a “god”-father and a “god”-mother, and also giving the baptizee a baptismal name. This ceremony was “believed” to cause conversion to Christianity. Christianity was then, and is still called a “religion of Edom” and was severely disdained by the Jews. This practice of baptism repulsed the Talmudic Jews, and Frank was later imprisoned as a heretic.
These then are some of the key characters that formulated the basis of Kabbalah from which modern Kabbalah forms have stemmed. Again, this type of Kabbalah, is practiced by diehard Satanists, but the core ideology and satanic teaching of Kabbalah flows through all occult forms. Moreover, there have been many Frankists in Eastern Europe and Russian, as well as in Western Europe, which by the end of the 1800’s were thriving secret societies. Many sources report that Adolf Hitler (1889 – 1945) was a Frankist kabbalist Jew and it is also a well-known fact he exhibited Masonic hand signs, as well as using the swastika, a Kabbalistic symbol.
This hand sign is called “Yoni” symbolizing the female “vulva”—which is a common hand signal of the Illuminati. You |
see this being exhibited by a multitude of prominent people, and Hitler being one of them. |
Hypersexual Deities and Sex Worship
A distinctive aspect of Kabbalah, which should be mentioned, is its highly sexual nature of worship. Almost all the themes of its symbolism are related to male and female genitalia and sexual union of male and female. This originated by the union of god and goddess that created life forms, a familiar Egyptian religious theme. This explains why the Scriptures calls apostates “harlots.” This is the depraved nature of the “sin will bring you closer to god” doctrine. Orgies and temple prostitution, including homosexuality and bestiality, were the routine way of worship that summoned their “gods” (demonic beings).
Their deities were “fertility gods” and highly sexual in nature. Male and female gods also merged in identity, as is expressed in the symbol of Baphomet, which has breasts, a caduceus—representing the Tree of Life—as well as a hermaphroditic phallus and vulva, while gesturing “As above; So below” with the hands which are Baphomet is a hermaphroditic figure with breasts and Caduceus (Tree of Life) as phallus. (Art rendered by Eliphas Levi, 1854)
Hermaphroditism is a condition, enabling a form of sexual reproduction in which either partner can act as the “female” or “male”. For example, within the insect groups a great majority of tunicates, pulmonate snails, opisthobranch snails and slugs are hermaphrodites.
That meant to represent the union of male and female. They are obsessed with this concept to an extreme degree. There are many names for the gods and goddess (demons) that are worshiped by many different people groups throughout history, but when it comes down to it, they are the same deities (demonic beings) that Kabbalah worships.
Goddess Worship
The symbolism of Kabbalah includes: phallic symbols, such as the obelisk, the “sacred pillars of Baal” (2Ki 10:26), male-female union symbols and hand signs, along with the Egyptian ankh (another form of the Tree of Life). These symbols and signs are very prevalent in occult worship. They also includes symbols such as Sirius the “Blazing Star,” the “Eastern Star,” the shining goddess known as “Shekinah”, etc., are all pointing to the same goddess with many names: Isis, Semiramis, Ishtar, Ashtaroth, Mary, Columbia (means ‘dove’), and Diana … you get the idea. This demonic diety is a fertility god, such as Ishtar of “Easter,” which they worship her genitalia is worshiped through various forms of the “yoni” such as “mandorla,” “vesica piscis,” and the “Kaaba stone” of Islam. As discussed earlier, all false religions worship the same deities: Lucifer and his fallen angles, and that includes Islam, which uses different names and modified Kabbalah symbolism.
El Shaddai, the Goddess of Kabbalah
One of the manifestations of the hyper-sexuality of the deities of Kabbalah is the goddess “Diana of Ephesus” (Roman), known as “Artemis” to the Greeks. This demonic deity is depicted with over a dozen breasts that cover her entire torso.
“el” <H410>, “shaddai” <H7706> as mentioned in Exodus 6:3. It literally means “YAHUAH Almighty,” and refers to being “powerful” and “strong.” To the kabbalists, it means “all providing,” “all-sufficient,” and “multi-breasted” one—a term made popular by Kenneth Copeland of the Word of Faith movement. Not that there is a secret or mysterious Hebrew meaning for this name, however, the kabbalists have replaced the identity of YAHUAH Almighty with their goddess, “the many breasted one” and have given this Hebrew term a different meaning. This demonic deity, unlike our one true ELOHIYM, the Father, Son and RUACH HA’QODESH (Holy Spirit)—who are distinct “Persons,” and are of male identities. This Kabbalah deity can take many forms according to man’s needs, by often manifesting as a visible goddess or even manifesting in an inanimate object, such as a tree. It is common for this demonic being to appear in many forms, such as Diana (Artemis) of Ephesus, the multi-brested goddess, AKA El Shaddai. as
The multi-breasted one, called Diana, or one with a baby in her arms, called Mary, as in Catholicism, and even appearing as a shiny presence, called “Shekinah,” as seen on the tip of the hands of a priest, while blessing a congregation with the Aaronic blessing, using with the triangle “vulva” Illuminati hand sign.
Thus, the deity Diana came to be called “El Shaddai” giving new meanings for this Hebrew name. By the way, do you remember the account in the Book of Acts, the riot in Ephesus (Act 19:20-41)? When Apostle Paul, during his third mission trip in Ephesus, said their deity was made by the hand of man and did not mean anything, the worshippers of Diana of Ephesus started a riot, and Paul had to leave the amphitheater. Therefore, when the kabbalists call their god, “El Shaddai,” it does not mean our YAHUAH ELOHIYM, but it means their multi-breasted, all-sufficient, deity, who also has numerous AKAs.
Other examples, such as already had been mentioned are El Shaddai Ministries of Mark Biltz, who is a false Kabbalah worshiping prophet; The song, “El Shaddai” by Amy Grant, who is a Masonic Illuminati agent. And, there are many, many Messianic and Hebrew Roots ministries called “El Shaddai”—which is evidence of their Kabbalah involvement.
Goddess Shakinah
And, the most revered goddess in the Kabbalistic Judaism is called “Shakinah or Shekinah” (×©×›×™× ×”), (also in Jewish Encyclopedia), which is defined as “to dwell or dwelling” in the context of the “divine shining presence, and its identity associated with the “Blazing Star,” “Eastern Star,” Isis the Egyptian goddess, Ashtaroth or Ashtoreth (meaning ‘star’), and Ishtar (also means ‘star’) of Babylon, and is also symbolized by the star “Sirius,” a “dog star,” which is one of the favorite symbolism of the Illuminati.
This deity has numerous names and identities. Sirius is seen between the sun (god) and the moon (goddess) in Masonic symbolism, and it is related to the “essence” of a deity that is created by the union of god and goddess. The shining symbolism, and star symbolism (with different number of points), and a blazing star on the horizon, etc. of Illuminati and Freemasonry represent this star deity. And, the sun disk symbolism is usually is not the sun that is symbolized, it the star, Sirius.
Elaborating a little further on this shiny deity—a Kabbalah goddess, who is “the absolute Essence,” but not of a person or persons. This deity can become another wicked goddess, such as Lilith and Babylon, when angry. This concept causes them to think that a man can become a god by becoming one with this diety. The following is a passage from the book, “Kabbalah,” by Gershom Sholem (1897-1982), a Kabbalah scholar, who taught at the Hebrew University, he explains this concept. (But, please note, when this author uses the word “God,” it does not mean our one true ELOHIYM, YAHUAH ELOHIYM, but the Kabbalistic concept of a deity)
“In the abstract, it is possible to think of YAHUAH either as YAHUAH Himself with reference to His own nature alone or as YAHUAH in His relation to His creation. However, all kabbalists agree that no religious knowledge of YAHUAH, even of the most exalted kind, can be gained except through contemplation of the relationship of YAHUAH to creation. YAHUAH in Himself, the absolute Essence, lies beyond any speculative or even ecstatic comprehension. The attitude of the Kabbala toward YAHUAH may be defined as a mystical agnosticism, formulated in a more or less extreme way and close to the standpoint of Neoplatonism.” (“Kabbalah” by Gershom Sholem, §. ‘God and Creation,’ Page 88) Emphases mine.
Sholem, in other parts of the same book, as well as in other books, repeatedly states that Kabbalah is Gnosticism. Well, it is not the purpose in this article to give you too much information on the content of Kabbalah itself, however, there are a few links to Sholem’s main works in the Footnote section for those who may be interested.
In the center of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, there is a sephira (means ‘emanation’ which is one of 10 spheroth of Tree of Life) known as “Daath,” that is symbolized by Sirius. This is the ultimate divine spiritual point of existence in Kabbalah. To achieve it, the elements of “air” (male) and “earth” (female) must unite. The same theme again. The hexagram.
Neoplatonism is a modern term used to designate a tradition of philosophy that arose in the 3rd century AD and persisted until shortly after the closing of the Platonic Academy in Athens in AD 529 by Justinian I. Neoplatonists were heavily influenced by Plato, but also by the Platonic tradition.
You can see this in Tarot Cards imagery. They are also derived from and directly related to the Kabbalah Tree of Life.
The Star of Remphan (Saturn), the hexagram, is formed with elements of air (male), up-ward triangle, and earth (female), down-ward triangle, united, and at the scenter of it is Daath, Sirius. Tree of Life perfectly overlaps and contained in a mandorla.
Tree of Life. The “prototype,” sort to speak, is found on the wall relief of the Mesopotamian archeological findings. Not suprisingly they look like Christmas Trees! Many renderings of the 10-sephiroth Tree of Life also look like the Christmas Tree.
In the Kabbalistic minds, the cross also symbolizes the of Tree of Life. When the Messianic Jews talk about a cross, it is highly likely that they are talking about a cross from another realm. Check out the google search result for “cross, tree of life.” Also, a messianic ministry published a Messianic/Kabbalah version of the New Testament called, “Tree of Life Version.” They are truly obsessed with the Tree of Life.
The movie “AVATAR®” by James Cameron on TV, is completely Kabbalistic in the nature of its plot. It features a long-tailed hybrid looking blue forest people, in the land of “Pandora,” who worship a tree goddess called, “Eywa,” who gives “life” to people and can also resurrect them. Another depiction of the Kabbalah Tree of Life. This huge tree in the middle of the forest looks just like the Kabbalah Tree of Life. The tree is even called, the “Tree of Soul” in that movie, and the plot even has the implication of an alien invasion, which happens to be the US military force, called the “Sky People.” Of course, a messiah figure comes from the invaders, who can interact with the forest people, but only in his dream state, to heroically save the people and the forest from getting totally destroyed, which is a hint of the rain forest preservation theme.
Tree worship of Kabbalah is literally and absolutely everywhere all around us, and is undoubtedly intensifying. We must be able to recognize and resist these Hollywood messages, and not allow our minds to become influenced or indoctrinated. YAHUAH’s people need to train their eyes by becoming familiar with the symbolism and signs that are mentioned in this report, such as those pertaining to the Tree of Life.
Star Worship
Kabbalah and astrology are also inseparable. You can see it in the examples of Venus, Saturn, and Sirius as discussed above. The constellation “Orion” is also considered to represent Osiris as well. In the Scriptures there are many references to people worshipping the sun, moon, and stars. One Scriptural example is related to “Molech,” a god that is still called by this name today by Satanists, and worshipped by them.
