zaterdag 30 november 2019
Tim Rifat : 'Magic'..
I came across this video from Tim Rifat; 'Psi-Lord' searching for some information about him.
Interesting video, in several ways (some similarities with the information Moe Othman has shared in his 'conspiracy videos'); the use of 'Magic'; magic rituals to influence; manipulate realities a.o. to gain power; wealth, etc. 'save the planet' or, to create chaos, in a secretive way.
The use of 'Magic' by the 'Illuminati", Freemasonry, 'witches'; 'magicians'..
To me, it feels like there must be quite an amount of ego, or frustration, megalomania, other types of 'pathology', or naivety in wanting to manipulate or influence in these ways, initially, or perhaps resort to these methods could be 'life-saving' for some.
The sound quality is bad, alas.
As I found out a long time ago that I was manipulated by the 'Mind /body hacker', mainly sexually; forced, 'hypnotized' over-distance, I wondered for some time if perhaps similar 'technics' had been used.
After I posted the song that was communicated the last time by this man, (and the comment I wrote) the communication/ stalking over- distance stopped.
As this man most probably is a 'psychic spy', probably able to manipulate from a distance 'electrical systems', or organisms etc. I have reason to believe he used/uses the same 'peeping' and manipulation technics with more women or girls in specific, people in general, with or without them being aware, most probably without. Perhaps some sort of connection in physical life, or maybe a photograph of these persons is some sort of 'access' to over- distance manipulation/ communication, but this is speculation. (which would make sense, according to some experts).
A perverted 'peeping Tom', peeping into the girls of the sports school taking a shower, would be an 'innocent lamb', compared to the 'under the radar' criminality of this man.
For too long a time, while under his influence, I showed to him some 'compassion' or 'understanding', this was foolish and very naive.
(It can be just as well there are people who are aware and just enjoy these kinds of secretive, 'anonymous', metaphysical (sexual) manipulation-games inducing physical pain just as well or/and who just love all the attention; who's 'ego' is flattered in (illusionary) ways, For me, the opposite was mostly the case, I never asked for it, and he certainly never asked for permission).
During 1 year of unasked manipulation, 25 years ago; lacking all transparency, at that time totally unaware, vulnerable, to be followed after 17 years for 7 years, it seems he 'retired'. At least I hope this will last.
No more unwanted interference; 'anonymous' stalking over- distance, no more unwanted physical phenomena; feelings; like 'orgasms' (that were totally different than my own) or pain, most probably caused by this person.
I'm just left traumatized, not so much by what he does/did, but more because of the lack of support from people near to me ,betrayal, and isolation, and the fact that this man can go on this way, undisturbed and unpunished; but perhaps time, 'distraction', heals,- at least that seems often to be the case- or not.
donderdag 28 november 2019
Jon Ronson interviews Tim Rifat (in the mid-nineties, probably).
In this interview with Tim Rifat ('Psi- Lord'), topics about 'Psychic Spying', later called Remote Viewing, Microwave technology and the use of Microwave weapons; warfare, MI5; Psi-genes; morphogenetic fields, the ranges of brainwaves and 'Psi- abilities'. Animals; (brainwaves) and their explicit 'Psi- abilities', receptivity( and the cruel experiments).The elite from the 'New World Order'; world control; their interest to keep a lot of scientific knowledge about Psi- phenomena secret to the public, the possible healing effects of 'touch', etc.etc. are discussed.
For me one of the most interesting interviews; conversations in my amateurish 'research' the past few years (due to personal experiences); thanks to all the articles and videos about a.o. neuroscience, physics, quantum physics; biology; 'spiritual' stories and interpretations, psychological interpretations, philosophical interpretations, 'Magic', etc. etc. researched by scientists, journalists, writers, investigators and thanks to the people who share insights and information and their personal experiences!
woensdag 27 november 2019
1997, The ESP of ESPIONAGE.
Another article from Tim Rifat in the Nexus Magazine February/March 1997.
I can find little information about Turan ( Tim) Rifat, or I cannot enter the websites I found on him and his 'Paranormal Management Systems' on my laptop, for now.
On October 23 I put another article of Turan Rifat, published in the Nexus Magazine, on this blog.
We are surrounded by a sea of biophysical fields, and the so-called collective unconscious is merely a merging of the biophysical fields of humans and other life-forms. But within this biophysical biosphere may exist remnants of deceased individuals' biophysical fields, which channellers are able to access in contacting the departed or spirit guides. It may also be that, within this biosphere, the biophysical fields of different species merge to form group minds; for example, of the tiger or the wolf. Shamans and witch doctors throughout history have reported these phenomena, but the scientific knowledge to comprehend what might be going on has been absent until today.
Within this framework, it is possible that aliens from other dimensions are able to gain access to our biophysical biosphere by tapping into the energy given off in human sacrifices, black magic rituals and such like, thus allowing malevolent aliens-the so-called demonic entities-into our realm. A study of this phenomenon indicates it could be one of the principal paranormal causes of world wars.
It may be no coincidence that, in their systematic studies of paranormal phenomena, some Theosophists and initiates of the Order of the Golden Dawn could have tampered unknowingly with forces that opened gateways to other dimensions, thus enabling malevolent biophysical fields to enter our milieu. Once here, these malevolent demonic entities could easily have entered the minds of the European leaders, provoking them into starting the First World War that would slay so many young men, and releasing so much life-force and negative emotion upon which they could feed.
Secret US research into electronic gateways to other dimensions may also be enabling entities to enter our continuum with a view to poisoning the consciousness of humanity in preparation for war.
Paranormal Research Techniques
Throughout my research I have become aware of how useful remote viewing (RV) can be in gaining information on topics that have proved impossible to analyse by any other method. [An introduction to the science underlying RV and remote mind-control technology (RMCT) is published in NEXUS, vol. 3, no. 6.
Having developed basic do-it-yourself guides for beginners in the RV field, I found that there was still an accuracy problem with these simple methods. So I set up the company, Paranormal Management Systems, to concentrate on the scientific study of RV and the development of techniques that would far outstrip most military methodologies in the West. Unfortunately, most RV practitioners have not had access to these new techniques and are utilising controlled remote-viewing methodologies as espoused by the Americans.
Any group of researchers willing to use the paranormal as an aid to investigation can make use of techniques such as remote viewing, telepathy and group-augmentation effects. So what are the steps involved?
Instead of switching off the brain stress system to inculcate the theta state of consciousness (the method I use in PMS training), a much simpler technique can be used-involving listening to baroque music to relax the brain for RV or telepathic operation. This baroque music technique was developed by the Bulgarians in their Suggestology Super Learning parapsychology training courses. They found that the ordered, rhythmic nature of this music entrains alpha waves in the listener. It is much less efficient than the PMS training but for beginners it is relatively easy just to listen to baroque music as a prelude to practising RV or telepathy.
