vrijdag 29 januari 2021

Informed Consent voor een medisch experiment/ arts Elke de Klerk en advocaat Arno van Kessel


Gisteren hoorde ik dit bericht in België en was ik (weer eens) enigszins geshockeerd door de éénzijdige 'argumenten' :

 <<De Orde der artsen zegt dat het de deontologische plicht is van artsen om een voortrekkersrol op te nemen bij het aanbevelen van een coronavaccin. Dat schrijft De Morgen en is te lezen in een advies van de Orde der artsen aan de artsen van ons land. "Er zal streng opgetreden worden tegen het verspreiden van informatie welke niet strookt met de huidige stand van de wetenschap", klinkt het.>>

Complete artikel, audio:


Eens te meer reden dat ik deze website van Café Weltschmerz ( Nederland) met de video en audio,  waarin heldere informatie, visie, feiten en argumenten van de arts Elke de Klerk ( Artsen voor Waarheid) en de advocaat Arno van Kessel op deze blog deel:



<< 29 januari 2021  

De vaccinaties zijn in volle gang.

Arts Elke de Klerk van de stichting van Artsen voor Waarheid en advocaat Arno van Kessel hebben een ‘informed consent letter’ opgesteld.

Een brief aan artsen zoals GGD artsen, huisartsen maar ook bedrijfsartsen, artsen van instellingen, ziekenhuizen en in de bejaarden en gehandicaptenzorg. In de brief wordt de rol van de arts in de vaccinatieprocedure benadrukt. De farmaceutische industrie is niet aansprakelijk dus een arts hoort wel te weten wat zijn positie is.

Café Weltschmerz · Informed consent voor een medisch experiment | Jorn Lukaszczyk met Elke de Klerk en Arno van Kessel

Deze brief is opgesteld omdat het gaat om een medisch experiment.

Dit staat zelfs in de bijsluiter vermeld.

Het is uitzonderlijk dat dit is toegestaan binnen de wet. Sinds 1947 was dit namelijk verboden. Dit experiment duurt tot december 2023 in het kader van het onderzoek naar een experimenteel covid vaccin.

Artsen voor vrijheid pleit voor een onafhankelijke voorlichting.

Er moet toestemming worden gegeven door een betrokkene om een medische behandeling op hem of haar te verrichten.

Dit gaat nog een stap verder, er is namelijk sprake van een medisch experiment.

Het gaat dan ook over de informatie en waarschuwingsplicht.

Het is belangrijk om vooraf als patiënt te weten waaraan je begint.

Deze video is geproduceerd door Café Weltschmerz.

Café Weltschmerz gelooft in de kracht van het gesprek en zendt interviews uit over actuele maatschappelijke thema’s.

Wij bieden een hoogwaardig alternatief voor de mainstream media.

Café Weltschmerz is onafhankelijk en niet verbonden aan politieke, religieuze of commerciële partijen.>>

zaterdag 23 januari 2021



Thanks to Joey Lambardi, the Man responsible for leaking this video. He was set up on charges and imprisoned. Please research this topic. In Lombardi's own words... "I was on this assignment that seemed really bizarre. It just didn't make any sense, you know? I was told that I was to document a war hero's return home from Iraq. That was it -- simple right? But the normal chain of command was altered. In this case, the first time in six years, I was to report to a CIA named agent Fleming as well as Army Col. Harris who from what I gather was a big wig intel guy at the pentagon. So, that was weird, especially for such a boring sounding assignment. It got weirder when I was mailed a package that contained a DVD and a stack of documents. There were a lot of things blacked out, but it was all stuff related to FunVax. The package was address to me, it was sent to the house where I where I was, you know, videotaping, the family that I was documenting. There were two videos actually. One looked like a homemade amateur video that was of a party in a common area, like a lunch room or something. There's a cake that says "FunVax is a Go" on it and there was a sign that said Congratulations FunVax. But that was all the funvax related information. It was just a normal party, the people were talking about normal things. The second video was a lot more informative. It was DoD footage from a lecture hall in the pentagon. The video was date stamped 4/13/05 so someone was holding onto this for awhile. I received it, the second week of February of this year. So, on it, it had one of the guys from the other video, the party video, giving a presentation. I just have an 8 minute clip from this presentation, but basically, this guy, he must be a scientist. This guy is giving a lecture about the brain and a gene called VMAT2 to a group of men in suits as well as various military uniforms. He talks about religion and was showing MRI brain scans. He said that the inhibition of VMAT2 could, over time, cause a persons brain to shift from a religious brain structure, they scientifically, you know they call it phenotype...but basically, you can change a religious brain to a non-religious brain structure. VMAT2 is apparently the scientific name for what people term the God Gene. At the end of the clip he says that he filed a proposal under the name FunVax to begin experimenting with the VMAT2 gene with the goal of creating a virus, like the flu virus, that will remove or replace this gene from people in the Middle East. Their goal of course was to create "peace in the Middle East. "