Hollywood has captured the minds of people by using Kabbalistic themes, signs and symbolism that are used by seducing spirits to bring deception upon the people. “…in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. (1 Timothy 4:1)
The apostate Yisralites (Israelites), including King Solomon, worshipped by sacrificing their own their infant children.
Amos 5:26-27 KJV
But you have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your elohiym (god), (called the Star of David by Kabbalah) which you made to yourselves… Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith YAHUAH, whose name is YAHUAH of hosts.
The following verse is where Stephen references to the above verse, calling the star image “Chiun,” “Remphan” in Greek.
(Acts 7:43) Yes, you took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your elohiym (god) Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
“ as a root word meaning is that of “king.” “Chiun” ןיִּּכוּ<H3594> is defined as “image” i.e. of the god Saturn, and “Remphan” <G4481> corresponds to Chiun in Hebrew. These are interchangeable names for the deity worshiped secretly by the Israelites in Egypt and in the wilderness, answering to Saturn or Moloch their “star-god.” Their ELOHIYM YAHUAH ELOHIYM in the context of (Amo 5:21-27) reveals they offered sacrifices and gave offerings to Him in wilderness, but even then, they also built and carried a tabernacle for their Egyptian elohiym (god), Molech, a deity from the planet Saturn, and simultaneously worshiped its image (the six pointed star, now called the Star of David by Judaism) for 40 years. What YAHUAH told them is how He still feels about the Judaistic and Kabbalah worship going on in the Messianic assemblies of today:
(Amos 5:21-27) “I hate, and despise your feast days, And I do not savor your sacred assemblies… Take away from Me the noise of your songs, For I will not hear the melody of your stringed instruments… But let justice run down like water, And righteousness like a mighty stream… “Did you offer Me sacrifices and offerings In the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel? …You also carried Sikkuth(the tabernacle of Molech) your king And Chiun, your idols, The star of your elohiyms (gods), Which you made for yourselves… Therefore I will send you into captivity beyond Damascus,” Says YAHUAH, whose name is YAHUAH of hosts.
From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament © 1992 by AMG International, Inc. Revised Edition, 1993 Sikkuth: In the Septuagint and Vulgate this reads as the “tabernacle of Moloch.”
It is also evident from these passages their Judaism and Kabbalah pagan Satanism goes back to Egypt, and continued until it caused YAHUAH’s people to be exiled. Again, this is the same mystery religion the current Judaism practices.
Owl Symbolism
Molech and its symbology is widely known for the owl representing this god. However, the owl is more closely related to Molech’s consort female deity and is especially associated with Lilith, “the queen of the night.” Here again is the merging of male and female deities.
Thus the owl symbolism is related to a deity that kabbalists worship, which the Illuminati also loves to use the owl in their logos and designs. Please familiarize yourself with some of the images.
Eternal Flame Worship
Once you become aware of it and learn to recognize it, you will start seeing it everywhere: The Eternal Flame of Kabbalah, as seen in the Masonic Torch. But, when it is symbolized, the Kabbalah Eternal Flame is usually in the form of the Hebrew Letters “yod” ×™and “shin” ש, and are often presented as a flame of fire. When it appears as a Masonic Torch, it is like ice cream on a cone.
This is an extremely popular symbol, and it’s the easiest recognizable symbol in which to spot the Kabbalah influence. These are not the only symbols Kabbalah uses.
Included in Kabbalah symbolism is the hexagram that is used in the current Israeli flag, and the menorah, both beloved Emblems of Israel by many deceived Christians.
These need to be recognized for what they are… demonic symbols. Following is an article concerning the pagan roots of the menorah, entitled:
What Could be More Jewish than Israel’s Menorah?
Something less pagan, perhaps, according to some Jewish scholars.The seven-branch candelabrum has been taking a beating lately for its use, and alleged misuse, in Israel.
The menorah symbolized on Israel’s shekel and printed on all official letterheads is a bit of a fraud, contends Professor Daniel Sperber, former dean of the faculty of Basic Jewish Studies at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv. “It’s a historical mistake,” he said. It seems the base of the menorah used in Israel is copied from an arch in Rome built two millenniums ago, which in turn was most likely copied from a temple in southern Turkey built for the worship of Zeus, a Greek god of the heavens. The original source included dragons with twisted, long necks, mounted by beautiful, naked nymphs. On the modern menorah, the dragons survive, but the nymphs have been banished in the name of religious modesty.
The solid base is nothing like that described in the Exodus book of the Scriptures, a three-legged stand decorated with flowers and buttons, not monsters and beauties “What we have here is something that is not really Jewish,” the professor said. “It is really part forgery.” He argues that the Israel government should disinherit the flawed emblem it adopted in 1949 and gradually change over its official symbol to one that is historically accurate. “We really should have a symbol that is authentically Jewish and follows the Biblical description,” he said. “I think when you chose a state symbol you should be a purist.”
The trail of the mistake is an interesting one. The modern menorah was taken from a scene on the stone face of the Arch of Titus, built in Rome in the year 81.The arch celebrates the Roman victory over the Jews 11 years earlier, and its scenes show Jews being led to captivity and their treasures — including a menorah — being taken away from the ransacked Jewish temple…
According to Professor Sperber, workmen hired by Herod to rebuild the Jewish temple envisioned a new base and copied unusual dragon images they had likely seen on a structure called the Temple of Didyma in Turkey.
January 18, 1994|By Doug Struck | Doug Struck, Jerusalem Bureau, JERUSALEM
17 The Temple of Apollo at Didyma or Didymaion was the fourth largest temple in the ancient Greek world. Source:
That design turned up on the Arch of Titus and, through the years, became incorporated in the symbol of Jewishness. It is inlaid in mosaic floors, worked into walls, doors and the latticework of synagogues. It decorates glasses and is a popular paper cut-out in Jewish elementary schools.
Despite its popular acceptance, the present menorah is an affront to Jews, Professor Sperber argues. “The people who are aware of it will see something that is symbolic of a society ignorant of its sources, divorced from its sources,” he said. “I couldn’t disagree more,” retorts Professor Dan Barag, a Hebrew University archaeologist, who sees nothing wrong with the government menorah. “The menorah is the most meaningful symbol that Judaism has created. “It symbolizes the resurrection, the coming of the Messiah. Jews hold it in their hands and say the Messiah will come.” –End of article—
There is no way around it but to train your eyes to recognize these pagan Kabbalah symbols. These are used to communicate esoterically a “language,” with deep and dark meanings. By being able to recognize them, we can effectively identify those who are part of Satan’s schemes. This knowledge on Kabbalah and its symbolism is essential for us to especially have “now.” It is urgent that we learn it so that we will be able to get through the tough times ahead without being deceived, because the worldwide cult of Kabbalah is the religion of Mystery Babylon, which is closely related to the Great deception of anti-Messiah that end time Christians will have to face. Therefore, we must know our enemy.
(Revelation 17:5) And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS (false religions) AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.
[1] Quotes and teaching on Kabbalah by famous Freemason satanists:
“Masonry is a search after Light. That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kaballah.” — (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma)
“Kabalah is the key of the occult sciences.” — (Albert Pike, Ibid)
Helena P. Blavastky teaches Tree of Life Kabbalah teaching in her writings (Blavatsky Collected Writings, vol. 6, pp. 315-321)
“….the theories of Qabbalism are inextricably interwoven with the tenets of alchemy, Hermeticism, Rosicrucianism, and Freemasonry.” — 33rd Degree Freemason Manly Palmer Hall) Some of his teachings on Kabbalah are on You Tube (Mystery of Kabbalah Occult Lecture || Kabbalah Unveiled)
[2] References on the origin of Kabbalah:
a. In the Jewish Encyclopedia, the entry, “Cabala,” details the following (excerpts, Pages
a-1. Name and Origin (Hebrew form Ḳabbalah [ קבלה from קבל = “to receive”; literally, “the received or traditional lore”]):
The specific term for the esoteric or mystic doctrine concerning God and the universe, asserted to have come down as a revelation to elect saints from a remote past, and preserved only by a privileged few. At first consisting only of empirical lore, it assumed, under the influence of Neoplatonic and Neopythagorean philosophy, a speculative character. In the geonic period it is connected with a Mishnah[1]-like text-book, the “Sefer Yeẓirah,”[2] and forms the object of the systematic study of the elect, called “meḳubbalim” or “ba’ale ha-ḳabbalah” (possessors of, or adepts in, the Cabala). These receive afterward the × ×¡×ª×¨×” חכמה name of “maskilim” (the wise), after Dan. xii. 10; and because the Cabala is called (“ḥokmah nistarah” = the hidden wisdom), the initials of which are חן, they receive also the name of חן יודעי (“adepts in grace”) (Eccl. ix. 11, Hebr.). From the thirteenth century onward the Cabala branched out into an extensive literature, alongside of and in opposition to the Talmud***. It was written in a peculiar Aramaic dialect, and was grouped as commentaries on the Torah, around the Zohar as its holy book, which suddenly made its appearance.
a-2. Meaning of the Word Cabala; Cabala comprised originally the entire traditional lore, in contradistinction to the written law (Torah), and therefore included the prophetic and hagiographic books of the Bible, which were supposed to have been “received” by the power of the Holy Spirit rather than as writings from God’s hand (see Ta’an. ii. 1; R. H. 7a, 19a, and elsewhere in the Talmud; compare Zunz, “G. V.” 2d ed., pp. 46, 366, 415, and Taylor, “Early Sayings of the Jewish Fathers,” 1899, pp. 106 et seq., 175 et seq.). Each “received” doctrine was claimed as tradition from the Fathers—”masoret me-Abotenu” (Josephus, “Ant.” xiii. 10, § 6; 16, § 2; Meg. 10b; Sheḳ. vi. 1)—to be traced back to the Prophets or to Moses on Sinai (compare “meḳubbalani” in Peah ii. 6; ‘Eduy. viii. 7).
[3] Work of Gershom Sholem
YAHUSHA “King” of the Jews?
I have decided at this point to continue on with the following information, with the hope of clearing up some major deception among modern day Christians. As this report has revealed thus far, a world of deception is from a system of lies and illusions, and when you are in it, it appears so real.
The whole system is vast and impossible for anyone to completely grasp it in its entirety. It is the masterpiece of Satan who has been deceiving the “whole world.
(Rev 12:9) And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world
But, the goal I have set for this subject is to find a starting point from where it is most relevant to us, which is the aspect of the deception that is most pertinent to the theme of this series: The question of Hebraic Roots Movement (or Awakening) vs. Messianic Jewish Movement.
Hebraic Awakening vs. Messianic Jewish Movement
Unfortunately, the term, “Hebraic Roots Movement,” has already been tainted and twisted, having been confused and mingled with the “Messianic Jewish Movement.” The Hebraic Awakening and the Messianic Jewish or Hebraic Roots Movement are two totally different things.
It is important to establish the difference between the terms, “Hebraic Roots or Messianic Roots Movement” and the “Hebraic Restoration Awakening.” This is one of the ways by which Satan can deceive us. He is good at creating confusing terms and infusing his lies and deceptions into that confusion. Can you clearly define “communism,” “socialism,” and “fascism” and the differences among them? All I know is that all of them are creation of Satan and his sons. That is what they do: Create “-isms” with confusions and divide people, and ultimately he gains control.
