vrijdag 7 augustus 2020

Remote Viewing Reptilian Consciousness 1999 By Tim Tony Stark Rifat

 As this video was  removed : here is another link:


The expert  Remote Viewer Tim Rifat ( Tim Tony Stark Rifat) on remote viewing in this very interesting and informative interview with Jeff Rense on his radio program , back in 1999.

This is challenging a bit my limited awareness, and 'knowledge' about some topics or phenomena like e.g. the many other dimensions; 'reptiloïd shapeshifters' according to some, which Tim Rifat calls 'mud shadows' ( Carlos Castaneda); insectiles, nymphs; energetic parasites which project and 'infect' the biophysical body's, influencing the body/mind of humans, and much  more.
His theories based on his experiences and access to information as a remote viewer are quite intriguing to me. (And for me some contain a serious 'warning')

Thanks to Tim Rifat and Gridkeeper.

(When it comes to 'shapeshifting', Moe Othman in one of his video's talks about
'demons'; existing of light; with its shaping and bending characteristics)

I've been evading to inform myself more about these phenomena, even harder to 'verify',  for me personally it seems to make sense in some ways, though I'm inclined to search more in some other directions, as I am not a remote viewer, nor have I been trained or have studied  in that area.

Some recent experiences; similar to experiences I wrote on this blog some months ago, made me wonder again about 'shapeshifting entities', or 'mind melding' over-distance.

- Some weeks ago , in a grocery store, waiting in line to check out - I was the last in the line of 3-  there was this young man in front of me, looking at me in a 'strange way', several times,  nót a flirting , smiling, nor intrusive look; I had the feeling I recognised him, his 'mind', besides  some physical similarities with someone on the internet. When I was outside, walking to another store, he followed me in his car, on a narrow and little street; for some moments I thought: this man could run  me over with his car if he wanted ( btw, normally I never have these kind of thoughts, or ideas!); he stopped beside  me, with hand signs asking for my  phone number.
I felt really awkward, thrilled and attracted somehow and at the same time mistrusting the situation highly.

-As well in those days, I received a  picture of a young man during a discord conversation with him; he lives in another country. On the picture he was wearing a hoodie, covering his head/ hair. Some weeks later, walking in the center, I saw a young man, while crossing him on the pavement, only for a brief moment in which our eyes met: with the same face, hoodie  in the same color , same body features as the man on the picture. I turned around and watched him for some moments, he was walking quite fast.

- A couple of days ago a young man entered the subway, on my way home;  I was sitting at little distance of him; this man looked at me as well in a specific way;  and I made the same association as with this man in the grocery shop, when I arrived at my stop, he got off as well and we had a little talk on the way to my house; he wasn't  'pushy', but calm; so I wasn't alarmed ; he entered the building; entrance, where  I live, asked me my phone number, which I didn't give and asked me to come with him for some minutes, he said he lived nearby, which I didn't do , of course. Both  experiences, these 'persons' have been 'haunting' a bit my mind since, in some way, so I'm sharing/ giving this information on this blog..