zaterdag 12 september 2020

Calcification of the Pineal Gland; questions.

 In response to a tweet I saw this morning, namely:

"Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not of all time", Dr. Robert Carton.

I searched for an article, and found this one: 

Copied and pasted:


Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt talks about the calcification of the Pineal Gland, due to Aluminium, Glyphosphate, Fuoride and Wi-fi ( electromagnetic frequencies, Emf)

5G & the Pineal Gland – Aluminium, Glyphosate, Fluoride & Wi-Fi

What’s Really Going On? | Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

“you know that towards the end of last century in the beginning of the century there will be movement driven by big corporations to take the soul away from people to disconnect people from the higher world and in order to do that we have to destroy the pineal gland in people you know followed the research on that and amazingly what we found the pineal gland is the most sensitive part of our central nervous system and it’s highly highly highly sensitive to four things aluminum, glyphosate, fluoride, and Wi-Fi and we are the only country in the world that has pushed these four things in the last sixty years or so on everybody”

The deployment of 5G — on both land and in space — MUST be stopped.

Help us to defend Earth:
#5GEarthUnderAttack #thishastostop #tell2people2tell2people



The video is not long, and  interesting in some ways.

Recalling some articles about the piezoelectric  properties of 'body crystals' and  organic compounds  as calcite in pineal gland and inner ear; of a.o. bone ; collagen ( skin) ; keratin ( e.g hair, nails etc.), their  'antenna function' : in several former blogs I put some articles and just want to repeat some links 

It seems that exactly those crystals are of mayor importance for electrical conductivity and associated with the  'third eye'; ESP experiences, well known in o.a. freemason symbology, or  'alien technology'

So the question raised:  couldn't the 'calcification' of the pineal gland, a.o. possibly due to  (intentional) addition of fluoride, glyphosphate, and  induced EMF like all the G's of telecommunication over time not be  precisely one of the causes of many physical and mental phenomena like ,  changing sleep patterns ( melatonine), ESP experiences; telepathy, mood changes etc. etc.


Could  e.g. 'ascension symptoms', where some  articles from a spiritual point of view write about, not  be related to a.o. a  higher ( electrical) conductive function of the pineal gland precisely because óf  calcification, with the implications to e.g. biochemical , neurochemical reactions, changes? I know, I put this in a very simplified way..

Some studies make e.g. an association between 'schizophrenia' and calcification of the pineal gland. (  the  diagnoses schizophrenia is still based upon a consensus within the psychiatric field )

 So , I'll share some links ,some are a repetition of former  blogs.

: The Piezoelectric Effect and the Pineal Gland in the Human Brain.

This interesting article:

Pineal calcification, Melatonin Production, Aging, Associated Health consequences and Rejuvenation of the Pineal Gland.

The Pineal Gland: Crystal Transducer.

And, a repetition:

Piezoelectric smart biomaterials for bone and cartilage tissue engineering.

(Due to circumstances , during the past 3 weeks I'm mostly occupied from 8.00  am.

 till 8.00 pm, and have little energy left to do some research and write on my blog)