The end result is that no one can tell what it is, and where and how it started. But, what we need to know about these “-isms” and the confusion and division created by “-isms.” Satan and his cohorts have been building the foundation for the New World Order (NWO) for a long time. The motto of these people, known as the Illuminati, is to create chaos and then “Divide and Conquer.”
When a conflict between a lie and a truth happens in the human mind, it tends to choose the lie because it fits more comfortably in the matrix of lies and illusions that are all around us.
Deceptions and mind-control are the core tactics for the whole scheme that was conspired by these sons of the father of lies.
They are also the authors of the confusion between the “Hebraic Restoration Awakening” and the “Messianic or Hebrew Roots Movement,” that is causing a division and chaos among believers. In this case the term is “Movement,” instead of an “-ism,” is being used, but the plot is the same.
Please make no mistake that the Messianic Hebrew Roots Movement is a “deception” and it is a “false” movement of Satan.
As mentioned, “Confusion and Division” are what Satan uses as his best tactics for deception. But the overcomers will not let him “conquer” them.
What is the Hebraic Restoration?
The Hebraic Restoration is an awakening to restored truth. It is NOT the same as the Messianic Jewish Roots Movement. The Hebraic Restoration Awakening is not a “movement” –as stated it is an “Awakening.” It can be def1need as follows:
The Hebraic Restoration Awakening is about realizing our Scriptural heritage according to the Torah (first five books of the Old Testament) thereby restoring the Truth concerning the Hebrew people and important related history, which has been kept secret and stolen from Christians during the last 2000 years. It is a move towards the total “Restoration of all things” (or “Restitution” as used in the KJV), which the Apostle Peter spoke of in (Acts 3:21). This restoration includes the re-establishment of YAHUAH’s Commandments and understanding the reunification of the “Nation of Israel” made up of His remnant from both of the Houses of Judah (the true Hebrew descendants from the tribe of Judah) and of Israel (all who are born again—Hebrews and gentiles). The remnants from “both Houses” are now spread all over the world, just as YAHUAH said He would “sow” (scatter) them throughout the world.
(Jer 31:27) Behold, the days come, saith YAHUAH, that I will sow (scatter) the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man…
(Zach10:9) And I will sow them among the people: and they shall remember me in far countries;
(Ho 2:23) Then I will sow her (the Hebrew people) for Myself in the earth, And I will have mercy on her who had not obtained mercy; Then I will say to those who were not My people, ‘You are My people!’ And they shall say, ‘You are my ELOHIYM!’”
It is important to discuss this because many are confusing this true move of the Spirit of YAHUAH ELOHIYM, known as the Hebraic Restoration Awakening” (a True Restoration), with the deceptive Messianic Hebrew Roots Movement for the purpose of promoting Zionism (a false restoration). This confusion is misleading many believers to practice legalism and the empty traditions of Judaism, and causing the others to criticize and reject the true Hebraic Restoration Awakening altogether, calling it Zionism.
The remnant from both “these houses” do not now belong to any particular ethnic group. These remnants of YAHUAH …will be believers in YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH from “every tribe, tongue, people, and nation” in the world.
(Revelation 5:9) For You were slain, And have redeemed us to YAHUAH by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation.
(Revelation 14:6)…having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.
The restoration of both “houses”—Judah and Israel will happen as the Scriptures predicts, and it will happen, when our Messiah YAHUSHA reigns upon Earth for a thousand years. But, this Restoration cannot be accomplished or forced by any group of people, for it is only by the Power and Love of our Father in heaven that it will happen. It will be only according to His plan. This is why it is important to understand what it means to be a JEW.
When the New Testament refers to the “Jews,” such as in (Acts 21:11) and (Romans 3:29 and 9:24), the term, “Jew” does not mean “the Jews” as we call them today.
Some of them were surely from the Tribe of Yahudah (Judah), who were descendants of the remnants who came back from Babylon in 538 BC and after. But, the people called “the Jews (Judeans)” were a very mixed bunch.
For example, the Apostle Paul called himself by his Hebrew tribe name, a “Benjamite” and he also called himself a “Yahudim (Jew)” because he had been a Pharisee who practiced Judaism. He was from Tarsus the capital city of the Roman province of Cilicia, not Judea.
Acts 21:39 But Paul said, “I am a Jew (he was a member of the sect known as the Pharisees) from Tarsus, in Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city; and I implore you, permit me to speak to the people.”
Romans 11:1 I say then, has YAHUAH cast away His people Yisrael (Israel?) (i.e. the descendants of Jacob who was renamed Yisrael (Israel)) Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite (a descendant of Jacob/Israel), from the seed of Abraham (a Hebrew), from the tribe of (Israel’s) Benjamin.
What Paul meant by his being a “Jew” was: 1) He practiced Kabbalah Judaism.
What he meant by being an “Israelite” was:
2) He was a Hebrew descendant of Jacob/Israel.
For more information on the formation of JUDAISM review the discussion on the “Seventy Elders of Israel” in this report.
The word “Jew”
During the time YAHUSHA our ADONI walked on the earth and later when Paul was ministering, “the Jews,” who practiced Pharisaic Judaism, consisted mainly of descendants of Hebrew Israelites (a descendant from the 12 sons (tribes) of Jacob), of which some did represented the tribe or House of Judah. Therefore, the term “Jew” does not apply exclusively to these 12 Tribes or exclusively to the House (tribe) of Judah. Their identity has been taken over by “strangers.”
(Jeremiah 51:51) We are confounded, because we have heard reproach: shame hath covered our faces: for strangers are come into the sanctuaries of the ADONI’s house.
(Ezekiel 44:7) In that you have brought into my sanctuary strangers, uncircumcised in heart, and uncircumcised in flesh, to be in my sanctuary, to pollute it, even my house…
Defining Judaizing and Judaism
Defining Judaizing
A person who is a “Judaizer” adopts and follows the traditions of Judaism. A Judaizer may believe “they are saved by grace alone through faith” (Eph 2:8-9) and that circumcision is not required for their salvation, however, if they practice and teach things that pertain to Judaism, which are not in the Scriptures, Scripture defines this as “Judaizing.” This means they are “conforming to the (occult) practices and customs of Judaism” that are founded upon the demonic doctrines and religious traditions of man, (as mentioned earlier in this report).
Most Christians do not realize that the practices and customs of the “Messianic Jews” are based on Judaism. And, Judaism, old or modern, is not based on Scriptural teaching . The Scriptures clearly define “Judaizing”…
But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter before them all, “If you, being a Jew (coming from Judaism), live in the manner of Gentiles and not as the Jews, why do you compel Gentiles to live as Jews?
“Judaizing” means “to live as the Jews.” The word “Judaizing,” according to Bakers Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, is defined as follows:
The “Judaizer” means . . .
“Those who adopted Jewish (Judaism) religious practices or sought to influence others to do so. The Greek verb “ioudaizo” <G2452> (“to Judaize“) appears only once in the Septuagint (Greek Old Testament) (Est 8:17) and once in the New Testament (Gal 2:14). …
Torah, but “Halakha
In Galatians 2:14 it means to “live like Jews” (RSV, NEB, NASB, Phillips),”following Jewish (Judaism’s) customs” (NIV), or “live by the Jewish law“(Barclay).” (Emphases mine)
Judaizing then, is not just about circumcision, but living according to the customs and traditions of the Pharisees and Sadducees (who practiced the Talmud and Kabbalah). Keep in mind that the word, “the Jews,” also means “the Judeans,” the people (who were not from the 12 tribes) who also lived in Judea, which is Jerusalem and the surrounding area, and many of these Judeans did not practice Judaism. When the word “Jew” is used in the New Testament it mainly referred to the religious leaders of the community, who controlled the inhabitants there through the practice of Judaism.
Believing to be following the teaching of Moses, as put forth by the heretical Sadducees and Pharisees, most Israelites were “Judaized” by the time our Master began His ministry. This was over 400 years after the Pharisees began forming their cult during the time of the Babylonian exile, thus Judaism had taken control over the Judeans through their false teaching. The “rabbi’s” had elevated themselves as the supreme spiritual authorities of the Judeans. While addressing these Jews (Judaism’s religious leaders), YAHUSHA clearly revealed that Satan was their father.
(John 8:43-44) “…even because you cannot understand my word… (Because) You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do.”
Defining Judaism’s Talmud
As this report has shown, Judaism is a false religion that follows an extremely large set of man-made “laws” as a way of living. The man-made “Jewish law” spoken of here is not .” Halakha is defined as a collection of orally transmitted of “Mitzvot” (the 613 biblical laws) and also the Pharisee’s “Talmudic laws,” later including the rabbinical laws. Judaism’s Talmud consists of “Gemura” (“learning by tradition”), Mishna (the “oral” Torah), and written Torah. The actual written Scriptural Torah is the smallest part of the whole teaching, and it is mainly about the laws and the gematria (Kabbalistic numerology). Except for actual Torah, they are all compilations of orally transmitted “interpretations and teachings” of so-called “sages” (meaning a “wise and highly educated man”) and the rabbis, which originated around the time of the Babylonian exile between 597 and 538 BC (2 Ki 24-25;2 Ch 36; and Ezr – Neh).
By the time YSHUSHA began His ministry ca. 28 AD, Judaism—based on these teachings was well established, and the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes were the three major sects of that time. The Pharisee sect was the largest and the most powerful group to control the Judeans. But, the most important thing we need to know about Judaism is that HALAKHA information is provided by Wikipedia link: ( —only to give some quick and basic information on the subject.
These private interpretations believed in and practiced had very little to do with the true teaching of Moses what they found in the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament)
Judaism and their Talmud was entirely based upon following their law (man-made laws and traditions) that they had concocted along with practicing Kabbalah-Satanism– which is “Judaism.”
The following excerpts from the web site: Judaism 101 says this:
“Judaism is not just a set of beliefs about G-d, man and the universe. Judaism is a comprehensive way of life, filled with rules and practices that affect every aspect of life: what you do when you wake up in the morning, what you can and cannot eat, what you can and cannot wear, how to groom yourself, how to conduct business, who you can marry, how to observe the holidays and Shabbat, and perhaps most important, how to treat G-d,other people, and animals. This set of rules and practices is known as halakhah.”
Does it sound like it has anything to do with what the Torah—what the first five books of the Old Testament teaches? What it really is then, is the tradition of the elders that YAHUSHA spoke of. This “Halakha” was “the law” against which our ADONI and Apostle Paul spoke so strongly; it was the “tradition of elders,” and “the law” that we should not be “under” (Romans 1-8).
(Matthew 15:1-9) (1) Then the scribes and Pharisees who were from Jerusalem came to Jesus, saying, (2) “Why do your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread.” (3) He answered and said to them, (4) “For YAHUAH commanded, saying, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.’ (5) “But you say, ‘whoever says to his father or mother, “Whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift to YAHUAH”– (6) ‘then he need not honor his father or mother.’ (7) “Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: (8) ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. (9) And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ “
YAHUSHA is effectively saying in this passage that man-made rules and traditions, which they called, “the law,” meaning, “Halakha,” are actually causing people to go against the Commandments of YAHUAH. But instead, literally goes against them. When you read Paul’s teachings, especially in Romans and Galatians, you must scrutinize every word, especially the word such as “law,” and analyze it in the proper with YAHUAH ELOHIYM Himself you also transgress the commandment of YAHUAH because of your (elder’s) tradition? “Why do Thus you have made the commandment of YAHUAH of no effect by your traditions.