Group-Augmented RV & ESP Capabilities
Researchers using RV to investigate UFOs, for instance, need to work together in groups for best results.
Firstly, the group decides on one particular target, be it an alien planet, military site, etc., and each member then tries to obtain RV data on the target. This is done separately so that none of the remote viewers gets a chance to discuss findings while in the process of remote viewing.
Once they have completed their RV, they look at all the data the group has acquired. The common characteristics of what they viewed remotely would be the details they should then concentrate on, because if all or most of the remote viewers saw the same thing independently, this would indicate that their RV was accurate.
A similar method can be used by ESP/telepathy research groups, whether they be involved in psychic questing or tapping into hidden knowledge in the collective unconscious.
So, by applying this method of statistical analysis to the group's data, accurate RV or ESP/telepathy episodes can be targeted, and meaningful results can be obtained even if any one individual's RV or ESP/telepathy capability is inaccurate. Consequently, the success that each individual achieves within the group will provide positive feedback and improve individual RV capability by a mechanism analogous to the 'hundredth monkey' effect-the learning of new habits at a distance with no physical contact. More on this shortly.
But let us return briefly to the work of Dr Jessica Utts of Stanford University. Through her statistical analysis of the results of US military RV tests she found that the RV effect was slightly greater than chance, thus proving that RV is indeed a real phenomenon.
European remote viewers are likely to be practising similar RV methods to the Americans, so they need to use a technique to filter out noise from the RV signal. By remote viewing a target firstly in an independent manner within a group and then going over the results as a group, much of the RV noise can be filtered out. This amplifies RV accuracy by augmenting the signal-to-noise ratio. So, using multiple remote-viewers to give a large database, non-correlated RV noise can be cancelled out by cross-correlating results-thus ignoring spurious data not noted by other members of the group and, instead, concentrating on details that everyone viewed remotely. This means that meaningful results can be gleaned by using group-augmented RV, even though the RV effect may only be slightly greater than chance.
As a caveat, PMS training methods (As well as the drastic techniques used by the Russians) can dramatically improve RV or ESP/telepathic efficiency. In my research I have found that groups of people who remotely view the same site at the same time actually amplify their RV capabilities and boost their RV efficiency. This is due to a merging of a biophysical RV state functions of the fields involved.
I have mentioned the 'hundredth monkey' effect, where the more people practise a 'meme' (habitual action or activity), the easier that action becomes for the group. It is a well known phenomenon that when people or animals repeat the same meme, there is a threshold after which that meme becomes habitual to the race or species. The best example is the Japanese monkey that learnt to remove sand from its wild rise by washing handfuls of this sandy rice in the sea. Other members of its troop copied this meme. Once a hundred or so of its peers had learnt this action, the meme miraculously appeared in other monkey troops on other islands far removed from the original progenitor of this meme. The hundredth monkey phenomenon is a well known anecdote about the spreading of memes by remote viewing.
My discussion of biophysical fields and how they can interact with the fields of other members of the species would seem to indicate that when a threshold number of biophysical fields learn a new meme, the intent for that meme is spread by spontaneous telepathy. This means that remote viewing is difficult at first, but it becomes easier as more people practise it.
A similar effect is demonstrated with ESP and telepathy. Group-augmented ESP and telepathy can dramatically boost latent psi-talent in the individual and result in a growth of paranormal abilities as the biophysical field of the individual merges with the group and is amplified in the process. This amplification process of the individual's biophysical field is then carried over to the individual upon the return of the biophysical field to the single state.
Group amplification of biophysical fields enables the individual biophysical field to develop from morphogenetic functioning, through to primary consciousness, and hence to high-order consciousness where ESP/telepathic functions are accessible.
When the person's biophysical field leaves the group mind, it loses its high-order consciousness, but there is an augmentation of its natural consciousness. Continued practice of group-augmented ESP and telepathy leads to an acceleration of this development, as it is enhanced by the group mind.
In this way, individuals can achieve the maximum capabilities of their psi genes in the order of months rather than years. Furthermore, the genome can be changed by biophysical field effects, so the group-augmented biophysical field can be used to change the group's genome to develop new psi-genes. It can also be used to enhance paranormal psycho-neuro-immunological effects in the individual, and thus can aid group members in achieving healthier, longer lives.
Indeed, any group of people can use RV or ESP/telepathy as a tool in their own research effort, or to cause physiological changes beneficial to health and longevity.
This is the first time these points have been mentioned outside of superpower military research facilities and the multinational research being undertaken by Sony.
An article in New Scientist has described how Japanese scientists are beginning to read P300 brainwaves electronically, with a view to developing computers to scan the brain for verbal content. At present, this research has been able to match up only a handful of words that pass through the subject's brain.
There has been much anecdotal reference to a super-secret group in the US military which has developed the means of electronically scanning the brain to read the subvocalisation that passes through a targets mind. Synthetic telepathy, or electronic brain-scanning, would be a valuable tool for the US military. However, since the fall of the Soviet Union, it fears its own population more than foreign enemies.
Lacking sophisticated telepaths developed by the Russians with a gamut of drugs, brain surgery, invasive electronic stimulation, amplification and psychotronic generator interfaces, the US military is rumoured to have perfected synthetic telepathy.
The electromagnetic signals in the brain are of a very weak intensity, but, in synthetic telepathy, only the signals associated with subvocalised thought are of interest. The areas of the brain associated with speech are the Broca, Wernicke and supplementary motor areas. So, by connecting these parts of the brain to a computer via electrodes, highly sophisticated computer systems can decode an information stream and read subvocalised thoughts in the brain.
It is well known that the National Security Agency (NSA), the largest of the US state security organisations, possesses the most advanced computer systems in the world. If Japanese medical research is already detecting a few key-words just using P300 EEG signals, then it is very likely that the NSA can read substantial portions of subvocalised thoughts. If the alleged transfer of alien technology from the so-called "Greys" is factored in, then full comprehension abilities may already have been achieved.
In the article titled "Covert Operations of the US National Security Agency" [NEXUS, vol. 3, no. 3], the author, John St Clair Akwei, makes mention of EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL) technologies. Such electronic RMCT has been in development since the MKULTRA program of the early 1950s and, in fact, the US military has been using RNM since the early 1980s.
It is alleged that the Kinnecome Group at the NSA's Fort Meade is deploying this RMCT against US citizens on a grand scale. Another group at Fort Bragg is alleged to be using synthetic telepathy and electronic RMCT to augment the capabilities of Green Berets involved in their program. One of the aims of the research may be to remove conscience in the soldiers so that they may be better equipped for expunging internal 'subversives' such as militia group members.