( SOCIAL AND LEGAL TECHNIQUES AND IMPLICATIONS: CHANGING NORMS, MORALS, LAWS ETC. BY MEANS OF MENTAL INFLUENCING VIA MASS MEDIA : BRAINWASHING TECHNIQUES, DNA ALTERING TECHNIQUES: TURNING HUMANS INTO 'ZOMBIE MINDS'?) Personal note: (referring to a phrase in the article): due to experiences over many years and some inside information; study,  research and analyses it is clear that many futuristic and science fiction scenario's and scripts are being applied and executed for a long time.  Most 'predictions' come from insiders of the cult(s)  that  intentionally plan(ned) write/wrote and direct the scripts, like Steiner, Orwell  ( freemasons) etc.etc.

Ze willen met vaccinaties verbinding tussen mens en God verbreken

godsdeeltje, vmat2, vaccinatieMensen die een bepaalde religie aanhangen zijn mensen die vaak worden gedreven door een soort innerlijke kracht. 

Maar wat als de machthebbers achter de schermen nu de vaccinaties misbruiken om de verbinding tussen mensen en ziel (Schepper/God) te verbreken?

Het geloof in welke God dan ook is iets dat mensen een bepaalde kracht geeft die ze anders niet zouden hebben. Vanuit dat geloof zijn ze in staat om letterlijk bergen te verzetten als het moet en vanuit hun overtuiging hanteren ze bepaalde normen en waarden.

Die normen en waarden zijn precies het tegenovergestelde van wat de satanische krachten achter de schermen voor ons in gedachten hebben. Zij zien het liefst de maatschappij aan alle kanten verloederen waarbij de mensheid ieder besef van normen en waarden verliest.

Wanneer je er dan ook in zou kunnen slagen om het aantal religieuze mensen op deze wereld terug te dringen, dan ben je als satanische machthebber goed bezig. Dit geldt dan voor zowel christenen als moslims en alles wat er tussen ligt. Beiden zijn over het algemeen bevolkingsgroepen met een “hoge moraal” en vrij strikte regels over wat wel en niet is toegestaan. Regels die je ook kunt uitleggen als normaal fatsoen.

Dat er iets is wat men kan doen om het aantal religieuze mensen op deze wereld terug te dringen bleek uit een presentatie die in het Pentagon werd gegeven in 2014.

Het draait hier om wat men noemt het "God-gen", een bepaald gen dat bij veel mensen aanwezig is.

Het was groot nieuws in 2004: moleculair bioloog Dean Hamer maakte in zijn boek ‘The God gene: how faith is hardwired into our genen’ bekend dat hij het gen had gevonden dat zorgt dat we in een god geloven. Of althans, dat we geneigd zijn om in ‘iets hogers’ te geloven. Een soort spiritualiteitsgen dus, die door minder poëtische wetenschappers ook wel VMAT2 genoemd werd. Tot dat moment stond het te boek als een gen dat hielp bij de aanmaak van stofjes in het brein, die op hun beurt weer een rol spelen bij hoe we ons voelen. VMAT2 is overigens niet het enige gen dat betrokken is bij geloof, benadrukt Dean Hamer nog. Maar het gen is duidelijk wel vaker aanwezig bij zeer spirituele mensen dan bij de ongelovige Thomas.