Therefore, the so-called “Jewish law” is not the same as the Commandments of YAHUAH, which is Torah are “supposed to” do.
In “context,” being mindful that the word “law” can mean: Halakha or Torah. We must always strive to understand word meanings in the Scriptures in the context of the passage, the chapter, and the Canon (the entire Scriptures). It has to make sense in ALL contexts. If you fail to exercise this important principle when studying the Scriptures, such as with the word, “law,” you will be confused and end up believing that the Torah was done away with when our Master was crucified . . . which is Satan’s lie preached by the wolves in sheep’s clothing. Some translations, such as the NKJV, distinguish the two by capitalizing “L” when it is referring to the Torah.
To Summarize
It should be clear at this point in this report—that the people who practice Judaism are “the Jews,” who do not understand or follow the Law of Moses as YAHUAH ELOHIYM intended, but follow their “own versions” of it. These man-made versions have tremendous amounts of added and twisted man-made rules, regulations, customs, traditions, dress codes, food restrictions (Kosher Food), etc., and the various punishments for violating these “laws”— which depends upon the interpretation of the law the by ones favorite rabbi. Judaism is a man-made prison of a strict lifestyle (such as with all cults); which is not the same as obeying the Scriptural “Torah” given by YAHUAH ELOHIYM. They do not worship YAHUAH ELOHIYM; they just pretend to worship Him, and many followers are deceived into believing they are worshiping YAHUAH through Judaism, however in truth, they are worshipping Lucifer.
As pointed out Judaizers are those who “live as the Jews,” and who influence non- Jews to live as the Jews, following the teachings of Halakha, wearing what they wear (tallit, tzitzi, and kippah, i.e. prayer shawls and skull caps, etc.), talking like they talk with Hebrew jargon and terminologies, calling YAHUAH ELOHIYM, “HaShem,” meaning “the name,” spelling “God” with a dash in the middle (“G-d”), praying the prescribed prayers at the prescribed time, keeping the Sabbath and the Feasts religiously, eating the Kosher Food, and even getting circumcised. But, when they do these things, they do them with fear of “breaking the law” and Many follow these Jewish traditions in order to “identify” with the “chosen people of YAHUAH”. If you do any of these things for whatever reason, you have been Judaized. Furthermore, in all of these things they are obligated to do as Judaism demands. True followers and are not to come under the yoke and burden of Judaism but under the that our Master spoke about:
Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest…Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls… For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)
It is impossible to keep Judaism’s law to the letter, so they are doomed to fail.
They live under condemnation when they do not do what they the Scriptures refers to being under the law. Judaism has very little to do with the Torah This is what Old Covenant then, and absolutely nothing to do with it today.
It only has the appearance or “form of godliness.” It has never been of YAHUAH ELOHIYM’s from the beginning but has subverted the true teachings of Moses, transforming him into some sort of spiritual “guru” rather than a holy prophet of YAHUAH, and it has only gotten worse over time, as you will learn further into this report. Christianity is not rooted in any way to Judaism. But it is the false religion that our ADONI YAHUSHA rebuked and condemned in all of the Gospels. The term, “Judeo-Christian,” is actually an oxymoron.
What Is Zionism?
I am sure most people are familiar with the word, “Zionism.” This is another word that needs to be properly defined.
What then, is “Zionism?” Many of you are probably aware that it has something to do with the state of Israel coming into existence in 1948. But, you may be asking: Wasn’t it a good thing? What’s wrong with supporting Israel? Isn’t it Scriptural that YAHUAH is restoring Israel? And aren’t we told to “bless Israel? It is crucial that we understand “Zionism“ because it is the reason for the Messianic Movement, and it is not something a true Christian is to be involved with. First of all, various dictionary definitions of Zionism are as follows (emphasis mine):
By Merriam Webster Dictionary:
– An international movement originally brought into existence for the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine and later for the support of modern Israel.
By The
– A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
It was first conceptualized by a Jewish German, Theodor Herzl, in his book, “Der Judenstat” (“The Jewish State,” 1897), and later became a strong and forceful movement among the Jews.
Theodor Herzl was an Austro-Hungarian journalist, playwright, political activist, and writer. He was one of the fathers of modern political Zionism. Herzl formed the World Zionist Organization and promoted Jewish migration to Palestine in an effort to form a Jewish state (Israel).While Herzl is often mistakenly identified as the first major Zionist activist, scholars such as Yehuda Bibas, Zvi Hirsch Kalischer and Judah Alkalai were promoting Zionist ideas before him.
You cannot separate Zionism from the Messianic Jewish Movement or from “Judaizing.”
Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.
A Scriptural argument against the heresies of the Zionists, is simply this: The Abrahamic Covenant was fulfilled when the Messiah YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH, Abraham’s Seed was born of a virgin, died for us, and was resurrected.
(Genesis 22:17) And in your (Abraham) seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.
(Galatians 3:16) Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. ,” as of many, but as of one, “And to .
Now, those who believe in Him of any race, nationality, or tongue can inherit the heavenly Jerusalem by becoming a Saint and member of the Bride of Messiah in the Age to come — through faith in YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH:
(Galatians 3:14) “That the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in MASHIACH YAHUSH, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
Scripturally Zion is not meant to be on earth until YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH rules and reigns at His second coming, thus Zion at this time does not consist of any particular race or people group:
(Hebrews 12:22-23) But you have come to and to the city of the living God, , to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and the assembly of the firstborn who are registered in heaven (the true Bridehood Saints of YAHUAH), to YAHUAH the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect.
For more Scriptural details on Zionism, I recommend the following video: “Seven Biblical Answers to Popular Zionist Assumptions” by Stephen Sizer.
It is a counterfeit restoration created by
The New Jerusalem is the Scriptures of the Messiah YAHUSHA, and that will be the City of YAHUAH where His Bridehood Saints who have been regenerate and matured spiritually will dwell with their ELOHIYM in the promised land of Yisrael (Israel) after the return of YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH.
He does not say, “And to seeds your Seed,” who is Messiah.
Mount Zion the heavenly Jerusalem It must be understood that Political Zionism is the opposite of the true Restoration of the Holy Nation of Yisrael (Israel).
We must understand that YAHUAH ELOHIYM never intended to establish a state of Israel in the Land promised to the true Yisrael (Israel) “by force” or by the hand of man.
The current State of Israel has been created with political manipulations and with military force by a small group of international banker elites for their rebellious ambitions, through a movement called Zionism. The illuminati, the agent of Satan (Lucifer, they prefer to call him), has been working tirelessly for hundreds of years to mimic and “counterfeit” the true Restoration of Yisrael (Israel) through his last and the greatest plot called, the “New World Order (NWO).”
The Illuminati through the NWO are trying to establish a police-state centralized one-world government with a one-world religion, called is Satanism and this includes Freemasonry, Judaism, Paganism, Catholicism, New Age, Mormonism, etc.—in other words, all false religions combined.
Satan’s grand scheme is to take over the Restoration of YAHUAH’s land that was promised to “Abraham’s seed—His TRUE YISRAEL (ISRAEL) (i.e. all believers in YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH). He has been plotting and relentlessly working at this subversion from the beginning.
The NWO will place their own “false messiah” on the throne, to rule from Jerusalem. They are even trying to build their own “third temple” to forcefully fulfill their diabolical understanding of the Scriptural prophecies through their organization called the “ Temple Institute.”
The Temple Institute was established in 1987. Its long-term aims are to build the third Jewish temple on the Temple Mount, on the site currently occupied by the Dome of the Rock, and to reinstate sacrificial worship. It aspires to reach this goal through the study of Temple construction and ritual and through the development of actual Temple ritual objects, garments, and building plans suitable for immediate use in the event conditions permit its reconstruction. SOURCE: A House of Prayer for All Nations” Jerusalem Post, October 11, 2005
“While the Illuminati may not be able to fully implement their superior bloodline theories in society in general, they have been secretly working feverishly in labs and in secret rituals around the world to redesign mankind to their preferences. Many Illuminati members are the end result of carefully monitored genetic engineering. They want to manufacture the future via control over human genetics.” Source: by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler’s book: DEEPER INSIGHTS INTO THE ILLUMINATI FORMULA, CHAPTER 1. SCIENCE NO. 1 – SELECTION & PREPARATION OF THE VICTIM
As stated, Illuminists worship Lucifer, AKA: Satan, the Devil, the Dragon, and the Serpent of Old (Rev 12:9; Rev 20:2). It is clear; that political Zionism is one of the most—if not the grandest of all of Satan’s schemes.
Who are the Modern Jews of Today?
There is another definition that must be understood concerning the word “Jew” as we use it today. Whatever definition most Christians might have in their minds is probably false. Again, make sure you understand this: Jews are not from the tribe or from the “House of Yahudah (Judah).” They, as a group, are neither descendants of Yahudah (Judah) nor Jacob (the 12 tribes), and many are not even descendants of Abraham, as will be explained.
As already mentioned, the main groups for “Jews” of today are the Orthodox and Ultra- Orthodox (Hasidic and Chabad-Lubavitch Sect) Jews, the Messianic Jews, these being the groups of people who are united by “Judaism” as their religion. However, there is also a group of secular citizens of the State of modern Israel, calling themselves “Jews.” All of these groups appeared after the first millennium of the Common Era and had been living throughout most of the world without a sovereign state of their own, until the “State of Israel” was born in 1948.
These various groups now established in the land, by the Zionists— now claim Scripturally to be entitled to possess their territory. But are they? These “Zionists” are a small group of elite bankers, known as the Illuminati, call themselves “Jews,” as do the majority of the religious Jews, and the Messianic Jews. The actual percentage of Zionists among all the Jews of today is not clear, but this is certain: The core group and the majority of Zionist are Jews (occultists). So, if these are not the House of Yahudah (Judah), or even the Children of Abraham, then, who are the Jews?
Jews are From the Gentiles not YISRALITES (Israelites)
It is an established fact that, over 90% of the people who call themselves “Jews” are not Semitic (sons of Shem), but are sons of Japheth. There are many strong pieces of evidence that indicate that they are actually the descendants of the Khazars. If you have not heard f this people group until now, you are not alone.
It was literally a secret for many centuries that they had existed. The records of their empire have been extremely scarcely available, and nothing about it was taught in school. But, it is a fact that an empire called Khazar existed in Russia, between Black and Caspian Seas, from 652 to 1016 AD. They were a powerful people and established a prosperous and influential empire in the area, and were of Turkish stock. There are some authors (Author 1; Author 2) who report that the Khazars have Edomite blood, therefore making them children of Abraham-by Isaac’s son Esau.
