Again grateful for the thorough inquiries of Arjun Walia from Collective Evolution. For too long I've paid too little attention to the articles of CE, due to being occupied by personal things.
In this article o.a. a resume of the experiment with, by means of 'intention'', or 'focus' of the mind, influenced water.
(As a result of my experiences with mind to mind communication; telepathy and other phenomena, 'backed up' for me in a way, I want to emphasize that e.g. gifted children or persons with certain ( possibly trained or otherwise augmented) capacities, are in the first place people with most probably extraordinary minds, intelligence as well, but with all the emotions and at times lack of emotions every known creature can have; in my experience again, it can be hard to 'control' these emotions; states of mind, and so the skills, or traits can be (ab)used in somewhat uncontrolled ways, as well as controlled ways and the consequences can be disturbing , disruptive and destructive, just as well as they can probably be constructive, , 'fun' and positive.
I assume no one possesses the ability to have full control over the energy of emotions, feelings or intentions.
One of the people with specific skills seems to be 'Dynamo Jack', who can use his electric energy: