With the mayor part of his insights, the quotes cited beneath, I relate completely: with the different possible interpretations, (some of the quotes I perceive in other people, who have importance in my life right now)

“Mother used to say that however miserable one is, there’s always something to be thankful for. And each morning, when the sky brightened and light began to flood my cell, I agreed with her.”
― The Stranger
― The Stranger

“It was previously a question of finding out whether or not life had to have a meaning to be lived. It now becomes clear on the contrary that it will be lived all the better if it has no meaning”

“How unbearable, for women, is the tenderness which a man can give them without love. For men, how bittersweet this is.”
― Notebooks 1935-1942
― Notebooks 1935-1942

“Sometimes at midnight, in the great silence of the sleep-bound town, the doctor turned on his radio before going to bed for the few hours’ sleep he allowed himself. And from the ends of the earth, across the thousands of miles of land and sea, kindly, well-meaning speakers tried to voice their fellow-feeling, and indeed did so, but at the same time proved the utter incapacity of every man truly to share in suffering that he cannot see.”
― The Plague
― The Plague

“Our old Europe at last philosophizes in the right way. We no longer say as in simple times: 'This is the way I think. What are your objections?' We have become lucid. For the dialogue we have substituted the communiqué: 'This is the truth, we say. You can discuss it as much as you want; we aren’t interested. But in a few years there’ll be the police who will show you we are right.”
― The Fall
― The Fall

“The misery and greatness of this world: it offers no truths, but only objects for love. Absurdity is king, but love saves us from it.”
― Notebooks 1935-1942
― Notebooks 1935-1942

“In the age of ideologies, we must make up our minds about murder. If murder has rational foundations, then our period and we ourselves have significance. If it has no such foundations, then we are plunged into madness there is no way out except to find some significance or to desist.”
― The Fastidious Assassins
― The Fastidious Assassins

“Thinking of the future, establishing aims for oneself, having preferences—all this presupposes a belief in freedom, even if one occasionally ascertains that one doesn't feel it.”
― The Myth of Sisyphus
― The Myth of Sisyphus

“It is a great deal to fight while despising war, to accept losing everything while still preferring happiness, to face destruction while cherishing the idea of a higher civilization.”
― Resistance, Rebellion and Death: Essays
― Resistance, Rebellion and Death: Essays

“Words always take on the color of the deeds or sacrifices they evoke.”
― Resistance, Rebellion and Death: Essays
― Resistance, Rebellion and Death: Essays

“For their heroism was that they had to conquer themselves first.”
― Resistance, Rebellion and Death: Essays
― Resistance, Rebellion and Death: Essays

“It is not humiliating to be unhappy. Physical suffering is sometimes humiliating, but the suffering of being cannot be, it is life.”
― Notebooks, 1935-1951
― Notebooks, 1935-1951