The Khazars spoke Turkic language as did the Huns, according to Arthur Koestler (1905- 1983), a historian and a Jew himself, as he describes the Khazars in detail in his book, “The Thirteenth Tribe.” (mainly in Poland) and Russia. When the book was first published, it was dismissed as just a so-called theory, known as the “Khazarian Theory.” And, of course, Koestler was severely attacked with a smear campaign. He and his beloved wife died by an overdose of barbiturates in March 1983, which was ruled suicide as reported by the New York Times, but is still suspicious and controversial to this day. It is a well- known fact that the illuminati does not like it’s forbidden history revealed.
This information is taken from the “Table of Nations”; The Freeman Institute: 27The Thirteenth Tribe: The Kazar Empire and Its Heritage; Source: http:/www.meyerlevin,com/pdf/tribe.pdf
This has been an important part of the “forbidden history” that Satan does not want Christians to understand.
They later became the Ashkenazi Jews, migrating throughout the Eastern Europe.
The question of the legitimacy of his theory is no longer controversial and is now a well- established truth. There have been many books published, which support and confirm his assertion, since his death. It was also scientifically backed up recently by another Jew, an Israeli Jewish molecular genetic biologist, Eran Elhaik, Ph.D., at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (“The missing Link of Jewish Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypothesis”). The fact that it was immediately “attacked” and dismissed as a politically motivated anti-Israeli and anti-Zionistic false study by a known Illuminati publication, Forbes Magazine, is a strong indication that it is hitting them VERY close to home. There are other scientific genetic studies that support Elhaik’s work.
There is another Jewish scholar who claims Jewish people are not originally from the Palestine area of the Middle East. Shlomo Sand, Ph.D., Professor of History at Tel Aviv University, published a book called, “The Invention of the Jewish People,” that is based on his many years of research. In this book, Sand argues that the majority of the original Judeans, who lived in Judea at the time of the Bar Kokhba Revolt, in which they are supposed to be the last of the ”Diaspora,”—actually stayed in the Palestine area, later converting to Islam and assimilating into the Arabic cultures.
Basically, Sand asserts the idea that, “Jewish people were living in the Land of Israel until they were forced out by the Romans (‘Diaspora’); therefore, they deserve to live in the land as a Jewish nation because they are the “chosen people of God’”—is totally an “invented” story. I agree, because of all of the recently uncovered evidence that supports this.
The culture was severely depraved by pagan practices with rampant murders, human sacrifices, and sexual perversions, and did not change much after the conversion to Judaism. Koestler historically argues, however, that as a nation they were sandwiched between the rising Islamic Caliphate in the east and the so called Christian Roman Empire in the west, thus converting to either meant submitting to one of the powers — So, to avoid either one—their king chose Judaism. You can find a concise summary in this article: “The Khazar Kingdom – Gog agog.” In addition, we cannot ignore the fact that the Jews from Persia (later Parthia 247 BC – 224 AD) must have migrated out of the area toward Khazar, eventually proselytizing the Khazars. But, when you consider this in hindsight and with a Scriptural mindset, we can see the plot of Satan for his future purposes. It is working out perfectly as we can see in the history of Israel especially after 1948.
SOURCE: Oxford Journal, GENOME BIOLIGY AND EVOLUTION, “The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses” by Eran Elhaik
The Invention of the Jewish People, by Israeli historian, Shlomo Sand, who writes, that most modern Jews descend from converts, whose native lands were scattered across the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Published by VERSO, London. New York, 2008
He also states that the Jews as a people group thought of themselves as Jews only because they shared a common religion (Judaism) and not because of nationalism. This was so until the rise of Zionism at the turn of the century.
But, why did the Khazars start calling themselves “the Jews?” It is because, according to Koestler, the entire empire was converted to the Babylonian paganized “Judaism” from a phallus/serpent/fish/crane-worshiping paganism in ca. 740 AD.
They began calling themselves “the Jews” based on the adopted religion of their choice, Judaism, which had very little to do with the Scriptural Torah-centered.
As already established this in this article. What they adopted was a Pharisaic Talmudic Babylonian Judaism, from the days of the Babylonian exile, and which as stated our ADONI YAHUSHA severely rebuked and condemned as recorded in Mathew’s Gospel (especially in Chapter 23). Later, in the 1600s, out of Judaism, sprang up a false messiah, named Sabathai Zvi, and his followers, the Sabbateans. They began practicing the original and pure form of the highly esoteric Satanism, Kabbalah, also-called “Jewish Mysticism,” which was considered to be a sect of Judaism.
But later, mainstream Jews rejected Zvi, by excommunicating him. Eventually, he was forced to convert to Islam because of the ruling power of the Ottoman Empire. Yet, his followers continued to practice Kabbalah underground, even after his death, and it has become the bases and underlining teaching for “ALL” the satanic false religions of the modern era, including the most recent New Age movement. It is simply repackaged Kabbalah with modern terminologies. The origin of Kabbalah goes all the way back to Babylon, Nimrod, the sun god worship, which is the Mystery Religion of Babylon.
Masonic Origins
Under-current of all subsequent occult religions. The largest of all is that of Freemasonry and Catholicism, which do overlap. Therefore, it is the same Babylonian sun god worship of Cush and Semiramis (Cush’s wife, the “Queen of Babylon”) and Nimrod (their son) and also by the Egyptian’s worship of Osiris and his wife Isis and their son Horus, which is why the “Eye of Horus” is the Illuminati symbol. There is also the false worship of Baal and his wife Ashtoreth and their son Tammuz—by the apostate Israelites (Tammuz, is the name of the forth month of the Hebrew civil year as mentioned in Ezra 8:14). Satan has dozens of names, for his own trinity. All mystery religions are forms of Satanism (Luciferianism), that worship Satan with their many signs and symbols—typically being the obelisks (phallic symbol), sun disks, the serpent, dragon, and numerous other masonic and Kabbalistic symbols. They also worship with Human sacrifice, blood drinking, cannibalism, in addition to sexual perversions and orgies. These are just some of the perverted routine practices among these satanic occults. Again, keep in mind: This is the origin of Judaism, which “the Jews” practice today, with their traditions and symbols appearing to be biblical, but are all distorted and taken over by their occult meanings.
The Scriptural sacred objects mentioned in Scripture, such as the menorah, and “Tree of life,” and even the name of YAHUAH ELOHIYM (Tetragrammaton, יהוה “yod-hey-vav-hey”), have become mystical satanic symbols to them. These “Jews” and their Kabbalistic symbols, amulets, magical prayers, etc., are used in their demonic worship and highly satanic rituals.
Through what has been said thus far, it can be seen that people calling themselves “Jews,” are not the people from the Scriptural Land of Yisrael (Israel) or the descendants of Jacob, and have nothing to do with the Scriptural worship of YAHUAH ELOHIYM our ELOHIYM.
The Khazarian Jews are the driving force of the NWO, and they have been for several hundreds of years. The history of the Illuminati (the cabal of the Khazarian Jews) is beyond the scope of this report. But, simply stated, what they have done in recent years is absolutely relevant to the preparing of the Bridehood Saints of the Messiah.
This group of the Khazarian Jews and non-Jews who are related by marriage and by bloodline, led by the Rothschild family, with their humongous and unfathomable amount of wealth, to plot and execute a plan to create a sovereign nation in Palestine “just for the Khazarian Jews” to live, and eventually rule the world from Jerusalem (Satan knows the Scriptures too). They have instigated two world wars for that purpose, and finally accomplished their plan in 1948. Now, they are pushing for a third world war in the Middle East to complete their multi-generational grand scheme.
This is plan is called Zionism, and YAHUSHA said they were of the “Synagogue of Satan” as stated in (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9).
When the Illuminati and the Zionists are discussed in this article, it is referring to the core group of the Khazarian Jews.
For clarity I will from now on refer to them as the “Khazarian Jews confusion.
However, please note that not all the Khazarian Jews are Zionists, but Zionism is driven by a small group of the Khazarian Jews who control the Jews that work intimately with Satan himself.
The Jews and the Mystery Babylon
As a preparation for the next step, I would like to expand the discussion a little and connect a few dots at the end of this report.
An article written in 2005, “How the Zabbatheans Destroy Israel,” is eerily accurate in describing the current status of the NWO plot (as of Oct 2013). In this article, the warning is given that the “Zabbatheans (Sabbatheans),” which roughly means the Illuminati Kabbalist Khazarian Jews of today, and the “Donmeh,” meaning Turkish Sabbatheans, are driving Zionism and plotting to instigate the WW3 in the Middle East and bring about a “new holocaust” to the State of Israel. According to a blog article, by, the Donmehs are still living in the Istanbul area of Turkey, or Javan <H3120> (= “Ionia”; often translated as ‘Greece’ in the Scriptures’; see Dan 8:21; 10:20; 11:2; Zach 9:13). They are outwardly pretending to be Muslim, but still practicing Kabbalistic Satanism in secret. There is much research available, to confirm the authors analysis contained in the article on this Sabbatheans plot.
A new holocaust? It sounds like the Scriptural Great Tribulation to me. Hearing the news of the continual Aliyah (return) of the not so Scripturally “lost sheep” to Yisrael (Israel) en masse, tells us something is up. The Zionists are almost “buying” people from other countries to immigrate to Israel. YAHUAH is going to restore His true Yisrael (Israel) (gentile and Hebrew Belivers) to the land He promised to give to Abraham’s seed (true believers in YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH). Now is not that time. We must keep in mind that Satan is out to change (YAHUAH’s) times (Zionist 1948 State) and laws (Talmud for Torah).
(Daniel 7:25) He (Antimessiah) shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws.
It must be remembered that the Khazarian Empire was located in the exact area called “Gog and Magog” in the ancient days. “Gog” גוֹ×’ּ<H1463> means “of the prince of the land of Gog,” and“Magog”מגּוֹ×’ּוֹ<H4031>means“the land of Gog.”When you study the profile of the Anti- Messiah in the Scriptures, He also appears to honor the Islamic god, known as the god of “Fortresses” (strongholds). No one can deny that Islamic ISIS is a stronghold in the earth today. Also if you study (Rev 17)—you will see he leads a coalition of Islamic nations for a short period of time.
(Daniel 11:38) But in their place he shall honor a elohim (god) of fortresses (strongholds); and a elohim (god) which his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and pleasant things.
“Gog” is one of the many titles (Ez 38:2) for the man of sin, and he seems to be coming from Turkey-Syria regions.
This scenario perfectly fits the prophetic perspective of the Last Days.
They be outwardly a Muslim in Turkey, the land of Gog, Meshech, Tubal, and Togarmah (Ez 38:1- 6), but just like the Donmehs, occultly practicing Kabbalah.
The Kabbalist Jewish driven Illuminati/Freemasonry cabal is trying to establish the NWO through the State of Israel, by using the Islamic nations to destroy the State of Israel and the descendants of Israelites (12 Tribe Jews) by instigating the third world war in the Middle East. They believe that their god, Lucifer, should rise out of the ashes of the destruction like the “Phoenix,” which represents Lucifer himself (“Double Headed Eagle, Phoenix”). This is again is eerily similar to the Islamic scenario of the appearance of the Mahdi. Their Islamic messiah is supposed to return in the midst chaos, as Joel Richardson described in his book, “Islamic AntiChrist.” And in the course of it, they plan to annihilate Muslims and Christians, so that Lucifer, their god, will be the only god to be worshipped.