Terug naar de presentatie in het Pentagon waar door iemand een presentatie wordt gegeven over de mogelijkheid om via een vaccinatie dit bepaalde gen uit te schakelen (vandaar dat geprobeerd wordt de uitzondering van vaccinatie door geloofsovertuiging uit wetten weg te halen). Dit zou dan voorkomen dat fanatieke religieuze moslims nog langer terroristische aanvallen uitvoeren op Westerse doelen, zo klinkt de motivatie.

De manier waarop de wetenschapper die de presentatie geeft voorstelt om bepaalde delen van de bevolking te vaccineren, is door het vanuit de lucht sproeien met een bepaald corona/griepvirus. De presentator lijkt op en klinkt als Bill Gates, maar desondanks wordt dit uiteraard in alle toonaarden ontkent.

Volgens onderzoekers hebben ze bovengenoemd voorstel ook werkelijk uitgevoerd en wel in de vorm van het bekende MERS-CoV virus dat opeens in 2012 opdook in het Midden Oosten. Volgens een artikel op State of the Nation gaat het gebruik van chemtrails door Amerikanen in het Midden Oosten zelfs terug naar begin jaren negentig en is dit ook de manier waarop ze het MERS-CoV virus hebben gelanceerd als een biowapen om bij moslims het Godsdeeltje uit te pogen uit te schakelen.

funvax godsdeeltje

We zijn nu we ruim 15 jaar na die presentatie in het Pentagon en hebben ondertussen kennis kunnen maken met de covid-19 neppandemie.

Saillant detail is dat wetenschappers zoals Pieter Borger denken dat wat wij het SARS-CoV-2 virus noemen niets anders is dan een variant van het oorspronkelijke SARS-Cov virus uit 2003 wat op haar beurt weer hoort bij dezelfde familie als het MERS-CoV virus uit 2012.

Hoe het ook zij, de wereld is op dit moment volledig in de ban van vaccinaties en alles, maar dan ook werkelijk alles is erop gericht om de wereld richting vaccinatiespuit te duwen. Dit is dan uiteraard ook een ideale manier om ervoor te zorgen dat wereldwijd bij mensen het godsdeeltje wordt uitgeschakeld.

Opvallend is dat tijdens één van de tests die met coronavaccins zijn uitgevoerd er een deelnemer was die het volgende zei na ontvangst vaccin: “Ze hebben God gedood, ik kan God niet meer voelen, mijn ziel is dood”.

misschien klinkt al het bovenstaande je als sciencefiction in de oren, maar vergeet niet dat we te maken hebben met de satanische sekte die de planeet voor zichzelf wil, aangevuld met een sterk uitgedunde en vooral gehoorzame bevolking.

Zoals we eerder schreven is bovenstaande al meer dan honderd jaar geleden voorspeld:

Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner (Donji Kraljevec, 25 februari 1861 – Dornach, 30 maart 1925) was een Oostenrijkse esotericus, schrijver, architect, filosoof en had een geheel eigen zienswijze op pedagogie. Hij is bekend geworden als grondlegger van de antroposofie en haar praktische toepassingen, zoals de Freie Waldorfschule, de antroposofische geneeswijze, de heilpedagogie, de sociale driegeleding en de biologisch-dynamische landbouw.

Steiner voorspelde dat er eind 20e en begin 21e eeuw een beweging zou zijn van grote machtige bedrijven die tot doel hadden om de verbinding tussen de mens en de hogere werelden te verbreken en als het ware de menselijke ziel weg te halen.

En wanneer we het advies van Henry Makow opvolgen en kijken naar de Protocollen kijken dan lezen wij daar onder andere het volgende:

Gij weet zelf zeer goed, dat men - om de massa tot zulke eisen te brengen - ononderbroken in alle lande de betrekkingen tussen volk en regering moet verwarren en de gehele wereld door onenigheid, vijandschap, haat, ja zelfs door kwellende ontberingen, door honger en door ziekten, die wij bij hen veroorzaken door het inenten met bacillen zo moet afmatten, dat men geen anderen uitweg uit de ellende ziet dan zich aan ons geld en aan onze overheersing volkomen te onderwerpen.


zaterdag 16 januari 2021

How the U.S. elections have been manipulated.