My research into biophysical RMCT has enabled me to discover the principles by which this electronic RMCT could be made to work. It also appears that so-called 'alien technology' has not been needed in the development of synthetic telepathy.
For synthetic telepathy to be effective against a targeted 'subversive', it has to be usable without 'controllers' physically having to place electrodes on the target's head or implants in the brain. So, US military personnel may first have developed the use of masers, and other radio-frequency (RF)/microwave devices that carry ELF audiograms, to interfere with the brains' motor areas at a distance. They might have achieved this by destructively interfering with the motor neurone signals (rather like the systems used to generate real-time replicas of the noise made by a car engine, but out of phase, so cancelling the roar of the motor by destructive audio interference) or by just simply swamping the rain with the 10-Hz bioelectric resonance signal associated with motor impulse co-ordination, which could induce paralysis in the victim.
In the event of being detained, a subversive might then be subjected to a crude form of synthetic telepathy involving electrodes being placed on his/her head. Short-term memory brain-wiping technology would then be applied, combined with ELF audio-grams that inhibit calcium efflux in the brain, with the result that the prisoner is unable to remember what has happened to him. The next step would be to implant microelectronic devices in the prisoner's brain, in order for behavioural control and synthetic, telepathic, subvocalised control signals to be transmitted directly to the brain, bypassing the ears."
However, it must have become clear to the US military that some technique for effecting synthetic telepathy from a distance would be a more effective option.
The military may have found an opportunity to test and deploy its primitive physical synthetic telepathy technology, using as a smokescreen a world wide cover story about alien abductions (even if they are in fact really going on). In any case, these alien abduction rumours have an added advantage in that anyone abducted by the US military for interrogation or experimentation would never be believed!
Deployment of new technology incorporating low-frequency microwaves and RF is at least a decade old. Security personnel can use it to scan through bodies and walls like X-rays, and see and track a target victim at home. But once they can see inside that person's head, they can conduct computer-controlled targeting by firing pulsed-frequency masers at specific brain centres. ("Maser" is the acronym for "microwave amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation".) This type of targeting is feasible considering the sophisticated computers in the NSA's possession.
Synthetic telepathy requires techniques for scanning the specific brain emissions given off when the targeted victim subvocalises. The techniques must be able to detect the 15-Hz, 5-milliwatt auditory cortex brain emissions that are linked with sound that bypasses the ear; the ELF frequencies that are linked with the excitation potentials in the brain that are associated with subvocalised thought; and EEG signals, such as the P300 signals mentioned previously.
The main problem with scanning these brain emissions is that the environment around the target contains a vast background EM noise that swamps the brain's tiny 5-milliwatt signals. At a distance it is impossible to fix a detector on the 15-Hz-centred window of ELF signals or the P300 emission band unless the low-level signal can be extracted from the noise.
My interest in this subject arose from my research in augmenting weak RV signals. As described previously, by using group-augmented RV, weak information signals can be picked out from the much larger background noise because the noise affects each remote viewer in a different way. However, each remote viewer detects aspects of the same weak RV signal in the same way.
This method of using many detectors to read parallel signals of the same source can be used to pick out very weak signals of interest, buried in a sea of random noise, because the same weak signal is detected by all the receivers. Cross-referencing the multiple signal returns from all the receivers, and looking only for identical signals, allows a very weak signal to be detected from the background noise.
Dr. Ross Adey, at Loma Linda Veterans Administrative Hospital in California, discovered that the best method for getting an ELF signal into a human brain is with pulse modulation of a high-frequency field. By firing ELF pulse-modulated masers, which can scan up and down the window of frequency emissions given off by subvocalised thought, interference effects can be measured in the maser beam.
The targeted victim's ELF brain emissions may interact constructively or destructively with the pulsed-frequency maser carrying ELF in the ELF window associated with subvocalised thoughts. If out-of-phase converging pulsed masers are fired at a victim's brain or brain centre, the out-of-phase ELF modulations of the masers cancel each other out by destructive interference. Thus, no resonance effects in the brain are established to perturb the brain emissions of subvocalisation. Since the converging ELF-modulated masers are affected by low-level emissions in the target's brain, shifts in the ELF-pulsed signal going into the brain can be detected.
A simplistic version of this would be to direct a laser beam at a window in the targeted person's home. The vibrations in the window cause modulations in the laser that can be converted into electrical signals and hence into sound.
In RMCT (pulsed ELF-audiogram-modulated interference-maser synthetic-telepathy), the ELF emissions in the target's brain may interfere constructively or destructively with the ELF modulations carried by the maser as it pulses up and down the frequency range window of subvocalised thought. But before this data can be analysed, the low-level signal has to be picked out of the noise. Since at least two pairs of converging masers have to be targeted on the brain of the victim, his ELF emissions will affect the maser beams in exactly opposite ways, while the background noise will cause various changes in the two masers. If only identical but opposite perturbations are looked for in the pulsed window of ELF-modulated maser return signals, then, with computer simulation, a real-time picture can be produced of ELF emissions in the victim's brain.
Having already built up a library of excitation potential signatures for differing words and word groupings, a sophisticated computer can begin to decode the emission signatures into word streams. In this way, the victim's subvocalised thoughts can be stored in the memory of NSA state-of-the-art computers, ready for analysis by NSA personnel.
Using ELF audiograms carried by a single pulse-modulated maser, subvocalised thoughts can be placed in the victim's brain. This gives synthetic telepathy operators the ability to enter into conversations with a targeted 'subversive' to drive him mad, and to input key-words to get the victim thinking about the information they wish to find.
Telepathy has come a long way since the early days of research. Russian telepaths have made massive advances in the biophysical and electronic spheres of research, while the US military in all probability already has a fully-functioning synthetic telepathy system.
The head of US Special Forces, Major-General Schaknow, made the first public revelations about synthetic telepathy during a July 1992 lecture at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Certainly, the mechanisms by which synthetic telepathy might operate are well within the capabilities of US military technology. Without being limited by qualms or ethical concerns, the military is almost certain to have developed synthetic telepathy in a usable form and deployed it against internal 'subversives' such as militia members and black activists.
It seems that your own thoughts may no longer be private. Worse still, your own thoughts might not be your own. George Orwell's 1984 might be utopia compared to the police state of the mind which agents of the New World Order are building under our very noses.
I can find little information about Turan ( Tim) Rifat, or I cannot enter the websites I found on him and his 'Paranormal Management Systems' on my laptop, for now.
On October 23 I put another article of Turan Rifat, published in the Nexus Magazine, on this blog.
by Tim Rifat.