Speaking of the Phoenix, the Illuminati orchestrated quite a spectacle on the occasion of 2012. At the London Olympics’ opening ceremony right up to the closing ceremony, numerous Kabbalah and Freemasonry symbolism was displayed throughout. The stadium itself looked, from the air, exactly like a “Mandala” with a huge sundial on the ground.
The Islamic Antichrist; by Joel Richardson, Published by WorldNetDaily, Los Angeles, CA 2009 89
It is plausible that the Anti-Messiah, the prince to come, may be one of the Khazarian Jews.
The “Angel of YAHUAH,” who was the pre-incarnate Messiah, told Daniel the Prophet the following:
Daniel 12:1 “At that time Michael shall stand up, The great prince who stands watch over the sons (natural descendants) of your people; And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, Every-one (natural born again descendants)who is found written in the book.
There will be unimaginable carnage, much worse than the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, which will take place in the Last Days.
It is one of many sinister purposes Zionists have. We need to know their plans, even if we are not physically in Israel, because people will be spiritually deceived and drawn onto the path of destruction and share in the fate of the Zionists who are a part of mystery Babylon; upon whom the Wrath of YAHUAH will be poured.
Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.
“Mystery Babylon” of (Revelation 17:5) is the Illuminati and all people and nations that are connected to it (including the USA). The Islamic nations that will gather under the leadership of the Anti-Messiah are simply the puppets of the Illuminati religions, who is the woman “arrayed in purple and scarlet,” as royalties, “adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls,” representing illuminati wealth, and with “a golden cup full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication,” describing the Satanic occult religions they practice (Rev 17:4).
Many believe that the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) is Mystery Babylon. They are partially correct, because the Illuminati established the RCC and has been controlling it through the Jesuits, which is basically a masonic secret society. The Pope may very well be the False Prophet, the “beast” mentioned in:
(Revelation 13:11) And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon.
The history of the Nation of Israel going back to the Mount Sinai in Exodus. The current State of Israel is not what is being referred to in this verse.
Zionism is a way, or a trap, to “draw” everyone to Israel for the final annihilation that Satan knows is coming.
Through this report the reader hopefully has a clearer understanding of the Judaism, the Illuminati, who the Jews are, what Zionism is, and where the Messianic Jewish Movement is coming from. And also how these people, their ideology, and the movements they create are related to the Scriptural prophecies. It is this group of people who are moving the world in the direction we are in now, and will find ourselves facing in the future—for they are the people of Mystery Babylon. In the end, YAHUAH ELOHIYM will turn their plan on its head and annihilate them, according to the prophecies written throughout the Scriptures. But what has been discussed in this report is crucial insight into who the true enemy is, which must be grasped as we face the chaotic and brutal days ahead, so that we will not be deceived.
A word of caution . . .
With all of the commotion in the Middle East we have been witnessing, it has been the work of the Illuminati stirring things up. Islamic nations are simply pawns on their chessboard. They are also creating fear of the Islamic Jihadist and hatred against them, blaming all the false flags (i.e., 9/11 attack in 2001, Boston Bombing of April 2013, and many more) on the Islamists, while they, and our governments they control, are the ones who are responsible for those horrific events. We also must listen with healthy skepticism and caution to teachers who focus too much on anti-Islamic themes, which is the Zionistic agenda, or we will be diverted and deceived. There are many disinformationists being used against us, pulling us away from the real enemy to whom we must pay attention. Their plan has always been to create chaos so they can “Divide and conquer.” They always create an “enemy” for us to focus on, such as the “communist,” “Japanese,” “Nazis,” “Muslims,” and “Iranians,” and so forth.
We must not be manipulated emotionally, and become agitated and anxious and fearful, which is what Satan wants,” when we see the latest news and try to figure it all out.
Always remember, they control the mainstream media too — this means every word uttered on TV and Radio and written in the printed mainstream media. Everything we watch on TV is scripted and staged, and this is not an exaggeration. Ask the RUACH HA’QODESH (Holy Spirit) to guide you through your own research, so you can truly discern the “times” we are in. However, we must not be shaken, because again—that is what Satan and his cohorts want. They want us to control our minds and emotions with the “chaos” they create in the world, so fear will cause our faith to be undermined. We should listen to our ADONI as He warned us:
Matthew 24:6 (6) “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
He continued on to tell His Disciples that many earthquakes, famines, and pestilence will follow (Mat 24:7). The ride will get much rougher before the end. We must learn the Truth “now” and be prepared, but without fear, anchoring ourselves steadfastly in His Word. YAHUSHA said this to all who have made Him their ADONI and Savior:
Matthew 28:20
…lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
- For those who really want to know more about the lies of Judaism, I refer you to Michael Hoffman, and his book, “Judaism Discovered.” It is a over 1000 page book. He also has published a DVD of his teaching. I recommend, “A Study of Judaism – Live from San Jose – Slideshow”
- I must make it clear that not all the people who are called the Jews (Khazarian Jews) are Zionists. There are Torah believing and non-Talmudic Jews, such as the Karaites, but they still practice Judaism dressed in the similar way, and majority of them are of the Khazarian descent. And, there are those, who still do not believe that Jesus is their Messiah, but are sincere in their faith in Judaism and are not Zionists. They protest against Zionism and assert the difference of their opinions. I have found Website where this very issue is discussed with some statistics, though it does not seem to be scientifically drawn numbers. Some defend Talmud teaching. For that, I would say, it is still man’s law and pagan influenced, and still is a false religion. But, their point is well taken: Not all the Jews are Zionists, and some are very vocal against Zionism.
- I will not list many references for this because there is tremendous amount of bits and pieces of information, but not one source grasps the entire picture. It may be also confusing and distracting for the purpose of this article. But, the truth is available everywhere if you just look for it, except, in the Main-stream Media (Liberal or Conservative), including newspapers, the TV and cable network, including very small ones, because the Illuminati families own them all. I will also write my own version of exposé and publish it soon. Even in the alternative media, there is much disinformation, to caution you.
Kabbalah-Illuminati Symbolism
Learn to recognize the “lying signs” used in false religions, ministries and churches and also in the commercial world of business.
The Making of a New World Order
A conspiracy is taking place in our country on the grandest scale. It was conceived even before the writing of our Constitution, the building of our nation’s capital, and the design of the dollar bill. It has been cleverly covered up and will soon show its ugly head to those who have the courage to see it for what it truly is. Those who have spent hours studying the conspiracy have known about it for years, but the holders of the big purse have concealed the details and the researchers are made to look delusional.
For many of us, we learned in school that after the discovery of our country by Christopher Columbus, the pilgrims came to America seeking religious freedom. On the surface, these things did happen, so it has led many to believe our country was founded as a Christian nation. But was it been founded as a Christian nation in the truest sense of the word?
Only the most naive would not know that many who claim to be Christians do not meet the required criteria, such is the case with Freemasons. While Freemasonry has an outward show of religious faith, it is far from being Christian.
Anyone who studies Freemasonry will learn that it is actually a blend of esoteric philosophies of theosophy and Jewish Cabalism (also spelled Kabbalism) to produce a crossbreed belief system known as Freemasonry.
Please take note that I am not laying the blame of our nation’s downward spiral at the feet of men. I want you to know up-front and is the common factor woven through all of this information.
Great Names from the American Revolution
John Adams – Spoke favorably of Freemasonry — never joined
Samuel Adams – (Close and principle associate of Hancock, Revere and other Masons) Ethan Allen – Mason
John Claypoole – Mason
Benjamin Franklin – Mason
Whose words seem to indicate faith
in Jesus Christ; but many quoted were Freemasons who highly regarded Jesus as a mere man who attained the highest degree of moral enlightenment.
The Masonic fraternity played a pivotal role as a driving force behind America’s Revolution and as an agent for progressive social change, and their belief system is still relevant today.
Know that Satan is behind this veil of deception. This is the only reason why this plan has continued moving forward for centuries.
John Hancock – Mason
Thomas Jefferson – Deist with some evidence of Masonic connections John Paul Jones – Mason
Robert Livingston – Mason
James Madison – Some evidence of Masonic membership
Paul Revere – Mason
George Washington – Mason
The Freemasons Design of the Dollar Bill
After watching the DVD entitled “Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill,” I learned some little-known history involving mystics and high-level politics. During the production, Doc Marquis, a former practicing Illuminati Satanist, and now born-again Christian, provided knowledge on the symbolism of the one-dollar bill, which he learned while practicing the occult. While on-camera, he described the hidden Masonic imagery tied into the design. Marquis demonstrates that the two seals on the back of the dollar bill contain three hidden hexagrams surrounded by a circle, the most evil of all in witchcraft. These hexagrams also spell out a “666″ and the word, “Mason.”
The Great Seal shows an ancient Egyptian pyramid, beneath a triangle containing a glowing eye. The all-seeing eye is the eye of the Egyptian Sun God. It is the most important and spiritual Masonic symbols, and Freemason George Washington wore it on his Masonic apron.
The motto inscribed beneath the pyramid in the Great Seal of America is “Novus Ordo Seclorum,” which is Latin for “New Order of the Ages” and synonymous with the “New World Order.” The decision to print the Great Seal on the dollar bill was made in the 1930s by Henry Wallace, who later became Vice-President of the United States, second in command to President Roosevelt (a Freemason), from 1940 to 1944. Henry Wallace, who was involved heavily in the occult, literally believed that America was chosen by God to lead the world in establishing the New World Order. Both FDR and Wallace were strongly influenced by the writings of Freemason/Cabalist Manly Hall, who was an author and a member of the Rosicrucian occult.
The Freemasons Design of the Capitol City
The occultist firmly believes that a symbol or a set of symbols possesses inherent power, once they are created. Therefore, occultist doctrine teaches that these satanic symbols can act as a powerful electric-type grid once they are set in place. This power grid would constantly pulsate with Luciferic power 24-hours a day, constantly moving America toward the Luciferic goal of the New World Order.
The street, cul-de-sacs and rotaries in the government center in Washington, DC, have been laid out in such a manner that certain Luciferic symbols are depicted in their design. This plan was created by a Masonic architect Pierre Charles L’Enfante in 1791, just a few years after Freemasonry assumed the leadership of the New World in 1782. (This year was pivotal because Adam Weishaupt was appointed to reorganize the Illuminati which merged with Freemasonry.)
But there were other preparations going on before the drawings of Washington, DC were laid out. Since before it’s conception, America’s destiny was to assume global leadership toward the New World Order, and it was chosen to lead the world into a kingdom led by the supreme god of Masonry, Lucifer. When Sir Francis Bacon penned his classic work, “The New Atlantis” in 1628, he believed that the New World and Atlantis were one and the same. He outlined his vision for the perfect society, and some suggest the program he set forth has been the driving force behind the course of modern history. While he did not originate the concept, it was Bacon who articulated an ancient plan to be carried out by all the secret orders. Bacon was the Chief of the Rosicrucians and the first Grand Master of modern English Freemasonry. Bacon sent his followers to the New World.
This is why the Scriptures forbids the creating of “graven images” because it attracts demonic powers wherever they are worshipped (Ex 20:4-5).
