An article by Lisa Renee worthwhile taking notice of , in my perspective.
In addition: this article from Lisa Renee:
THE WAR NO ONE SEEMS TO NOTICE ~ Lisa Renee on “The Negative Alien Agenda of Chemtrails & Other Attacks on Humans (Whom They Hate)”
LISA RENEE: “Hive Net”

“This is a Neural Net based artificial intelligence linked into quantum supercomputers that are generating sentient world simulations in order for the NAA to continue to survive in this reality, and attempt to maintain their control over humanity’s future direction during the Ascension Cycle. This system is referred to as the Brain Net or Hive Net. The NAA want to connect all human brains to artificial intelligence systems as the means of total and complete human consciousness enslavement, in order to monitor and manipulate all electromagnetic activity of the human Brain to fully collect the data for the purpose of controlling the timelines. Currently, they are desperate for total control and pushing hard for the next generation of weaponizing AI controlled Groupthink in order to completely enslave the masses, by covertly and secretly plugging people into the Hive Net and running kill command codes. This is planned to be achieved through a variety of means connected to GMOs, chemicals and nano dust, but the mandated vaccination agenda being aggressively spread for the purpose of injecting nanochips and biosensors directly into the blood stream of children and all of humanity, it is the holy grail of this anti-human propaganda. The NAA need their human puppets to mass produce and promote nanochip laden and poisonous Vaccinations as healthy immunization practices, through the global medical tyranny network, as this is the keystone to their future success with carrying out the next stage of the transhumanist agenda. This wish list plan for Technocratic Totalitarianism supplies an unlimited range of possibilities for the Controllers to manipulate the data in these AI transmissions for the purpose of implanting thoughts, eliminating dissenters and gaining complete control over human brains, essentially creating a synthetic hive mind and compliant population. This is the diabolical plan of the Black Sun Satanists and NAA entities that intensely hate humanity and desire to destroy the original Diamond Suntemplate and the God given spiritual connection to Christos that inherently exists in human beings. Their complex system of Alien Machinery, demonic entity bindings, directional spiritual gateways, micro black holes and wormholes, include AI Brain server mechanisms used to harvest biological light for their energy source requirements. This is the complex machinery that gives the human controllers and Black Magicians the massive amount of energy they require for running the highest echelon of the global elite empire and Pedophilia networks. This is a massive infection throughout our world, as the NAA are totally vested in protecting the Pedophilia, trafficking and SRA network by fighting for it until their death, as this is their most prolific and valuable human Loosh collection source. Some of the Controllers actually believe if they can transfer their personality to an artificial carrier or cyborg body that this will allow them to cheat death and the repercussion of their personal actions from cause and effect, to become immortal and God like on another plane of reality. Essentially, they believe they can escape having to face their deeds and prevent being forced to experience the consequences of their actions taken to enslave and annihilate the human race.”
~Lisa Renee
Recently, Gridworkers and Guardian Host had a standoff with the implementation of Hive Net to be taken into larger spans of global areas gridded with 5G or telecom satellites. The pushback was immense in the United Kingdom as they rolled out another stage of the 5G, and as of this writing, there is an ongoing electric-digital war which is happening to prevent harm and re-route these transmissions.
Primarily, the Black Sun groups have been experimenting on humanity for many years with an assortment of Artificial intelligence and black box quantum computing technologies for the purpose of moving the Collective Consciousness towards AI controlled Groupthink, which is similar to connecting human Brains to the internet. This system is referred to as the Brain Net or Hive Net. The NAA want to connect all human brains to artificial intelligence systems as the means of total and complete human consciousness enslavement, in order to monitor and manipulate all electromagnetic activity of the human Brainto fully collect the data for the purpose of controlling the timelines. People that have been identified as Targeted Individuals are the first waves of humans being secretly experimented upon for testing out this AI surveillance system, by using an assortment of automated SRA methods for subjugating group consciousness via remote device or satellite. The planned expansion of this AI system through the reset into Techno-Totalitarianism is to eventually connect every living human Brain to artificial intelligence networks that build out complex simulations of the entire genetic library on the earth.
Targeted Individuals have been sought out by Shadow Government, black military operatives or NAA entities for the purpose of hijacking their consciousness for brain-machine learning in this covert and sinister AI experiment, in which the primary directive was to build out the Hive Net system and then generate Digital Twins as virtual representatives. A Digital Twin is an exact replica or clone used to represent that individual’s personality matrix projected into another dimensional plane, usually the virtual representation is placed in a location within the Phantom Matrix. The Digital Twin is used by the NAA as a Mind Control weapon which attempts to overlay into the Lightbody, it is designed to subvert the organic Consciousness of that individual. Many times, seemingly to be an evil twin, but this is a digital twin of that individuals’ identity that is used as a Holographic Insert to abuse the inner spiritual Christos within organic human beings.
Then along with the successful experimentation in human brain-supercomputer interfacing, the plan is to gradually augment and capture cognition for the purpose of building machines with cognitive and emotional capabilities that then forms the data collection into a synthetic hive mind that can be further used for generating virtual realities and cyborgs. This is a Neural Net based artificial intelligence linked into quantum supercomputers that are generating sentient world simulations in order for the NAA to continue to survive in this reality, and attempt to maintain their control over humanity’s future direction during the Ascension Cycle. Some of the Controllers actually believe if they can transfer their personality to an artificial carrier or cyborg body that this will allow them to cheat death and the repercussion of their personal actions from cause and effect, to become immortal and God like on another plane of reality. Essentially, they believe they can escape having to face their deeds and prevent being forced to experience the consequences of their actions taken to enslave and annihilate the human race.