I share  this video of  'Stop World Control' on this blog,  to show in the first place how 'democratic' elections can and are  being manipulated.

David Sorensen explains and shows clear information and evidence in this video.

Personal Note:

Forms of slavery have been  applied  for ages, often without people being aware at the time:  mass manipulation and brainwashing programmes are, since time immemorial at  the order of the day, via  media, books, etc. ( following long on beforehand planned  scripts and agendas of  'groups' in charge, using well known tactics as e.g: create a problem- offer the (by them decided ) 'solution'. The funny thing is that  the solutions that are offered ,  séém the best solution, while mostly one enslaving system simply is being replaced by another enslaving system, often unperceived. ( which doesn't  exclude that a large group of people can feel satisfied or happy with the offered solutions, or change, and (in the end) willingly consent. (Panem et circenses)

  Right now we live in a period in which a surreal scenario is being created, intentionally, for over a year, which consists of taking away , in quite  abrupt and painful ways some liberties and impose a.o. restricting  measures, ánd the experimenting with 'vaccins', in ways that remind of some tactics used in e.g. second World War.

The goal: a New World ( Order), Reset. History shows that e.g wars have been a way to accomplish 'resets'.

At the same time: Roll out of the next generation(s) of wireless telecommunication world wide, (the frequencies used are substantially higher) an evolution  which has be going on for years.

 A number of people do get very ill ( with long term consequences for many) or die: from a 'Wuhan virus'? 

( The book of Arthur Firstenberg: the Invisible Rainbow gives some  revealing and enlightening insights about the electrification of the globe in history and present and the huge consequences for living organisms and health, destroying,  making ill, as well as healing or saving lifes or improve life quality).

 I want to share as well  the text of the email I received, with some personal anecdotes, life experiences and motivations of the author of Stop World Control; David Sorensen

Some of the details are striking to me: like the ways of sabotage he says he experienced while sharing information: this I experienced myself many times over the years; on G+, and my Blog , as well as on Twitter a few times.

The songs that popped up in his mind, loud and clear:  for many years I had those experiences, and a funny detail: not so long ago : Hey Jude, and Over the Rainbow were two  of the songs, that popped up in my mind as well. ( as I recall, I haven't shared those publically, which I don't do always, simply because I'm fed up with 'the shady game')

In my case ,  1 melody ( actually 2), which are closely linked to my mother and me, (my mother passed away in 2003), popped up some months ago, (without me having thought about her, and less this melody) , just as when she recently had passed away, and since then, just a few days ago, a couple of times.

As some , who read this blog,  know I've been on a quest for some years, and I learned, via Internet, books, etc., there could be several ways to transmit and receive a.o. particular songs: by frequencies ( science used by military/ secret agencies etc); mind to mind: telepathy; possibly by  'metaphysical gamers', or 'players'; and which, I think, in the first place require a genetic predisposition; specific genes or Psi-genes, or, maybe, via e.g.   nanotechnology /  genetic manipulation ,and/ or by means of drugs, ór caused by e.g. brain trauma or injury.

It's the interpretation, as most of the time; that differ: I consider myself too sober and down to earth in a way to  think or deduce or feel that a lot of 'out of  order' experiences  I've lived and still am living, would have a special meaning; or that I  would have a specific role ,or , a specific destination.

 One of the things I learned as well, is that e.g. ones brain: memories, experiences in the past; can be 'scanned': all the personal information of the past can be 'read or seen': I  have felt this clearly once. The brain linked up to some 'hyper intelligent system', organic or cyborg? Or linked up to some computer system:AI, which would be already possible..

Why? I don't know, but I do have the strong idea and reasons to assume that there has been , in the past years, and presently, the clear intent to ínfluence me, to try to push me in a certain direction : in shady ways. And the fact that those ways were/are very shady, and intransparant,  and some experiences very negative , or with negative results for my life,  was enough reason for me  to see and observe ,sober, from a distance what was happening and be very much 'on guard'.