Other Freemason Symbols
There are several cities in the world that share striking similarities and are believed to play a crucial role in the hidden global governmental system we have long been living under. The three cities and their roles are of most importance, and are as follows: City of London (finance), Washington, DC (military), and Vatican City (religion). A Freemason symbol, known as an obelisk, is located in each of these three important cities; first, is the one located in Washington, DC.
The Washington Monument is the tallest obelisk in the world and also the tallest standing structure in Washington, DC. The Grand Lodge of Freemasons donated the monument’s cornerstone, a 12-ton slab of marble. Like the Vatican obelisk, a circle denoting the female surrounds the Washington monument. The reflecting pool in front of the monument signifies the ancient Masonic/Kabbalistic dictum.
In London, located on the banks of the River Thames, this obelisk was transported to London and erected in 1878 under the reign of Queen Victoria. The obelisk originally stood in the Egyptian city of On, or Heliopolis (the City of the Sun). The Knights Templars’ land extended to this area of the Thames, where the Templars had their own docks. A sphinx, also symbolism dating back to the ancient world, surrounds either side of the obelisk.
Located in St. Peter’s Square, the Vatican obelisk was moved from Egypt to its current location in 1586. The circle at the base on the obelisk represents the female vagina and thus male/female duality. Also notice the lines extending from the circle, forming a Union Jack as seen on the British flag.
The most blatant symbols of Freemasonry’s obsession with Egypt are not hidden in its temples, but they stand in public view. How they came to be erected shows both the immense power of Freemasonry in the nineteenth century and their love of the most evocative symbol of all Egyptian religion: the obelisk. The word “obelisk” means “Baal’s shaft” or Baal’s organ of reproduction (penis).
But it doesn’t end there
Why the obelisk? To early Egyptians, it was the shape sacred to the Sun God Re or Ra; the creator of humanity, the source of all heat and light, the being on which man was totally dependent. By the fifth dynasty Re had become so popular he was elevated to the role of state deity. The spirit of the Sun God was supposed to enter the stones at certain periods, and on these occasions human sacrifices were offered to it.
In Israel is the most intriguing. This is because the Freemasons were an integral part of Israel becoming a nation. Without British Freemasonry there would be no modern state of Israel.
Of the hundreds of obelisks that once stood in Egypt, there are actually more that can be found in our landscape today.
The rest were carried away to foreign lands to dwell in the central parks and museum concourses of New York City, London, Paris, Rome, Cairo, Luxor, and Istanbul. Although my initial research only found three obelisks, I found several more since.
The one I found Israel.
In the 1860s, the British-Israelite movement was initiated from within Freemasonry. Its goal was to establish a Jewish-Masonic state in the Turkish province of Palestine. Initially, British Jewish Masonic families like the Rothschilds’ and Montefiores’ provided the capital.
Masonic/Illuminati pyramid in front of the Supreme Court of Israel flanked by the pillars of Jachin and Boaz, originally found in front of the Temple of Salomon.
The Freemason mark is upon the Supreme Court building complex in Jerusalem. The obelisk can be found along with the Masonic Tree of Life and other symbols.
Egyptian history has become just a hazy memory but the obelisks have become generalized emblems of Egypt.
Could it be that the obelisk will be erected when the Temple in Jerusalem is rebuilt? It is likely that it, along with other ancient pagan treasures, will be brought forth to desecrate the temple.
(Daniel 11:30-31) But he will vent his anger against the people of the holy covenant and reward those who forsake the covenant… “His army will take over the Temple fortress, pollute the sanctuary, put a stop to the daily sacrifices, and set up the sacrilegious object(s) that causes desecration. NLT (Parenthesis mine).
The Jewish Cabala and Freemasonry Link
In the classic treatise of the “Morals and Dogma,” written by the late Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, Albert Pike, we discover that the Jewish Cabala (also known as Kabala, Kabbalah or Qabalah) is the very basis of Masonic practice and ritual, and the “Theology of the Sephiroth” is at the root of all Masonic knowledge. This, admits Pike, essence of Freemasonry.”
Much of the modern teaching within the Kabbalah is based on the writing of Aleister Crowley, Freemason and father of modern Satanism. Helena P. Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, said, “The Kabbalah is indeed of the The Jewish Cabala in Masonry is evident by the Lodge’s odd view of evil.
Pike writes: “The true name of Satan, the Cabbalists say, is that of Yahweh reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God. They believe that Satan is not a person, but a force, created for good; but also one which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of liberty and free will.”
The former Sovereign Grand Commander admits that Lucifer is a good angel, and a divine god worthy of our esteemed worship. Albert Pike maintained that, “Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion.” Pike also asserted that the true meanings of the mysterious symbols of Freemasonry are found in the occult philosophy of the Jewish Cabala; that Freemasonry owes all its secrets to the Cabala.
It is believed that the philosophy and doctrines of the Jewish Cabala are the wellspring of literally every wicked, occult sect, satanic secret society and witchcraft cult that has arisen in the past one thousand years.
All together the core of all the mystery teachings of the ancients. The Scriptures gives evidence that the Jewish elders had brought the mysteries into the Temple and had conducted secret ceremonies in hidden chambers as far back as the days of the prophet Ezekiel (as mentioned in Ezekiel 8). YAHUAH called these teachings and rituals “abominations.”
In “Codex Magica,” Texe Marrs describes the wicked Talmudic and Cabalistic religion of these Zionist Jews. But it is important to understand that the horrific nature of the Jews’ religion lie in its man-made traditions. In reality, these traditions are Satanic in origin. He refers especially to the Jewish Talmud, the legalistic law traditions of the rabbis, and to the Jewish Cabala, which are the mystical teachings and traditions of the rabbis and sages. If the Jews had stuck to the teachings of the Old Testament, Satan would not have had such terrible inroads If Moses and the prophets’ writings were honored today, the Jews would believe in YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH as Messiah and be saved by faith in His promises.
Do you think I may be exaggerating the belief system of the Cabala Jew? I found most of this hard to accept and did further study to be certain. I did learn that there is supposed to be a difference between Qabalah and Kabbalah. Upon studying them further, they are very similar (if not in reality the same). But for our purposes, the Freemasons use the Kabbalah that is more deeply rooted in the occult.
The Central Banking Cartel
The central banking cartel is the only group with both the motive and the means to take complete control. Consisting mainly of Cabala-believing Jews and Freemasons, it is the head of the beast. Zionism, Freemasonry, organized Jewry, Imperialism, Jesuits, Vatican, intelligence agencies, mass media, along with many others, are among the countless arms.
These elite families have incredible political power and believe they are responsible for guiding the world.
They regard wealth as divine favor, and are using it to build their national strength. These bankers believe that when the time of the Messiah comes, the they believe their people are “chosen by God.” Since they are the “chosen ones,” then what they want is seen as right in their Jews will hold keys of all the property and people of the world.
They dominate industry, culture, and government worldwide. The names Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller, and Kennedy are among some that you may recognize.
These bankers are behind all wars, and most “modern” social, political and philosophical movements, including Communism, Feminism, Diversity, Zionism, Nazism, Socialism, Sound familiar? The false Christian “dominionists” teach much of the same thing—also wanting to “take over” the “ mountains” of world dominating forces such as: government, culture, religion etc.
The Plan for our Demise
The multi-culturalism, post modernism, gay rights, and sexual liberation. Their desire for chaos and war is what paves the way for revolution, so peace is truly never their objective.
To illustrate the deceptive manner in which the bankers operate, Eustace Mullins was commissioned to examine the US banking establishment in 1949. In the manuscript he wrote, entitled, “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve,” he depicted the United States in a different perspective. He wrote, of American industry and organize it into cartels.
“Not withstanding the war of independence against England, we remained an economic and financial colony of Great Britain.” He went on to disclose that between 1865 and 1913, London-based Rothschild bankers used agents such as J.P. Morgan and J.D. Rockefeller to gain control.
When Mullins was finally able to find a printer for his book, all 10,000 copies were confiscated and burned. You can read more about this in Henry Makow’s book titled, “Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World.”
There is yet another facet of this that needs to be told, and it will help to tie all of this together. Don Marquis, the former Satanist that I mentioned earlier, has a Christian ministry that exposes the information he learned as a member of the Illuminati. On YouTube, I viewed Marquis giving the blow-by-blow blueprint plans the Illuminati are currently using to bring about world government.
It is the most notorious and widely distributed anti-Semitic publication of modern times. The Protocols have been said, of course, to be phony, but far too many believe it is genuine. Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote that the Protocols exhibit the mind of a genius. Adolph Hitler (a Rothschild descendent) was impressed enough by them that he often referred to them in his speeches and believed it was the plan for Jewish domination of the world.
The Protocols
Jewish Luciferians
These are addressed to (Illuminati, Freemasons) detailing an incredible plan to overthrow western civilization and all of the wealth of the world. It has been hard to determine who actually wrote the Protocols, but it does convey a pathological hatred for non-Jews, and the desire to undermine and enslave them. Listed below are the number of these Protocols and the theme behind each one.
The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, by Eustace Mullins, SOURCE: SECRETS_of_the_Federal_Reserve_Bank.pdf
Protocol 1 – Play upon the greed, lust, and vanity of man. To become the sovereign lord of the masses. Protocol 2, 3, 9, 12 – The propagation of ideas, such as Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzsche- ism, Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Anarchism, and Utopianism, with the task of undermining established forms of order. Protocol 4 – Materialism. The rat race will create heartless communities. Protocol 5 – Faith is obliterated by cosmopolitan convictions. Create the desire for world government through disenchantment. |
Protocol 6 – World government is the protector of all of those who voluntarily submit. Protocol 7 – Increase police forces. Everyone must obey public opinion. Create world wars. Protocol 8 – Brother-Jews must obey or face criminal charges or disappear. Protocol 10 – Exhaust humanity with hatred, envy, torture, starvation, the inoculation of disease and want in order that the people take refuge in government money. Remove the importance of family and educational values. Protocol 11 – Curtailment of civil liberties with the excuse of defeating the enemies of peace. Protocol 12– No one shall question the infallibility of government. Creating the impression of the existence of freedom of press, freedom of speech, human rights and democracy, all of which are subsequently undermined and become mere illusions or deceptive smokescreens behind which actual oppression lies. Protocol 13– Force the people to be humble servants. Distract the masses with amusements, games, art, sports… Protocol 14 – Sweep away all forms of belief. Schemes develop an ever- worsening state. The people will grow in areas of our liking. Protocol 15 – “The superior intelligence of the “Chosen People” confirms, “Nature herself |
has intended us to guide and rule the world.” Protocol 16– The erasing of history, every kind of freedom of instruction, and independence of thought. Protocol 17 – The king of the Jews will be the real Pope of the Universe, the Patriarch of an international Church. Duty of service to state. Protocol 18 – Political figures will be put to death. |
Protocol 19 – Brainwashing and conformity Protocol 20 – Economic depressions Protocol 21 – Gold holds power. Protocol 22– Undermining financial systems by foreign loans, creating national bankruptcy, destroying money markets and replacing them with government credit institutions Protocol 23 and 24 – The King of the Jews dynastic heir of King David will be the King of the World. He will replace all existing rulers. The King of the Jews must not be at the mercy of his passions…The holy seed of David must sacrifice to his people all personal inclinations. | |
Signed by the representatives of Zion, 33rd Degree. | |
After reading these protocols and seeing how our world so closely parallels this, it becomes clear The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a blatantly satanic document. It systematically lists all the steps that are necessary to establish their New World Order and its superman, Antichrist. It is obvious that these plans for the establishment of the Kingdom of Antichrist are so brilliantly | |
conceived and written, they could only be the work of demonic spirits. |
One Last Unpleasant Finding
One message that Albert Pike received from his spirit guide was described in a letter written to Giusseppe Mazzini of Italy. Mazzini was a 33rd degree Mason who became head of the Illuminati in 1834 and founded the Mafia in 1860. This letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the New World Order.