An article from Nexus Magazine Feb/March 1997
It is suspected that sections of the US military and security agencies have been using synthetic telepathy against 'internal subversives' for at least a decade. If these networks continue to operate unchecked, soon our thoughts may no longer be our own!
Demons at Dimensional DoorwaysWe are surrounded by a sea of biophysical fields, and the so-called collective unconscious is merely a merging of the biophysical fields of humans and other life-forms. But within this biophysical biosphere may exist remnants of deceased individuals' biophysical fields, which channellers are able to access in contacting the departed or spirit guides. It may also be that, within this biosphere, the biophysical fields of different species merge to form group minds; for example, of the tiger or the wolf. Shamans and witch doctors throughout history have reported these phenomena, but the scientific knowledge to comprehend what might be going on has been absent until today.
Within this framework, it is possible that aliens from other dimensions are able to gain access to our biophysical biosphere by tapping into the energy given off in human sacrifices, black magic rituals and such like, thus allowing malevolent aliens-the so-called demonic entities-into our realm. A study of this phenomenon indicates it could be one of the principal paranormal causes of world wars.
It may be no coincidence that, in their systematic studies of paranormal phenomena, some Theosophists and initiates of the Order of the Golden Dawn could have tampered unknowingly with forces that opened gateways to other dimensions, thus enabling malevolent biophysical fields to enter our milieu. Once here, these malevolent demonic entities could easily have entered the minds of the European leaders, provoking them into starting the First World War that would slay so many young men, and releasing so much life-force and negative emotion upon which they could feed.
Secret US research into electronic gateways to other dimensions may also be enabling entities to enter our continuum with a view to poisoning the consciousness of humanity in preparation for war.
Paranormal Research Techniques
Throughout my research I have become aware of how useful remote viewing (RV) can be in gaining information on topics that have proved impossible to analyse by any other method. [An introduction to the science underlying RV and remote mind-control technology (RMCT) is published in NEXUS, vol. 3, no. 6.
Having developed basic do-it-yourself guides for beginners in the RV field, I found that there was still an accuracy problem with these simple methods. So I set up the company, Paranormal Management Systems, to concentrate on the scientific study of RV and the development of techniques that would far outstrip most military methodologies in the West. Unfortunately, most RV practitioners have not had access to these new techniques and are utilising controlled remote-viewing methodologies as espoused by the Americans.
Any group of researchers willing to use the paranormal as an aid to investigation can make use of techniques such as remote viewing, telepathy and group-augmentation effects. So what are the steps involved?
Instead of switching off the brain stress system to inculcate the theta state of consciousness (the method I use in PMS training), a much simpler technique can be used-involving listening to baroque music to relax the brain for RV or telepathic operation. This baroque music technique was developed by the Bulgarians in their Suggestology Super Learning parapsychology training courses. They found that the ordered, rhythmic nature of this music entrains alpha waves in the listener. It is much less efficient than the PMS training but for beginners it is relatively easy just to listen to baroque music as a prelude to practising RV or telepathy.
Group-Augmented RV & ESP Capabilities
Researchers using RV to investigate UFOs, for instance, need to work together in groups for best results.
Firstly, the group decides on one particular target, be it an alien planet, military site, etc., and each member then tries to obtain RV data on the target. This is done separately so that none of the remote viewers gets a chance to discuss findings while in the process of remote viewing.
Once they have completed their RV, they look at all the data the group has acquired. The common characteristics of what they viewed remotely would be the details they should then concentrate on, because if all or most of the remote viewers saw the same thing independently, this would indicate that their RV was accurate.
A similar method can be used by ESP/telepathy research groups, whether they be involved in psychic questing or tapping into hidden knowledge in the collective unconscious.
So, by applying this method of statistical analysis to the group's data, accurate RV or ESP/telepathy episodes can be targeted, and meaningful results can be obtained even if any one individual's RV or ESP/telepathy capability is inaccurate. Consequently, the success that each individual achieves within the group will provide positive feedback and improve individual RV capability by a mechanism analogous to the 'hundredth monkey' effect-the learning of new habits at a distance with no physical contact. More on this shortly.
But let us return briefly to the work of Dr Jessica Utts of Stanford University. Through her statistical analysis of the results of US military RV tests she found that the RV effect was slightly greater than chance, thus proving that RV is indeed a real phenomenon.
European remote viewers are likely to be practising similar RV methods to the Americans, so they need to use a technique to filter out noise from the RV signal. By remote viewing a target firstly in an independent manner within a group and then going over the results as a group, much of the RV noise can be filtered out. This amplifies RV accuracy by augmenting the signal-to-noise ratio. So, using multiple remote-viewers to give a large database, non-correlated RV noise can be cancelled out by cross-correlating results-thus ignoring spurious data not noted by other members of the group and, instead, concentrating on details that everyone viewed remotely. This means that meaningful results can be gleaned by using group-augmented RV, even though the RV effect may only be slightly greater than chance.
As a caveat, PMS training methods (As well as the drastic techniques used by the Russians) can dramatically improve RV or ESP/telepathic efficiency. In my research I have found that groups of people who remotely view the same site at the same time actually amplify their RV capabilities and boost their RV efficiency. This is due to a merging of a biophysical RV state functions of the fields involved.
I have mentioned the 'hundredth monkey' effect, where the more people practise a 'meme' (habitual action or activity), the easier that action becomes for the group. It is a well known phenomenon that when people or animals repeat the same meme, there is a threshold after which that meme becomes habitual to the race or species. The best example is the Japanese monkey that learnt to remove sand from its wild rise by washing handfuls of this sandy rice in the sea. Other members of its troop copied this meme. Once a hundred or so of its peers had learnt this action, the meme miraculously appeared in other monkey troops on other islands far removed from the original progenitor of this meme. The hundredth monkey phenomenon is a well known anecdote about the spreading of memes by remote viewing.
My discussion of biophysical fields and how they can interact with the fields of other members of the species would seem to indicate that when a threshold number of biophysical fields learn a new meme, the intent for that meme is spread by spontaneous telepathy. This means that remote viewing is difficult at first, but it becomes easier as more people practise it.
A similar effect is demonstrated with ESP and telepathy. Group-augmented ESP and telepathy can dramatically boost latent psi-talent in the individual and result in a growth of paranormal abilities as the biophysical field of the individual merges with the group and is amplified in the process. This amplification process of the individual's biophysical field is then carried over to the individual upon the return of the biophysical field to the single state.
Group amplification of biophysical fields enables the individual biophysical field to develop from morphogenetic functioning, through to primary consciousness, and hence to high-order consciousness where ESP/telepathic functions are accessible.