Oh yes, I 've felt very tempted to 'believe' in, or fall for some rose-colored and sweet cupcakes , offered on a plate, by over-distance mind to mind communication, or specific concepts, etc.but in reality what they were offering up till now were disruptive/negative consequences  on the longer term in my/our 'real life'.

With respect for David Sorensen and his work.:

Dear Freedom Fighters,

I want to share a personal story with you, that will give you great hope for the future. This is without a doubt the longest email you have ever received.... But for some it may be the single most important one, so make sure to keep reading.


It gets better and better...


All of us have to face challenges whenever we do something good. I experienced that once again, when I released the incredibly important video that shows how the U.S. embassy in Rome, Italy, used the largest defense company in Italy, Leonardo SpA, to steal the U.S. Presidential election.


After releasing this immensely powerful video, I was overwhelmed with setbacks.


The links in the emails didn’t work, the website couldn't be accessed, there was no audio in the video, it wouldn’t play at all, and so on. Total insanity, because on my end everything worked perfect! Absolutely incredible... In the 30 years of working on the internet, I have never faced so many issues as with StopWorldControl.com.


To be honest, I was tempted to throw in the towel and just give up. So much resistance, so much trouble,…

Then I was reminded about what happened months ago, to kickstart me in this project. After working on the very first post on Stop World Control, I was suddenly smacked down with an overwhelming sense of discouragement.

Anyone who has ever done groundbreaking work that tears down demonic strongholds, and sets many people free, knows what I am talking about. It’s as if the herds from hell surround you, whispering viciously: 'Give up, it’s useless, stop it, what the hell do you think you are doing?, it’s no use, you might as well stop now, it will never work, you are a loser!’

That day I rested on my bed, and didn’t want to continue the work. It was too hard, too much, too difficult, too disturbing to see all this truth…

Then, out of the blue, something happened…


I heard a song!


You have to know: I never listen to the radio. I don’t know any songs. But this song resounded so clear, so loud, and so intense into my entire being. It was as if a radio was playing inside my belly. The lyrics were as follows:



You're the voice, try and understand it
Make a noise and make it clear

We're not gonna sit in silence
We're not gonna live with fear

This time, we know we all can stand together
With the power to be powerful
Believing we can make it better



Wow… No words in the whole universe could have been more meaningful than these lyrics...










So I got up, and started building StopWorldControl.com ...


The Movement You Need

A few months later, it happened again… I was exhausted, broken, terrified, shocked, and so deeply disturbed about everything I was discovering, all the wickedness, the crimes on every level in our world, the deception that is blinding humanity, the insane ignorance of most people…. I couldn’t handle it anymore.

I decided - again - to call it a day, and lay down my project. 'Pick somebody else, God', I thought. 'I am done. It’s too heavy for me'.

I went into the kitchen, had a drink, did some dishes, and suddenly it happened again. Totally out of nowhere, I heard a song resounding all throughout my being. As if it was being played trough some huge invisible radio, and I was sitting right inside of the speakers. No evading it, the sound was everywhere. These were the lyrics:



You're waiting for someone to perform with
And don't you know that it's just you

Hey Jude, you'll do

The movement you need
is on your shoulders


. . . .


Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better

The minute you let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better

Better, better, better, better, better,
whoa, yeah!



This was speaking about opening my heart for what is going on… The moment I open myself to accept this reality, I can start doing something about it. These lines also touched me:



and anytime you feel the pain

Hey Jude, refrain

Don't carry the world upon your shoulders

For well you know that it's a fool
Who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder


Two things were said to me here: when it becomes too much, I may take rest, take a step back, breath deep, do something fun, enjoy life, so I can keep going with the battle.

But... never to ignore the pain of the world. Because… it’s a fool who plays it cool. That means only fools act as if nothing is going on, they act ‘cool’, and by doing so they make their world a little colder.

Can you believe that these lyrics came to me, at a time when I needed to hear nothing else in the whole world, but these exact words?


And again: I never listen to the radio. But this suddenly resounded so loud and clear all around me, inside of me, as if I was inside a huge radio.


God sure has a way of talking to us.