The first two wars and their circumstances were accurately predicted events that have already taken place. This is not because demons have powers of prophecy, but because Satan’s agents have undertaken to manipulate The political events to closely follow his designs.
Albert Pike told Mazzini that:
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic world, which was caused by the ‘agents’ of the ‘Illuminati.’ conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy The war must be each other.”
Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue, will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual, and economical exhaustion…
We shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm, which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out into the public view.
This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement, which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”
I know a lot of this is hard to accept, because many people believe that the members of the local Masonic Lodge are just regular good ol boys, believing they do charitable work for the community and have no evil intentions. This may appear to be true, and not all of them will be elevated to a level where they have the “need to know,” or will be in a position to learn the true agenda. It was Adam Weishaupt who decided that “Masons will advance in rank without knowing anything of the further system.” (Webster, “Secret Societies”)
All of the information contained in this article was obtained through researchers who interviewed defectors of high-level Freemasonry, former members of the Illuminati who are in hiding, or through writings of individuals who were in Masonic positions of authority.
Their occult-inspired charade is designed to destroy Christianity by undermining our relationship to YAHUAH, family, nation, and race.
The highest aim of Freemasonry is “to uproot completely the whole religious and moral order of the world which has brought into existence by Christianity.” The second goal is to eliminate the Torah-believing Jew.
Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903) wrote that confused with the Cabalist (Kabbalah) Jew.
The New World Order is an extension of the British Empire, in which elite British, American, and Jewish imperial interests are identical. The British and Jewish goal of world domination is synonymous, and they are using Freemasonry as their tool.
The nation’s leadership are Freemasons.
All of Britain’s and Israel’s
This is why our country has continued a close relationship with Great Britain and Israel. For example, do you recall the friendship between former President George W. Bush and former Prime Minister Tony Blair? It is interesting to note that during a recent trip to Washington, DC, a British newspaper wrote, “Tony Blair signed the VIP visitors’ guest book at the British Embassy. His role as a Middle East peace envoy may have led to a mid-life identity crisis. His signature is there, but where guests are invited to state their “home” Mr Blair wrote “Jerusalem.” The former Prime Minister does not own anything that could be described as a home in the Middle East.” He did this because Satan’s counterfeit plan is for the headquarters of the Antimessiah to be located in Israel.
At the present time, we are prophetically moving at break-neck speed. As I hope you can see, we need to learn to take what is reported to us by the media and exercise discernment. Our generation of ill-informed and undiscerning Christians has a difficult time spotting a fraud.
Satan creates first-class images for his most valuable ministers, who often become prominent personalities through image campaigns that are designed expressly to deceive the masses.
The wise Christian will disregard outward appearances and become impersonally objective, putting a man or woman’s message, signs, symbols and supernatural works to the acid test of Scripture.
Everything must be analyzed with careful attention to detail; be it a news event or doctrine. The enemy is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) and he is gaining more control as is prophesied for these end-times. More importantly, we are the children of the King.
If we are serious about YAHUSHA as ADONI, then He has promised to take care of us.
Since our time is limited, we need to begin to get serious about our relationship with Him, and take evangelism seriously. I urge you to share the Good News of Messiah’s redemptive work on the tree, because YAHUSHA and His Besorah of the kingdom is our only Hope!
Philippians 1:20-21
My earnest expectation and hope is that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Messiah will be magnified in my body, whether by my life or by my death…
For to me, to live is Messiah,
and to die is gain.
ADDENDUM A: Those Practicing Judaism are called “Serpent People”
One way of discovering this awful truth is to ask the rabbis themselves—the top rabbis in the world. Take, for example, the celebrated rabbi known throughout the Jewish religious world as the “Gaon of Vilna.” It was he who taught from the Kabbalah’s doctrine that inside Judaism’s vaunted Tree of Life there resides a great and Sacred Serpent whose masculine name is Leviathan and whose feminine name is Malkut.
This Leviathan, the holy and piercing serpent, is the expected Messiah prophesied to appear, the one who will supernaturally possess the bodies of the world’s Jews and lead them to global domination and glory.
This strange doctrine, accepted by the vast majority of today’s Orthodox Rabbis, also makes the bold claim that the Jews are a Holy Race of wise and virtuous serpent beings. Collectively, World Jewry is claimed to be the very incarnation on earth of the Holy Serpent. Could this be what the true Messiah and ADONI of the Universe, YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH, meant when he confronted the wicked pharisaic Jews—equivalent to today’s Orthodox Jewry—by flatly declaring:
“You serpents, you generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?” (Matthew 23:33)
The House of Yisrael (Israel) Left Desolate
In the King James Bible lexicon, the word “generation” here means “race, nation, bloodline, or ethnic group.” In this same Gospel, in Matthew 23 we also find YAHUSHA telling the Jews, “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.”
“Desolate!” That means devoid of spiritual value, barren, a wasteland. Today, the House of Israel, the physical nation of Israel, is exactly what YAHUSHA said it would be—a spiritual desert, a nation of lying, deceiving, terrorist killers; desolate of morality, devoid of righteousness. All of Rothschild’s trillions and all of America’s boatloads of foreign aid, diplomatic cover, and military armaments heaped on the artificially created nation of Israel for the past six decades cannot change one iota of what YAHUSHA prophesied. Israel is a desolate place, a wasteland of inhuman cruelty and savage conduct, and it shall remain so.
”—serpents whose cruel, black hearts are stained with filth and contamination. Just so, because the priesthood of rabbis, the keepers of the Judaic faith, are worshippers of the Holy Serpent.
The Holy (or Sacred) Serpent, of course, is identified in the New Testament as he who was cast out of heaven. In other words, the Devil, or Satan. The Sacred Serpent.
It is this Sacred Serpent, the Kabbalah teaches, that in the coming Messianic age he shall rise from the abyss to conquer the Gentiles and exalt God’s Chosen, the Jews.
In the religion of Judaism, the Sacred Serpent is said to rise from the abyss. Through his power and guidance, a divine World Jewry will triumph over the Gentiles, and the Jews’ Messiah will reign supreme.
Since the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament) are said to be “the heart of Jewish existence,” the doctrine that the Sacred Serpent is hidden within the Torah and appears as the letter vav is an essential foundation of Judaic tradition. The rabbis believe that this letter—vav—is evidence of their deity. They emphasize that the letter vav, indicative of the Sacred Serpent, is found exactly at the middle-point of the Torah, at (Leviticus 11:42), which is said to be the belly of the Serpent deity.
Jerusalem scholar and rabbi, Joel David Bakst, excitedly writes of this doctrine which places the Jewish tribe within the very belly of the Sacred Serpent, exclaiming:
“We have journeyed to the center of the world and landed in the belly of a serpent!” (“Journey to the Center of the Torah,” City of Luz,, 2007)
In the Zohar, the essential book of Jewish cabalistic magic, we find another amazing Judaism doctrinal statement: “The Holy Serpent is the fountainhead, root and essence for all of God’s sacred, revelatory light…”
Read the above and ponder. Do you not see why YAHUSHA told the Jews their religion is not of Abraham and is instead based on “man-made traditions?”
The Serpent is Satan and He is Not Holy!
From the New Testament we know that the serpent is neither holy nor sacred. Instead, he is described as “that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceives the whole world” (Revelation 12:9). However, in Judaism, as in all satanic religions, truth is turned upside down. The rabbis emphasize that the serpent is a godly being, a constant help and guide for Israel and its people. Rabbi Laitman, in his Daily Kabbalah Lesson of the Zohar, stresses that:
“…This snake comes as medication…an angel sent to us…we should be grateful to the serpent for its help…the serpent has a very important mission… The Serpent is the Angel of Help.”
The deep secret of Judaism is the rabbis’ teaching that the Jewish people—also known as the House of Israel—is within the Sacred Serpent’s belly and that the Serpent is sent to the Jews to be their helpmate and guide. That is what is meant when Rabbi Moshel Rabbinu says that the religious Jew embarks on a spiritual “Journey to the Center of the Torah: The Secret in the Serpent’s Belly.” (see Joel David Bakst, 2007,
In Judaism’s gematria, the so-called science of numbers, we find the teaching that the one whom Christians know as Satan, the Devil, is for the Jews the divine instrument of… “sacred, revelatory light… This serpent is…the middle brain which is in the middle of the letters of the Torah.” The rabbis further insist that it is their Sacred Serpent, their deity, who is at the very center of the Torah. He is an essential being of their godhead, and he provides the serpentine energy that brings a Jew to a spiritually mature state. The religious Jew, say the rabbis, is brought to spiritual maturity—to a “Divine Consciousness”—through the help of the snake. He—that is, every Jew—lives inside the belly of the Serpent. It is his covering, protector, guide, Lord, and Messiah.
The rabbis go so far as to say that, “in messianic times and beyond, it (the Serpent) will be redeemed and revealed in all its glory and awesomeness.” (Rabbi Joel David Bakst, “Journey to the Center of the Torah: The Secret in the Serpent’s Belly,” 2007,
Now do you see why YAHUAH’s Word twice in the book of Revelation (Chapter 2:9 and 3:9) warns of the horror and wickedness of the “Synagogue of Satan?”
(Revelation 2:9) I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
(Revelation 3:9)…them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie…
It Is Important to Understand this Synagogue of Satan (Judaism)
Many who are unaware and undiscerning do not know why this subject so important. Frankly, it is because our ADONI and Savior, YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH, warned the House of Yisrael (Israel), of its “abomination” and “desolation.” He described it as the “Synagogue of Satan” (those practicing Judaism). Without flinching, He also identified these hateful and rebellious Jews as “serpents” and “vipers.”
The Jews themselves, in their devilish religion of Judaism, admit their god is the Serpent. Their leaders well know that this is the Devil, or Satan. In some type of creepy and eerie doctrinal confession, the rabbis are even discovered to be boasting of their Sacred Serpent and they say that all Jews live inside its belly! Is this not an unbelievable revelation?
Nevertheless, even the Jew can be saved. The Old Testament prophet Isaiah testified that, indeed, the nation of Israel is of the Serpent. But the prophet also spoke of YAHUAH’s mercy and willingness to save those who repent of this evil.
“Behold, YAHUAH’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your ELOHIYM, and your sins have hid His face from you,that He will not hear.Your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has muttered perverseness… They hatch cockatrice’ (flying serpent) eggs, and weave the spider’s web: he that eats of their eggs dies, and that which is crushed breaks out into a viper…
but, the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith YAHUAH.
(Isaiah 59:1-5, 20)
Edited by GWT
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