woensdag 13 november 2019
'Superpowers': Dynamo Jack.
An intriguing video where this Indonesian man shows electrokinetic and telekinetic traits or abilities.
This man claims that he learned this by practicing deep meditation for years.
There are ( commercial) websites who claim that everybody could learn this.....
Like some scientific research speaks of the 'Psi-gen', I have more reason to assume based on everything I read about 'superpowers' and other rare traits ; that in the first place it is a matter of genetic factors, (genetic predisposition)
Moe Othman talks in one of his video's that there are few people in the world with these traits , perhaps perfected and Controlled by (deep) meditation.
It is a shame there's so much secrecy about these phenomena.
I will share a second (short)video of this man that I received by email.