Rise Up With New Strength

These are not the only times that I experienced this. Fifteen years ago I had a burnout. This sometimes happens with people who care about the world, and who are passionate. We tend to exhaust ourselves, trying to save the world. It was the beginning of the darkest time in my life. One morning however I woke up, and I heard a music so beautiful, so glorious, so powerful, that I knew this was from an entirely different realm.

It was a perfectly harmonious mix of powerful rock music, and a classical orchestra.

This time it wasn’t a popular hit that played, but I heard angels sing a unique song. No, really, I am not making this up. I heard angels sing, accompanied with the most beautiful, cool and amazing music I had ever heard. A symphonic orchestra was playing rock music... amazing. The words they sang were very simple:

‘You will rise up with new strength.’

That’s it. One line. But it was enough. This kept me going for many months, where my body became dependent on sleeping tablets (because my doctor said they would help me) and I struggled for two years with not being able to sleep naturally.


Finally God broke through
and lifted me out of this pit.

The Final countdown

Another time where heaven used music to speak to me, was when we were told to migrate from Europe to America. I had been pioneering in Europe for many years, and had seen amazing things happen. But one night I had a dream: me and my family were flying in an airplane over the map of The Netherlands and Belgium (where we are from), and the airplane flew towards the coast. There I saw a huge boat, the type of cruisers that were always used by the first immigrants to cross the ocean, and go to America. As the airplane flew over this ship, I knew this immense vessel was headed for America.

That very moment a song exploded all throughout the sky, as if a mega party suddenly kicked off with 5000 watt speakers.

The song being played at maximum volume was ‘The final countdown’, from the band Europe. I hadn’t heard that song for over twenty years, when I was just a kid. Now I heard the incredible guitar solo resounding gloriously through the air, and I thought:

‘Wow, I never knew this song was so beautiful!’

I woke up, still hearing it. It was amazing. Never before in my life had I heard such magnificent guitar tunes, with a purity as if it was played on a crystal guitar, powered by lightning. I had goosebumps all over…

When I told my wife this experience, she started weeping. ‘God is saying we are going to migrate to America!’ she sobbed. Really? How so? I looked up the lyrics, and this is what they said:



We're leavin' together
But still it's farewell

And maybe we'll come back
To Earth, who can tell?

I guess there is no one to blame
We're leaving ground (leaving ground)

Will things ever be the same again?

It's the final countdown

This song was indeed speaking very clearly about LEAVING GROUND… exactly what I saw in the dream: leaving Europe and going to America. Then it goes on:

We're headin' for Venus
And still we stand tall
'Cause maybe they've seen us
And welcome us all, yeah



I wondered what this meant, so I looked it up. Lo and behold, Venus is the Statue of Liberty, which is the symbol for all immigrants who come to America! So this song literally means: We’re heading for the Statue of Liberty!


We would become immigrants! Wow…

Now everything went fast forward. I suddenly got an email from a publisher in the USA, asking me if he could publish a book from me. This is like… NO WAY! Never does an American publisher ask a European author to publish his book.


American publishers only publish books by American authors. Full stop. This was an amazing sign. Following suit was a message from a Christian couple, saying they offered our family a house where we could stay for free, for a whole year. WHAT? Many more miracles happened, but that’s for another time. How we got our permanent visa, while literally every agency, attorney, government official, and migration expert said: ‘Mr Sorensen, you have no chance of getting a permanent visa.’

But here we are, our fourth year in the United States. With Green Cards!

I am sharing this to encourage you: I was called to come to the USA. For four years I wondered what I was doing here. Until the pandemic happened, and God said:


GO! Build Stop World Control!

Slaying Giants

What is the meaning of all this? I wanted to quit several times with this project, because it’s such a mountain climbing challenge. I am a missionary, depending on donations, not backed up by some Soros, Gates or Rothschild billionaire, who buys all the media, and has unlimited funds to deceive humanity.

I am this David facing not one, not two, but a whole army of giants.

A month ago, I had another message: I dreamed that President Trump was totally renewing the entire government, and he walked up to me, and said:

‘I am making you a senator, stay close to me.’

I shared this before. A senator is somebody who basically enforces in a state what the president is doing. At least that’s what they should be doing.