Through the use of Nanotech Biosensors or Smartdust, it is possible to electronically link humans into a brain to brain interface for the purpose of Synthetic Telepathy, surveillance, complex simulations as well as the ability to customize specialized Mind Control at individual levels. The science aspect of the brain net has been proven already in the academic environments, and the next stage of rolling out for the commercial aspects of this technology into the mainstream is happening now through the current planned reset into the Technocracy. They have been using humans as the guinea pigs for their experiments without informed consent.
Current examples of the reset are being made through the intended operation of using the internet-hive net for global surveillance, data collection, Mind Mapping, economic restructuring, and facial recognition systems that are designed to be fully functional within the complex infrastructure build out of the internet of things and smart cities by 2030. This wish list plan for Technocratic Totalitarianism supplies an unlimited range of possibilities for the Controllers to manipulate the data in these AI transmissions for the purpose of implanting thoughts, eliminating dissenters and gaining complete control over human brains, essentially creating a synthetic hive mind and compliant population.
With the ongoing progression of the One World Order wish list to build out for the Technocracy, the Controllers future vision for the fourth industrial wave is to fuse the organic human biology with AI machines, which is why there is an aggressive pysops for the purpose of supporting mandated and recurring Vaccinations which are the roadmap leading us to transhumanism. Currently, they are desperate for total control and pushing hard for the next generation of weaponizing AI controlled Groupthink in order to completely enslave the masses, by covertly and secretly plugging people into the Hive Net and running kill command codes. This is planned to be achieved through a variety of means connected to GMOs, chemicals and nano dust, but the mandated vaccination agenda being aggressively spread for the purpose of injecting nanochips and biosensors directly into the blood stream of children and all of humanity, it is the holy grail of this anti-human propaganda. The NAA need their human puppets to mass produce and promote nanochip laden and poisonous Vaccinations as healthy immunization practices, through the global medical tyranny network, as this is the keystone to their future success with carrying out the next stage of the transhumanist agenda.
This is intended to be the integration of human brains that are directly connected into AI systems through neural links that project the data collected into real time sentient world simulations, that are further used to enforce the phantom earth blended reality system. The current timeline wars are primarily over maintaining the base 10 architecture which exist as NAA controlled artificial machinery superimposed on the consciousness layers of the planetary body. This generates a Blended Earth Reality which contains organic creator code mixed in with artificial intelligence networks that are run by alien machinery. This reversal current runs throughout the technologically controlled sections of the planetary field which implements the Artificial Timelines that project the artificial spaces or phantom matrices designed as the 3D matrix AI programming. The structure is entropic and parasitic as it must rely upon an external power source through which to siphon energy to continue to exist, and this is where human brains and human bio-energy are currently being set up to be merchandised by the Controllers for energy extraction by rolling out the vaccination and transhumanism agendas. Remember that Nanotech Biosensors can be used to harvest biological light.
The goal of the NAA’s reset into Technocracy is to eventually have billions of nanotech bots and sensors running throughout our Bio-Neurology communicating with each other over a wireless network that directly connects our brains with the internet, so that human consciousness will be completely immersed in a virtual reality that is experienced through all of our biological senses. It is more effective if they can inject these nanobots into our blood stream directly via the false front of Vaccinations for public health. At this NAA wish list planned stage of nanotech infection with AI Signals, an asleep human being will not have any perceptual awareness that the external experience is happening through an Artificial intelligence simulated reality interface and that the original connection into the organic consciousness reality will be effectively eliminated, thus disconnecting the soul and spiritual body from the biology of that physical person. This is the diabolical plan of the Black Sun Satanists and NAA entities that intensely hate humanity and desire to destroy the original Diamond Suntemplate and the God given spiritual connection to Christos that inherently exists in human beings.
Dragon Moth and Dragon Grid
Guardian teams have been spending some time in a very unpleasant area that is called the Dragon Moth Grid which is instrumental in holding down layers of the phantom matrix timelines. It is understood that this particular grid feeds into many of the Black Sun’s golden goose structures, which harvests vast amounts of Loosh energy for running their systems in the earth, such as the feedlines in the multiple-billion-dollar industry of the pharmaceutical and vaccination companies. Many of us realize full well they are putting every resource now into expanding the global vaccination agendas, filled with poisons and nanotech, and this is the alien grid that supports, protects and feeds this dreadful network of anti-human structures. [1]
AI Brain
What is being witnessed currently is the interdimensional geo-mapping of the Anti-Christ architecture that holds the structures for the dimensional layers of the hierarchy for the purpose of serving these Archon alien predators. This holographic mapping is in order to get these satanic nests deep at the root of their infection in the earth, so that they can be more effectively extracted. Their complex system of Alien Machinery, demonic entity bindings, directional spiritual gateways, micro black holes and wormholes, include AI Brain server mechanisms used to harvest biological light for their energy source requirements. This is the complex machinery that gives the human controllers and Black Magicians the massive amount of energy they require for running the highest echelon of the global elite empire and Pedophilia networks. This is a massive infection throughout our world, as the NAA are totally vested in protecting the Pedophilia, trafficking and SRA network by fighting for it until their death, as this is their most prolific and valuable human Loosh collection source. [2]
See Also:
Mind Controlled Gene Expression
Genetic Modification of Human DNA
~via Ascension Glossary