When the person's biophysical field leaves the group mind, it loses its high-order consciousness, but there is an augmentation of its natural consciousness. Continued practice of group-augmented ESP and telepathy leads to an acceleration of this development, as it is enhanced by the group mind.
In this way, individuals can achieve the maximum capabilities of their psi genes in the order of months rather than years. Furthermore, the genome can be changed by biophysical field effects, so the group-augmented biophysical field can be used to change the group's genome to develop new psi-genes. It can also be used to enhance paranormal psycho-neuro-immunological effects in the individual, and thus can aid group members in achieving healthier, longer lives.
Indeed, any group of people can use RV or ESP/telepathy as a tool in their own research effort, or to cause physiological changes beneficial to health and longevity.
This is the first time these points have been mentioned outside of superpower military research facilities and the multinational research being undertaken by Sony.
An article in New Scientist has described how Japanese scientists are beginning to read P300 brainwaves electronically, with a view to developing computers to scan the brain for verbal content. At present, this research has been able to match up only a handful of words that pass through the subject's brain.
There has been much anecdotal reference to a super-secret group in the US military which has developed the means of electronically scanning the brain to read the subvocalisation that passes through a targets mind. Synthetic telepathy, or electronic brain-scanning, would be a valuable tool for the US military. However, since the fall of the Soviet Union, it fears its own population more than foreign enemies.
Lacking sophisticated telepaths developed by the Russians with a gamut of drugs, brain surgery, invasive electronic stimulation, amplification and psychotronic generator interfaces, the US military is rumoured to have perfected synthetic telepathy.
The electromagnetic signals in the brain are of a very weak intensity, but, in synthetic telepathy, only the signals associated with subvocalised thought are of interest. The areas of the brain associated with speech are the Broca, Wernicke and supplementary motor areas. So, by connecting these parts of the brain to a computer via electrodes, highly sophisticated computer systems can decode an information stream and read subvocalised thoughts in the brain.
It is well known that the National Security Agency (NSA), the largest of the US state security organisations, possesses the most advanced computer systems in the world. If Japanese medical research is already detecting a few key-words just using P300 EEG signals, then it is very likely that the NSA can read substantial portions of subvocalised thoughts. If the alleged transfer of alien technology from the so-called "Greys" is factored in, then full comprehension abilities may already have been achieved.
In the article titled "Covert Operations of the US National Security Agency" [NEXUS, vol. 3, no. 3], the author, John St Clair Akwei, makes mention of EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL) technologies. Such electronic RMCT has been in development since the MKULTRA program of the early 1950s and, in fact, the US military has been using RNM since the early 1980s.
It is alleged that the Kinnecome Group at the NSA's Fort Meade is deploying this RMCT against US citizens on a grand scale. Another group at Fort Bragg is alleged to be using synthetic telepathy and electronic RMCT to augment the capabilities of Green Berets involved in their program. One of the aims of the research may be to remove conscience in the soldiers so that they may be better equipped for expunging internal 'subversives' such as militia group members.
My research into biophysical RMCT has enabled me to discover the principles by which this electronic RMCT could be made to work. It also appears that so-called 'alien technology' has not been needed in the development of synthetic telepathy.
For synthetic telepathy to be effective against a targeted 'subversive', it has to be usable without 'controllers' physically having to place electrodes on the target's head or implants in the brain. So, US military personnel may first have developed the use of masers, and other radio-frequency (RF)/microwave devices that carry ELF audiograms, to interfere with the brains' motor areas at a distance. They might have achieved this by destructively interfering with the motor neurone signals (rather like the systems used to generate real-time replicas of the noise made by a car engine, but out of phase, so cancelling the roar of the motor by destructive audio interference) or by just simply swamping the rain with the 10-Hz bioelectric resonance signal associated with motor impulse co-ordination, which could induce paralysis in the victim.
In the event of being detained, a subversive might then be subjected to a crude form of synthetic telepathy involving electrodes being placed on his/her head. Short-term memory brain-wiping technology would then be applied, combined with ELF audio-grams that inhibit calcium efflux in the brain, with the result that the prisoner is unable to remember what has happened to him. The next step would be to implant microelectronic devices in the prisoner's brain, in order for behavioural control and synthetic, telepathic, subvocalised control signals to be transmitted directly to the brain, bypassing the ears."
However, it must have become clear to the US military that some technique for effecting synthetic telepathy from a distance would be a more effective option.
The military may have found an opportunity to test and deploy its primitive physical synthetic telepathy technology, using as a smokescreen a world wide cover story about alien abductions (even if they are in fact really going on). In any case, these alien abduction rumours have an added advantage in that anyone abducted by the US military for interrogation or experimentation would never be believed!
Deployment of new technology incorporating low-frequency microwaves and RF is at least a decade old. Security personnel can use it to scan through bodies and walls like X-rays, and see and track a target victim at home. But once they can see inside that person's head, they can conduct computer-controlled targeting by firing pulsed-frequency masers at specific brain centres. ("Maser" is the acronym for "microwave amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation".) This type of targeting is feasible considering the sophisticated computers in the NSA's possession.
Synthetic telepathy requires techniques for scanning the specific brain emissions given off when the targeted victim subvocalises. The techniques must be able to detect the 15-Hz, 5-milliwatt auditory cortex brain emissions that are linked with sound that bypasses the ear; the ELF frequencies that are linked with the excitation potentials in the brain that are associated with subvocalised thought; and EEG signals, such as the P300 signals mentioned previously.
The main problem with scanning these brain emissions is that the environment around the target contains a vast background EM noise that swamps the brain's tiny 5-milliwatt signals. At a distance it is impossible to fix a detector on the 15-Hz-centred window of ELF signals or the P300 emission band unless the low-level signal can be extracted from the noise.
My interest in this subject arose from my research in augmenting weak RV signals. As described previously, by using group-augmented RV, weak information signals can be picked out from the much larger background noise because the noise affects each remote viewer in a different way. However, each remote viewer detects aspects of the same weak RV signal in the same way.
This method of using many detectors to read parallel signals of the same source can be used to pick out very weak signals of interest, buried in a sea of random noise, because the same weak signal is detected by all the receivers. Cross-referencing the multiple signal returns from all the receivers, and looking only for identical signals, allows a very weak signal to be detected from the background noise.
Dr. Ross Adey, at Loma Linda Veterans Administrative Hospital in California, discovered that the best method for getting an ELF signal into a human brain is with pulse modulation of a high-frequency field. By firing ELF pulse-modulated masers, which can scan up and down the window of frequency emissions given off by subvocalised thought, interference effects can be measured in the maser beam.
