zaterdag 1 juni 2019


My lies, 'tricks'.

Often, in the past ( as an 'adult'...)

On the road, tempted by a  'cheap body- rag': buy it: take it out of the bag , put it with the rest of the food -shopping items in another bag, throw away the bag in a trash bin in the street --> this way avoiding a fuss at home; "Hey, what did you buy"? again 'rags'?, you throw away money....( He's right...)
Or some days later.... Hey, is that 'rag' new, haven't seen it before, nice... "Nooo, dear, have it for quite some time...."

In the past: somebody asking me something I consider private, sometimes.. 'I don't know'.. Now I just say: prefer not to talk about it, or that's private to me...or Sorry, I can't tell you....

Then there have been the 'little lies' sometimes as a  'support' or out of consideration to someone who obviously didn't feel happy... in case of a more furtive interaction.

(Apart from the little lies in my childhood and adolescence when I was told not to do something or do something ( and I didn't agree) and the older ones or adults made me feel 'trapped'.)

I don't like to lie or hide a 'truth' when someone asks to do so, when it's only a way to protect that person at the expense of others... I won't do that...

And then there are the numerous 'lies' I tell myself, the type of 'lies' because of an unawareness or lack of knowledge, and the cognitive dissonance type of 'lies'', half lies....and I think they mostly have a function ... and both these type of 'lies, half lies, half 'truths' change over time most probably into other 'lies'; half- lies, half-truths, ..for the better or worse, depends, (subjective.)

'someone' just asked me: "Wouldn't you lie if you say that you don't love me?"

Answer; I would lie if I said I haven't made 'mistakes' in the past..' following impulsive feelings',  (which have always been ambivalent and which, out of experience, you often shouldn't 'rely on').