Then the dream went on. I saw myself, tired, in a huge church building. I was resting my head on the altar, exhausted. A young prophet was ministering on that platform, and suddenly he walked up to me, and shouted:

‘Hey David, wake up,
you are going to defeat giants!’


There Is Hope!

I share this to help you….

So you would know there are armies fighting on your behalf. They are calling me, and millions of others, around this gorgeously beautiful world, to rise up and fight.

Speak truth. Shine light. Awaken the sleeping beauty. Break the spell of media witchcraft. Heal the nations. Give hope. Restore identity. Empower the weak. Rebuke the wicked. Build a better world.

We are not alone. We are loved. We are cared for. But we have to lift up our heads, and rise up out of the slumber.

Dare To Dream...

Two years ago we got some money from my mom, and decided not to spend it, but invest, and multiply it. A good friend, who is an experienced, and successful investor advised us to join him in a very promising endeavor: he knew a man who was genius in trading on the stock market. He had the ability to turn ten thousand into ten million in a short period of time. Green as we are in this, we took the bait.

Five months of the wildest roller coaster we ever rode later, the trading genius died. He threw himself under a train.

After months of failing, we had developed a strategy that was sure to make all of us rich. With our strategy he had been able to grow our investment fivefold in a few weeks time, and the future looked amazing. Calculations promised that if we could keep this up for six months, we would all be millionaires. We called the trader every day, to remind him to stick to our strategy which was working wonderful. We knew however that if he would stray from the plan, and fall for the temptation to take risks, we could lose it all.

All went well for a while, and we started dreaming of changing the world with billions of dollars! Buy land, heal the land, invest in projects that restore the world, great!

One day I got a message from our trader: 'Pray for me, there is a golden opportunity! I might turn what we have fivefold today, with what the market is showing.’ I replied: ‘NO! Stick to the strategy you have. You already made an 8% profit today which is HUGE! Be content with it.’ He didn’t respond.

He next day God spoke to us: he is dead. Everything went silent. We couldn’t get a hold of our friend. ‘He committed suicide’ said God.

We felt a strange peace come over us. My wife and I dropped all our work, and walked in the pasture… Instead of great alarm, we felt peace. We were being comforted.


The next day we heard the news: he killed himself.

We checked the account and indeed, he had lost everything in a few seconds. The temptation got a hold of him. He could have made several people multimillionaires in one year, including himself, but he thought he could do it in one minute…

I was wrecked. If he wasn’t dead already I would have strangled him. How could he be so stupid??? There was no need for this. Why? Everything was going great, and he simply ditched it all. I can imagine him feeling so desperate and broken himself,….

He saw no way out, but to end it all.

That night I had an experience that changed my life. In a dream I saw our friend standing next to Jesus, who had his arm over his shoulder. What I saw shocked me: never in my life had I seen a person smile so wide. Our friend was just radiating such joy and happiness… he was happier than anyone I had ever seen.

I mean, his entire face was one massive smile,
and his eyes beamed from joy.

Then I woke up and felt a blanket of tangible warm love envelop me. My whole being was burning with love for this man, whom I felt had let all of us down. I loved him so deeply, and all anger and dissapointment left me.

When I woke up, I started singing a song I had never sung before, and I don’t even know the lyrics! I just found myself singing this line:


The supernatural power with which this song was coming from my belly, alerted me. ‘This is a message! I don’t even know this song.’ My wife said: ‘David look up the lyrics, see what else it says…’ I started weeping, when I read the next line, on my computer:


What was supposed to be our greatest downfall ever, losing all our money, seeing our dreams crash to a concrete floor, became a day of hope.


I hope you get this message. God is for you, wether you like it or not. Wether you acknowledge his existence or deny it persistently (which I can understand, considering the misrepresentation by all kinds of dark religions). Throughout many trials in my life, and also during the persistent attacks on StopWorldControl.com, I have always been encouraged to go on.

Why Is This Important?

So now again with his incredibly important video, I feel: don’t give up. Break through the walls of resistance.


But, why is this so critical? Because this whole situation of Italy being involved in stealing the U.S. election is so well proven. I mean: a top lawyer from Italy comes forward - even on camera, come on! - reading an affidavit with this information. Do you know what an affidavit is? You go to jail, if you declare something under oath that is false.