The targeted victim's ELF brain emissions may interact constructively or destructively with the pulsed-frequency maser carrying ELF in the ELF window associated with subvocalised thoughts. If out-of-phase converging pulsed masers are fired at a victim's brain or brain centre, the out-of-phase ELF modulations of the masers cancel each other out by destructive interference. Thus, no resonance effects in the brain are established to perturb the brain emissions of subvocalisation. Since the converging ELF-modulated masers are affected by low-level emissions in the target's brain, shifts in the ELF-pulsed signal going into the brain can be detected.
A simplistic version of this would be to direct a laser beam at a window in the targeted person's home. The vibrations in the window cause modulations in the laser that can be converted into electrical signals and hence into sound.
In RMCT (pulsed ELF-audiogram-modulated interference-maser synthetic-telepathy), the ELF emissions in the target's brain may interfere constructively or destructively with the ELF modulations carried by the maser as it pulses up and down the frequency range window of subvocalised thought. But before this data can be analysed, the low-level signal has to be picked out of the noise. Since at least two pairs of converging masers have to be targeted on the brain of the victim, his ELF emissions will affect the maser beams in exactly opposite ways, while the background noise will cause various changes in the two masers. If only identical but opposite perturbations are looked for in the pulsed window of ELF-modulated maser return signals, then, with computer simulation, a real-time picture can be produced of ELF emissions in the victim's brain.
Having already built up a library of excitation potential signatures for differing words and word groupings, a sophisticated computer can begin to decode the emission signatures into word streams. In this way, the victim's subvocalised thoughts can be stored in the memory of NSA state-of-the-art computers, ready for analysis by NSA personnel.
Using ELF audiograms carried by a single pulse-modulated maser, subvocalised thoughts can be placed in the victim's brain. This gives synthetic telepathy operators the ability to enter into conversations with a targeted 'subversive' to drive him mad, and to input key-words to get the victim thinking about the information they wish to find.
Telepathy has come a long way since the early days of research. Russian telepaths have made massive advances in the biophysical and electronic spheres of research, while the US military in all probability already has a fully-functioning synthetic telepathy system.
The head of US Special Forces, Major-General Schaknow, made the first public revelations about synthetic telepathy during a July 1992 lecture at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Certainly, the mechanisms by which synthetic telepathy might operate are well within the capabilities of US military technology. Without being limited by qualms or ethical concerns, the military is almost certain to have developed synthetic telepathy in a usable form and deployed it against internal 'subversives' such as militia members and black activists.
It seems that your own thoughts may no longer be private. Worse still, your own thoughts might not be your own. George Orwell's 1984 might be utopia compared to the police state of the mind which agents of the New World Order are building under our very noses.
maandag 25 november 2019
Udo Ulfkotte; former journalist : an Interview.
Interview with the former German Journalist Udo Ulfkotte, who wrote a.o. the book: 'Grenzenlos Kriminell' ; about a.o. the bribing of journalists by Secret Intelligence Agencies and other 'Organisations' to publish false, manipulated stories and articles.
Nederlandstalige website met de video ( korter , in het Nederlands ondertiteld)
zaterdag 23 november 2019
'metaphysical relationships'
A little article I found some years ago, which was in a way interesting for me;
People who 'study and play' metaphysics, not to confuse with the actual trends, or concepts about 'twinflames' etc.

Metaphysical relationships are often guided by the need to find a person to share one's journey into awareness. The down side is, most people who study metaphysics are healing issues, still have ego and emotional problems and are not often capable of sustaining a long term relationship. They are in fact, transition people. so please don't deceive yourself. Don't fantasize that someone is into you because of the energy work they do. You will be disappointed.
Look before you leap, as you would if the person was not on a spiritual journey, because their baggage is not left at the door just because they meditate, do yoga, work on themselves, do energy work, heal, etc. To be disappointed by the person you think understands you as no other has before, but then leaves to experience with someone new, can be more crushing than splitting up with any other partner. This could be someone you gave your body, mind and soul to, in what you believed would be a permanent committed relationship, that ended badly. Was it worth it? How long will the healing take? What did you learn?
When it comes to the heart, we are an unpredictable race. Change is everywhere. If you are a co-dependent person, you best be careful before giving your power, love, time energy or money to another, especially if the have mood swings or substance abuse problems. Many metaphysical people are just looking for someone to support them while they stay at home and play metaphysics.
The journey of the emotional heart can be painful, yet we seek a soul and love connection, someone who makes us feel complete and is there for us, no matter what.
Our mission, is only about the self, finding oneself and remembering the nature of reality. We come in alone and we leave alone.
Most people who understand and love unconditionally, don't need to study metaphysics. It is the way they live their lives. They give, yet do not allow themselves to be taken advantage of. They are not victims. They do not have emotional problems, or solve the ones they have based on their genetic code. All of reality is genetic codes. They find balance. Giving without balancing leads to internal disharmony, disease and death.
Being in metaphysics does not make you a good partner. It just means you have found a new avenue to work out your emotional dramas. People not only have baggage, they have truck loads full of misinformation, ego and self-esteem issues. Metaphysics is about healing to create balance and help others. You open your heart and believe that the person you meet, who is of like mind at that time, will be The One who will stay forever. This is not necessarily true. They are just their to open your heart, but also to help your discover who you are and what you have to do to find inner peace.
Do not let this lover lead you into a path that is not comfortable for you. If you are evolving, your instincts and the synchronicities you attract, will tell you to be careful. Pay attention.
Metaphysics can be a higher frequency road, but it is still played in the realm of the physical.
Each year as thousands of people evolve to higher consciousness, there are more opportunities for your soul to find another suitable partner. Be sure all is in balance, especially your motivations for being with this person. Did you give more than your partner? Did they state that they have issues with commitment and are not monogamous? Please listen and pay attention with your head, not just your heart!
A relationship with a metaphysical partner can be very rewarding if you remember to look at the total picture of the person. The more functional you and the partner are, the better the changes it will last. Or ... just enjoy the moment and move on.
People who 'study and play' metaphysics, not to confuse with the actual trends, or concepts about 'twinflames' etc.
Relationships With Metaphysical Partners

Look before you leap, as you would if the person was not on a spiritual journey, because their baggage is not left at the door just because they meditate, do yoga, work on themselves, do energy work, heal, etc. To be disappointed by the person you think understands you as no other has before, but then leaves to experience with someone new, can be more crushing than splitting up with any other partner. This could be someone you gave your body, mind and soul to, in what you believed would be a permanent committed relationship, that ended badly. Was it worth it? How long will the healing take? What did you learn?
When it comes to the heart, we are an unpredictable race. Change is everywhere. If you are a co-dependent person, you best be careful before giving your power, love, time energy or money to another, especially if the have mood swings or substance abuse problems. Many metaphysical people are just looking for someone to support them while they stay at home and play metaphysics.
The journey of the emotional heart can be painful, yet we seek a soul and love connection, someone who makes us feel complete and is there for us, no matter what.
Our mission, is only about the self, finding oneself and remembering the nature of reality. We come in alone and we leave alone.
Most people who understand and love unconditionally, don't need to study metaphysics. It is the way they live their lives. They give, yet do not allow themselves to be taken advantage of. They are not victims. They do not have emotional problems, or solve the ones they have based on their genetic code. All of reality is genetic codes. They find balance. Giving without balancing leads to internal disharmony, disease and death.
Being in metaphysics does not make you a good partner. It just means you have found a new avenue to work out your emotional dramas. People not only have baggage, they have truck loads full of misinformation, ego and self-esteem issues. Metaphysics is about healing to create balance and help others. You open your heart and believe that the person you meet, who is of like mind at that time, will be The One who will stay forever. This is not necessarily true. They are just their to open your heart, but also to help your discover who you are and what you have to do to find inner peace.
Do not let this lover lead you into a path that is not comfortable for you. If you are evolving, your instincts and the synchronicities you attract, will tell you to be careful. Pay attention.
Metaphysics can be a higher frequency road, but it is still played in the realm of the physical.
Each year as thousands of people evolve to higher consciousness, there are more opportunities for your soul to find another suitable partner. Be sure all is in balance, especially your motivations for being with this person. Did you give more than your partner? Did they state that they have issues with commitment and are not monogamous? Please listen and pay attention with your head, not just your heart!
A relationship with a metaphysical partner can be very rewarding if you remember to look at the total picture of the person. The more functional you and the partner are, the better the changes it will last. Or ... just enjoy the moment and move on.
dinsdag 19 november 2019
Gedachtenoverdracht:Kinderballade - Boudewijn de Groot
Deze melodie van Boudewijn de Groot werd vanavond duidelijk via gedachten overdracht gecommuniceerd door de Mindhacker.
Heb even moeten zoeken en heb de tekst beluisterd.( Het was lang geleden dat ik dit nummer gehoord had).
Samenvatting in een notendop betreffende de gedachten- en (fysieke en mentale) gevoelscommunicatie van de afgelopen 25 jaar, met een 'pauze' van 17 jaar van de kant van de Mindhacker.
"Ik kan zien en horen wat jij ziet en hoort; ik weet wat jij denkt",en; "ik ken je al veel langer".
"ik haat je" "Je verdient het niet te leven", je moet dood". "Je bent het niet waard om te leven".
"Ik kom je vermoorden en ik kom je familie vermoorden".
"Ik kan je doden".
"Ik hou van je , je bent alles voor mij"--> seks . (NIET de laatste maanden godzijdank!): zijn communicatie: "ik word verdomme impotent".
"Ik zou je met geen vinger aan willen raken, je bent een lelijk wijf".
"Je kunt erop vertrouwen dat ik niet te vertrouwen ben".
De laatste maanden heb ik mijn toevlucht genomen tot het doorzenden van gewelddadige mentale beelden, het moment dat de Mindhacker me - op de laffe lange afstand-wijze - weer 'woordelijk' of anderszins stalkt .
Dit gaat lijnrecht tegen mijn niet- gewelddadige aard in, maar in die mentale beelden dood ik hem op niet zachtaardige wijze, en 'slice' ik een welbepaald lichaamsdeel; dit is tot nu toe de enige wijze gebleken die ertoe leidt dat ik veel meer met rust gelaten word.
Weliswaar doe ik mezelf geweld aan hiermee; ik word er zelf misselijk van, maar het heeft een tijdje een beoogd effect.
Eergisteren wilde ik op een commerciële website een zoekterm invullen, toen opnieuw een aantal zinnen verschenen onder het zoekbalkje van deze website; het bleken een aantal van dezelfde zinnetjes als een paar weken geleden en een paar andere (o.a.refererend naar een artikel: You're simply not that big of a deal, now isn't that a relief, op deze blog geplaatst een tijd geleden; een artikel van Livescience; " Ancient Japanese (freckled) woman found etc. en een zinnetje uit een 'doorgezonden' song ,een paar jaar geleden, weet de titel niet meer.
Op het moment dat ik dacht én handelde: 'screenshot maken', verdwenen de zinnen, maar ik bleek een fractie van een seconde eerder de screenshot te hebben gemaakt.
maandag 18 november 2019
Mikrowellenwaffe als Gedankenübertragung getarnt - Deutsches Patentamt
Mikrowellen als Gedankenübertragung getarnt- Deutsches Patentamt.
zondag 17 november 2019
NieuweTijdskind Magazine: Het verdwijnen en weer verschijnen van voorwerpen; trillingsgetal.
Een artikel uit het Nieuwetijdskind magazine, vanuit de spirituele invalshoek; over voorwerpen die verdwijnen en later weer opduiken: ervaringen en een interessante explicatie; interpretatie van ( gidsen van) Ellen Scheffer.
Het is een opluchting om te lezen dat er meer mensen zijn die meemaken dat er in hun omgeving- duidelijk niet door eigen 'vergeetachtigheid', of door 'foutieve waarneming'- objecten verdwijnen en later weer opduiken.
Zelf heb ik de verdwijningen, veelvuldig voorkomend hier in huis, altijd als 'pesterijen' beleefd, mede doordat het me nogal wat tijd en geld gekost heeft; beiden had ik mijn inziens zoveel beter kunnen besteden. Ook ging het gepaard met veel stress, en ongeloof van mensen, mijn man uitgezonderd, die het altijd aan mijn 'verstrooidheid' hebben gewijd, ook al had ik 'bewijzen'.
Het voordeel is wel dat je kanten van mensen leert 'kennen'; de enkeling die je gesteund heeft door dik en dun, en de meesten, die denken 'het zal wel': deze mindset kan ik begrijpen en plaatsen de mensen die meer 'weten', maar zwijgen.
( Hoe zou ik de 'trilling' van voorwerpen kunnen verlagen, zodat de zaken , op het moment dat ik ze nodig heb , weer opduiken🤔?????
Heel hard wensen? ..)
Mijn eigen energie, is mede door het vaak voorkomen van de verdwijningen , de stress, en alle (nare) toestanden rondom de 'telepathische contacten' de laatste weken volkómen 'uitgeblust'.
Het is een opluchting om te lezen dat er meer mensen zijn die meemaken dat er in hun omgeving- duidelijk niet door eigen 'vergeetachtigheid', of door 'foutieve waarneming'- objecten verdwijnen en later weer opduiken.