So this lawyer is risking his career, and very life, by releasing this publicly to the world, recording himself reading this affidavit.


This is so powerful…. And it is confirmed by Sidney Powell, the most famous federal lawyer in the world! It is backed up by LT General Thomas McInerney. It was exposed, and is being pushed by Nations in Action and Institute of Good Governance, the two organizations fighting election fraud.

Come on people, wake up, this is not a joke. This is for real. Many people in Italy have been arrested already, big names are resigning, I will follow up on this later. Of course the mainstream media is hiding it, waddayathink?

People please, wake up and see the power of this video: it must be shared massively, because this is what everyone tries to hide: the evidence that this whole election is one big criminal operation.

We must stand for truth, freedom, and help wake up the world.

That’s why I feel such passion for this short, snappy but nuclear-power-grade video.

I Could Not Speak

Let me tell you one more thing… I have been severely abused as a child. I was run over by a car, thrown in the air, and a lady leaped from the sidewalk, just in time to catch my head, before it would hit the pavement. I fell down from large heights several times. My mom says I tumbled down the stairs 13 times.

The result was that I ended up stammering like crazy. I could not speak at all.

Read that again… For many years in my life, I was unable to speak. Psychologists, speech therapists, psychiatrists, and parents…. Nobody cold help me. I was doomed to be traumatized, and handicapped forever.

Until one day I was put in front of a church by a lady who did not know me. She knew I had something important to share and grabbed me by the arm, dragged me (kicking and screaming …. well, on the inside that is) to the front, and she put a huge microphone into my hands. I knew it: now I am dying and going to heaven. This is hell for me, so my heart will stop right now.

Something else happened…. Words started flowing out of my mouth, and for the first time in my life I was talking like a pro, no stutter to be heard.

I felt a strange supernatural energy flow all through my body and my arms and legs were slightly vibrating because of this rushing power. People started clapping and cheering loudly, jumping to their feet, because of what I was saying.

Anyway, more about this later….

Born With Destiny

My youth was very traumatizing, and there have been several attempts to kill me. Even when my mother conceived me, she was tempted to kill me. I came unexpected, and wasn’t welcome. Luckily she didn’t listen to those voices, and delivered me. When she held me in her arms, she suddenly heard a voice speak to her. Listen, she never experienced anything like this, before or after. It was a one time event. The voice told her:

‘Give this child a lot of love, because I love him very much.’

During my early years she showered me with love, which strengthened me for the trouble ahead, when abuse and trauma hit my life….

Why am I sharing all of this? To encourage you in the current world crisis: God sends people to this earth for a reason.


One day I believe I died. Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. I don’t know. But I was sick with a very high fever, and suddenly this massive angel stood by my side. I wrote this before. He took me in his arms, and off we went. I came into some sort of a palace - this was not a dream, this was a tremendously REAL experience - where I saw royal beings walk and talk to each other, in an atmosphere of perfect peace and stillness.

Then a huge double gate opened for me, and I had to enter. There I had a private meeting, that I wasn’t allowed to fully recall. I would dare say I had a private session with God, but he wasn’t alone. There was an entire heavenly council gathered together. We talked, and I had to make a decision.

I made my choice, and next thing I know, I was back in my bed.

For many years I hid this experience, knowing people would call me crazy. Now I dare to share it, because I know more people have these encounters, all over the world. Countless books have been written about it.

I know: I have to be here.

My voice was destroyed for many years, in another attempt to take me out. But here I am, making videos for millions around the world.

Something is going on, people,
and it’s all for YOU!

Back to the video: please take some time to watch it and again: share it like crazy.


Don’t let me do this alone. We have tens of thousands of people in the world reading this. Let’s ALL use this video, to awaken the world.


Watch the video here:


Share it by copying this link, and posting it all over the place. And if you want to share this encouraging email, you can copy this link and post it everywhere:




David Sorensen


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A top lawyer from the Italian Supreme Court reveals how a large defense software company, Leonardo SpA, stole the United States presidential election, using advanced military grade software, and satellites. Why did they do this? The following video gives eye-opening answers...