Zelf heb ik de verdwijningen, veelvuldig voorkomend hier in huis, altijd als 'pesterijen' beleefd, mede doordat het me nogal wat tijd en geld gekost heeft; beiden had ik mijn inziens zoveel beter kunnen besteden. Ook ging het gepaard met veel stress, en ongeloof van mensen, mijn man uitgezonderd, die het altijd aan mijn 'verstrooidheid' hebben gewijd, ook al had ik 'bewijzen'.
Het voordeel is wel dat je kanten van mensen leert 'kennen'; de enkeling die je gesteund heeft door dik en dun, en de meesten, die denken 'het zal wel': deze mindset kan ik begrijpen en plaatsen de mensen die meer 'weten', maar zwijgen.
( Hoe zou ik de 'trilling' van voorwerpen kunnen verlagen, zodat de zaken , op het moment dat ik ze nodig heb , weer opduiken🤔?????
Heel hard wensen? ..)
Mijn eigen energie, is mede door het vaak voorkomen van de verdwijningen , de stress, en alle (nare) toestanden rondom de 'telepathische contacten' de laatste weken volkómen 'uitgeblust'.
vrijdag 15 november 2019
CE: Ex-Defense Intelligence agency Director shares what he's learned about psychic dreaming.
An interesting article from Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution.
woensdag 13 november 2019
Elektrokinesis;"Channeling Yin and Yang", Dynamo Jack.
In this short video, the Indonesian man ( Dynamo Jack) talks about how this energy can be dangerous: it can heal and it can kill, and how controlling 'emotions' by meditation is very important...
( I have reason to believe that the 'Mindhacker' is one of the persons who can 'manipulate' and emit - and 'receive'- energy - like telepathy; electrokinesis etc.etc. - which I shared in the blog on the 26th of October: BIOPHYSICAL RMCT-.)
Right now the lightbulbs over the table where I'm sitting are dimming and lighting- up.
How Electric Eels generate electricity;
'Superpowers': Dynamo Jack.
An intriguing video where this Indonesian man shows electrokinetic and telekinetic traits or abilities.
This man claims that he learned this by practicing deep meditation for years.
There are ( commercial) websites who claim that everybody could learn this.....
Like some scientific research speaks of the 'Psi-gen', I have more reason to assume based on everything I read about 'superpowers' and other rare traits ; that in the first place it is a matter of genetic factors, (genetic predisposition)
Moe Othman talks in one of his video's that there are few people in the world with these traits , perhaps perfected and Controlled by (deep) meditation.
It is a shame there's so much secrecy about these phenomena.
I will share a second (short)video of this man that I received by email.
dinsdag 12 november 2019
Moe Othman:Types of People who React to Conspiracy Theories
Moe Othman: Types of People Who React to Conspiracy Theories.
zaterdag 9 november 2019
Gisteren was ik even aan het chatten met een facebook-contact.
Deze persoon heeft te maken met een gelijkaardige nare familie-situatie als ik.
(Niet zo verwonderlijk, deze persoon is een generatiegenoot.)
Aan het begin van de chat, krijg ik plotseling de smaak van rode wijn in mijn mond, én een sterke zin in rode wijn.
( Dit is de tweede maal dat dit gebeurde tijdens een chat met deze persoon, de eerste maal nogal wat maanden geleden).
Nu drink ik zelden rode wijn, of alcoholische drank in het algemeen, soms heb ik een 'bevlieging' van een paar dagen waarop ik een glaasje Baileys of Sherry drink s'avonds, en dan weer een hele tijd niets.
Ik vroeg aan deze persoon of deze iets aan het drinken was.
Geef hierbij een paar screenshots van de chat, met de naam onleesbaar gemaakt.
(Omdat ik al aangegeven had aan deze persoon, dat ik opeens zo'n zin in wijn kreeg, en ik daarna vroeg : 'rode wijn'? is dit dus geen 'bewijs' voor ESP : voor mijzelf heb ik geen aanleiding of reden om er vanuit te gaan dat deze persoon mij 'naar de mond' chatte )
Deze persoon heeft te maken met een gelijkaardige nare familie-situatie als ik.
(Niet zo verwonderlijk, deze persoon is een generatiegenoot.)
Aan het begin van de chat, krijg ik plotseling de smaak van rode wijn in mijn mond, én een sterke zin in rode wijn.
( Dit is de tweede maal dat dit gebeurde tijdens een chat met deze persoon, de eerste maal nogal wat maanden geleden).
Nu drink ik zelden rode wijn, of alcoholische drank in het algemeen, soms heb ik een 'bevlieging' van een paar dagen waarop ik een glaasje Baileys of Sherry drink s'avonds, en dan weer een hele tijd niets.
Ik vroeg aan deze persoon of deze iets aan het drinken was.
Geef hierbij een paar screenshots van de chat, met de naam onleesbaar gemaakt.
(Omdat ik al aangegeven had aan deze persoon, dat ik opeens zo'n zin in wijn kreeg, en ik daarna vroeg : 'rode wijn'? is dit dus geen 'bewijs' voor ESP : voor mijzelf heb ik geen aanleiding of reden om er vanuit te gaan dat deze persoon mij 'naar de mond' chatte )
donderdag 7 november 2019
Remote Viewing and Statistical Validation.
Dr. Jessica Utts, Professor of Statistics at UC Irvine, provides statistical validation and scientific proof of remote viewing, Aka psychic phenomenon
as a legitimate human capacity.
( Thanks to this great woman; dr.Jessica Utts!)
You can find the link to this video in this article from Collective Evolution (written by Arjun Walia, thanks again over distance).
Russian Ministry of Defense Article claims Humans can Telepathically communicate with Dolphins.
Dr. Jessica Utts, Professor of Statistics at UC Irvine, provides statistical validation and scientific proof of remote viewing, Aka psychic phenomenon
as a legitimate human capacity.
( Thanks to this great woman; dr.Jessica Utts!)
You can find the link to this video in this article from Collective Evolution (written by Arjun Walia, thanks again over distance).
Russian Ministry of Defense Article claims Humans can Telepathically communicate with Dolphins.
woensdag 6 november 2019
Theta 4-8hz , 'Secret' CIA-files on Telepathy
Two informative websites:
What are Brainwaves?
Re-programming life; Secret files on telepathy. - Theta 4-8hz
Russian Ministry of Defense article claims humans can telepathically communicate with dolphins. ( article by Arjun Walia, CE)
(There's a lot more information about these topics nowadays, but alas, I don't have much spare time.)
What are Brainwaves?
Re-programming life; Secret files on telepathy. - Theta 4-8hz
Russian Ministry of Defense article claims humans can telepathically communicate with dolphins. ( article by Arjun Walia, CE)
(There's a lot more information about these topics nowadays, but alas, I don't have much spare time.)
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